Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 323

Seeing that he did not deny, Huang Tingjian clenched his fists excitedly, then suddenly sighed.

"I wrote a poem at the age of five, and it is considered to be a rare name. Originally, I wanted to fight for the position of Yuan. But today, brother Ye's poem into a town is really beyond the reach."

"Brother Huang doesn't have to be arrogant. I just happened to be prepared for the title of this poem."

Seeing Ye Nan's modesty, Huang Tingjian became even more depressed.

You just happened to write a town poem?

Then I have been preparing for so long, how come the poem came out of Dafu, and my talent is even worse than Mingzhou!

After chatting with Ye Nan for a while and expressing his excitement, Huang Tingjian, who hadn't even eaten dinner, went back.

Ye Nan originally wanted to keep him, but Huang Tingjian said that he would go to his uncle's house today, but he did not insist.

Although there are many candidates, in a cultured world, the speed of revision is very fast.

After all, what your poems are like, you can see how talented you are.

Therefore, after three days, the test will be released.Ye Nan's name is impressively in the list of Xie Yuan.

Chapter 486 Qiushui Banquet assassinated (repair)

Every time after the examination, the prefect of Hongfu and Zhizhou on Jiangnanxi Road will gather all the people who passed the examination on Jiangnanxi Road and hold a banquet in the Pavilion of King Teng.

One is to make these people familiar with each other in the same year, and the other is to enter officialdom in the future so that everyone can give each other convenience.

Not only Jiangnanxi Road, but also other roads.

This banquet is called Autumn Feast.As the name suggests, it is placed in the Pavilion of King Teng, on the side of Qiushui.

As Xie Yuan, Ye Nan's seat was arranged at the same table with Jiangnanxi Road, Hongfu Prefect and others.

Among all Juren, only he has this qualification.

A crowd of people scrambled, drinking wine and eating vegetables, leaning on a railing to look at the water, and saw'Luoxia and lonely bird flying together, the autumn water is the same color.'

So, in accordance with the routine of each juren banquet, Zhizhou on Jiangnanxi Road stood up and asked the juren to "stay in ink".

The meaning of course is not to let them leave calligraphy, but to leave poetry.

However, everyone's eyes were on Ye Nan's body.

The child prodigy of Shicheng Zhenguo didn't go first. How dare they say anything!

So, in the diligent gaze of the Zhizhou and the prefect, Ye Nan got up and saluted the Quartet.

"Then I will show my ugliness."

He held the wine glass with one hand and pressed the railing with the other, and said loudly.

"The tall pavilion has twelve hurdles connected to the city, and the westerly wind leads the guests to climb. Half a curtain of misty rain is beyond the Yangtze River, and a thousand miles of lakes and mountains are within easy reach. The goose belt returns to Biepu in autumn, and the warbler crosses Bashan in spring. not return."

As soon as his voice fell, Juren stood up and let a rainbow fart.

"Good poem, good poem!"

"For Ye Jieyuan's poem, it's a big deal!"

The level of this poem is not high, it reaches the middle level of the government, but it still greeted everyone's cheers.

After all, although Ye Nan wrote Mingzhou poems and Zhenguo poems, it would be too scary if the first Mingzhou or Zhenguo poem was written!

At that time, everyone focused on Ye Nan.The waiter behind Zhizhou on Jiangnanxi Road took out a blue barking dagger from his arms and suddenly violent.

There is no loud reminder of "Guguan, take your life!"This is coated with a coating to eliminate the reflective dagger like a poisonous dragon from claws. It took less than a tenth of a second to stab the back of Zhizhou fiercely.

Just when the dagger was about to pierce Zhizhou's body, a golden light suddenly appeared, covering Zhizhou.

Above the golden light, is the shadow of Zhizhou Great Seal on Jiangnanxi Road.There seems to be a phantom of Jiao Python quickly swimming in it.

This is an official gas body that is divided by the dragon qi of the Song Dynasty imperial family, combined with the earth qi of Jiangnanxi Road, and uses the Zhizhou Dayin as the carrier.As long as this Zhizhou is still within Jiangnanxi Road, it will defend itself on its own.


The dagger slammed into the big seal, making a bang.

The dagger broke every inch while the official spirit was backlashing.The waiter also turned pale, and opened his mouth to spit out a piece of blood.

But this blood is obviously not right.

The waiter seemed to spit out all the blood in his body, and his body shrivelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a corpse.

And the blood he vomited was like a sharp arrow, shooting at all Juren sitting.

When it was, several more figures rushed up from downstairs.

They are holding sharp blades and their eyes are cold.You said it was here for dinner, do you believe it?

Seeing someone assassinating himself at the banquet, he knew that his expression remained unchanged, as stable as Mount Tai.

But when these assassins targeted the lifters, his face immediately went dark.

If there were a lot of casualties at the banquet he held, then he would become the laughing stock of the entire Song Dynasty!

Especially when Ye Nan, the number one prodigy of the Song Dynasty, was present when Xie Yuan was 15 years old.

He got up from his seat and blocked the blood sword spit out by the waiter with a shield formed of official air.Then he took off his belt, poured it into the air, and threw it into the sky.

"Follow the city rules!"

This is the most famous large-scale defensive cultural treasure of the Mohist literati.In an instant, this humble brown belt grew rapidly in volume.

It becomes longer and wider, driven by the cultural atmosphere, and turned into a small city wall, enclosing everyone in it.

But these assassins are also cruel.After hacking, they found that they couldn't break the wall at all, and they took a pill one after another.

Taking this tiger-wolf-like pill, the assassins soared, but they also exposed their prototypes.

Some of them were covered with scales, some had thick hairs, and some showed their hericium and wolf tails. They were all monsters.

"Oh oh oh!!!"



After taking the pill, these monsters even possessed the commander level within a short period of time, and the monsters who were replaced by human beings with Jinshi level power uttered evil noises from their mouths, and the monster power in the body rolled out.

The monsters used various spells to attack the city wall desperately, and from time to time they were able to chop off a few fragments of bricks and stones, and dissipate the energy.

However, they consume, and the Hanlin-level Zhizhou is also supplementing it.From time to time, this city wall has always stood tall as a protection, so as to give peace of mind to the newly promoted people who have just learned their lives.

However, although this city wall blocked the attack of the monsters outside, it also blocked the sight of the people inside.

In the autumn water, a brightly colored archerfish with a length of more than 20 meters, a long and pointed head, shaped like a bow and arrow, and a pair of blistered eyes, with vertical stripes on the whites of the eyes lifted up.

Its fins exposed to the water trembled for a while, gathering a large amount of black demon energy in its mouth.With a black demon pill the size of a fist as its core, it covers it layer by layer, forming a pitch-black spear.

Judging from the size and level of the demon pill, this water-shooting fish turned out to be a demon general, and even had the opportunity to be promoted to a demon king comparable to human confucianism!

In the Pavilion of King Teng, within the city wall, a maid grabbed Ye Nan's arm in a panic.

Her face was pale, she pressed her well-developed upper body tightly to Ye Nan's body, trembling all over, unable to cry, apparently frightened.

However, Qiu Shui, aiming at the position of the maid, the water-shooting fish's eyes were ruthless, and he actually shot the demon pill he had cultivated for hundreds of years as ammunition!

Losing the demon pill, this fish demon must be greatly injured, and this life will be useless.

But at this time, the monsters also tried to see.

Against Zhizhou, the assassinations against the people were all fake.At the cost of the manpower and arrangement that even one side knows the state to assassinate successfully, one demon general, two meticulous craftsmen, and thirteen big demon at the level of Juman, the target is Ye Nan!

After one blow, the archer fish sank into the autumn water and fled outside the city.

And the black spear spurted from its mouth, and in an instant it broke through the rock-solid city wall and slew straight towards Ye Nan.

"Huh, it really is!"

At the moment of death, Eunuch Zhao sneered and took out a dragon-shaped jade pendant from his sleeve and threw it towards Ye Nan.


A dragon chant came from that jade Perry, and a golden phantom sprang up from it and collided with the black spear.

In an instant, the spear melted like ice and snow, and the pieces dissipated.In the end, only one demon pill remained, and it fell to the ground with a cry.

The fourth and eighth chapters of the double poems strike together, swing a halberd to kill the demon saint (Xiu)

"Your Majesty has long guessed that having a demon will be detrimental to Ye Jieyuan, and the dragon-qi jade that is often worn by officials and family is worn on me to resist the evil."

Picking up the jade pendant and the demon pill on the ground, Eunuch Zhao changed a smile and handed both to Ye Nan.

"Ye Jieyuan, Your Majesty has something to say first. If you take the position of Jieyuan, you can give this jade pendant. This demon-general-level demon pill is also not bad. Ye Jieyuan can accept it for peace of mind."

Ye Nan bowed in the direction of Kaifeng in the envious eyes of a crowd of people, even prefects and prefectures.

"Thank your Majesty Longen!"

At this moment, he has been standing beside him. The little maid, who had previously poured wine for Ye Nan, had no blood on her face at the moment, her right hand turned into a scaly black bird claw, still panicking. However, with a thunderous look, he grabbed Ye Nan's heart.

Its speed is so fast and it is so cruel that no one in the room can react.

But the tiger charms, brushes, bamboo slips and ears of rice in Ye Nanwen's palace reacted.

The four saints left behind, and treasures that no one knew except Ye Nan and All Saints flew out of him.

A golden chain was born from the bamboo slips, which tightly bound the figure of the little maid, making her unable to advance.

The face of the little maid changed suddenly, knowing that she was tricked and could not hide.

A terrible black demon gas erupted from her body, and her entire face turned into the shape of a gray crane, her beak was sharp and narrow, and her eyes were staring at Ye Nan May as if looking at a dead person.

Although her body was constrained, she stretched her bird's beak forward and aimed at Ye Nan's head to make a hole in his head!

The gray crane struggled hard, and even the chains formed by the saint's cultural spirit made a bang and bang, which was stretched by her.At the same time, the evil spirit on her boiled, like sulfuric acid meeting iron, corroding the chain at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This evil spirit is soaring, never seen before.Not to mention Juren, even the prefects and Zhizhou were frightened.

"It's the demon saint seized!"

Eunuch Zhao's face turned pale, and he called out the monster's name.

The demon saint seduced, a crane monster born from human wars and grievances.Because of the relationship that was born from the human soul, when she transforms into a human being, even the saint can hardly detect it, and has the ability to do so.

She is the leader of the Yaozu in the human race.All the saints suspect that there must be a seduced clone lurking among the high-levels of the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasty!

Looking directly at the eyes of Demon Saint, Ye Nan's consciousness could still move.However, because of the huge difference in life level between the two, this body could not move like a frog being stared at by a snake, and could only watch the sharp beak approaching his eyes.


At this moment, a crisp chime came from Ye Nan's body.

His bravery shines in the literary palace.The cyan literary spirit rushed out of the literary palace and quickly traveled throughout Ye Nan's body, allowing him to regain his mobility.

His face burst into anger, he held the bamboo slip with his left hand and the tiger charm with his right, shouting loudly.

"The broken halberd and the sand and iron have not been sold, and I will recognize the previous dynasty. Dongfeng will not agree with Zhou Lang, and Tongquechun will lock Er Qiao deeply."


As the spirit surging, the holy gift writing brush in mid-air followed.A "Red Cliff", written purely by literary spirit, was suspended in the air and turned into twenty-eight regular characters, giving birth to a clear splendor in mid-air, and the fragrance overflowed the entire Tengwang Pavilion, dispelling the evil spirit that was released.

However, the holy gift brush also dimmed a lot.

These twenty-eight characters are transformed into two breaths, one is integrated into the tiger symbol, and the other is turned into an iron halberd with only the front half; the other is integrated into the bamboo slips, from which four chains of the thickness of the baby's forearm are extended again, The seduction that is about to break free is held firmly.

Xunxiu's eyes widened, looking at Ye Nan who was about to break out.I became more affirmed in my own judgment: This son is the seed of the saint of mankind, and must not be kept!

However, Ye Nan's actions did not stop.

He continued to communicate with the holy brush, another poem sketched in midair.

"Plant one millet in spring, and harvest tens of thousands of seeds in autumn. There is no idle field in the world, and the farmer still starves to death.

This time, the holy gift brush disappeared completely.However, all the twenty characters that it has transformed into the full-grained ear of rice.

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