Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 325

"Aunt Wu."

Seeing Wu, Ye Nan immediately bowed down.


Seeing Ye Nan, Wu clan was a little surprised, and stepped forward with some joy.

"The test has just ended, why did you come to Bianliang? I heard the official said that you got the Xieyuan of Jiangnanxi Road? You really deserve to be the number one prodigy of Song Dynasty!"

A few years ago, Wang Anshi's mother died, and Fang Zhongyong took Ye Nan to the funeral.

Later, Wang Anshi's family lived in Linchuan for funeral.Ye Nan has been there several times, and because of this, he got to know the Wu family and Wang Yu.

But why call me fat!

Ye Nan's face rarely showed a bit of embarrassment, and he completely missed the Hao Lie who swung his halberd to kill the demon saint in the morning.

"Auntie, the master has already picked up the words for me, it's Zichu."

Wu covers his mouth and chuckles.

The little guy is embarrassed.

She chatted with Ye Nan about family affairs, and asked about Fang Zhongyong's current situation.

Ye Nan told that Fang Zhongyong might be coming to Bianliang in the next few days, and she seemed very happy.

"You still have a way, Zichu!"

When Fang Zhongyong was young and vigorous, he fought poems with others, but he was smashed by his guts.Since then, he has been living in Fangjia Village, at most occasionally going to Linchuan a few times.

But Wang Anshi is now a great scholar, think of a way, can always help him make up.

On the one hand, Fang Zhongyong was not willing to ask Wang Anshi for help.After all, breaking the guts is not a small injury, even a great scholar has to pay a certain price.

On the other hand, the officials seem to be interested in mentioning Wang Anshi as the Zaifu, so he has been busy recently.

However, Ye Nan also considered Fang Zhongyong's boldness.

Soon, Wang Anshi, who had gone to the upper dynasty, returned.

He seemed very happy to see Ye Nan, much happier than seeing Wang Yao, who was getting more headaches now.

"Zichu, you did a great job!"

Although it was only a few hours ago, the officials already knew about it here, and they also deliberately discussed it at the Great Court meeting.

Discuss how to reward Ye Nan for getting rid of a clone.

"Zhangkou two towns, slay the demon saint with a halberd! This matter will definitely be included in the annals of history by historians, and will be passed on forever!"

"Demon Saint?"

But hearing this word, Wu and Wang Yu were extremely shocked.

Ye Nan, who was still chatting with them in the afternoon, actually killed the demon saint in the morning?

Especially Wang Yao, stunned.

Not long before, Ye Nan published a Zhenguo poem, but now it is two more.

Moreover, if Juren uses the Zhenguo poem, even if he is the ancestor (original author) of this poem, can he kill the demon saint?

Think about Ye Nan's age, and think about his age.Wang Yao feels that this Liuqiao Linglongxin, which has been praised since childhood, seems to be useless!

After listening to Wang Anshi's praise, Ye Nan waved his hand quickly.

"Uncle Wang is absurd. I can kill the demon sage clone this time because the four sages of soldiers, Confucianism, Legalism, and peasantry have helped me. I dare not take credit for it."

Wang Anshi wanted to say more, but was strongly inserted by the Wu family.

She took Ye Nan's hand and looked up and down with concern.

"Zi Chu, are you okay?"

Ye Nan smiled and shook his head.

"Thanks to a few saints, no one was injured in the assassination of the demon saint."

In this way, Wu's frightened face was slightly calm, and he patted Ye Nan's forehead angrily.

"Zichu, why didn't you just talk about such a big thing? Talk to your aunt, what is going on?"

Ye Nan had no choice but to start the matter from the Qiu Shui Banquet until he killed the demon saint.

Although Ye Nan said calmly, it was dangerous and thrilling to think about.

After listening to it, Wang Yu felt even more uncomfortable-this was a few years younger than himself, and some of the'brothers' who had been despised by him before, were able to produce national poems and were able to slay the demon saint, but he Or just a few people?Have you ever written Mingzhou's Fu at most?

He thought of the "Analysis of Analects", "Mencius Notes", "Xin Jing Shang Shu", "Xin Jing Shi Yi", "Wang Yuan Ze Er Ya", "Lao Zi Xun Biography", "Nan Hua Zhen Jing New Biography" that he wrote over the years. , "Buddhist Scripture Explanation"

What is the use of these writings?Just as my father said.Note book is just a side door, book is the right way!

Wang Anshi didn't notice that his son's thoughts had changed drastically because of Ye Nan's affairs.

"Facing the demon saint clone, you can also kill with your hands, Zichu, your bravery must have reached a very high level."

While Wang Anshi sighed, Ye Nan took out a book from the Wen Palace and tore a page from it.

Wang Anshi and Wang Yu straightened their eyes on the spot.

"Wen Gong?"

At this moment, Wang Anshi was really shocked, even more shocked than learning that Ye Nan had killed the demon saint clone in the morning.

"Zichu, you are a saint advance?!"

Ye Nan nodded gently.

"It is precisely this year that I have broken through the saint advance scholars and entered the imperial examination with certainty. Even if you can't get the four yuan, the Jinshi and the first are not bad."

The top three in each imperial examination, namely champion, second place, and Tanhua, were called Jinshi and No.


At this moment, Wang Yu felt that something was broken in his heart.

He glanced at Ye Nan, didn't speak, and walked to his room in a muddled manner.


Wu Shi was a little worried, but Wang Anshi shook his head.

"Leave him."

Then, he suddenly realized.

"No wonder the saints want to infuse you in advance, and they will follow you in secret afterwards. A fifteen-year-old saint advances, not the demon saint clone, but the seduction in person!"

Thinking of this, even with Wang Anshi's disposition, it is a bit sour.

Fang Zhongyong is really lucky, he actually got such a good apprentice!

Ye Nan handed this page to Wang Anshi, said.

"Uncle, these are some of my methods on how to raise dolphins and make them fat and strong, but convenient for management. I hope that I can provide the technology and uncle funds to open a large-scale dolphin farm."

"Raising dolphins?"

Not to mention Wang Anshi, Wu's expression was also stunned.

Fatty wasn't fooled by that demon saint, right?Reading the book well, why suddenly I thought of raising a dolphin!

Wang Anshi shook his head, speechless.

"It's a nonsense! I know that living in Bianliang is not easy. If you are short of money in the early days, your uncle will borrow ten thousand taels of silver on his own, and you can pay back in the future."

There is no IOU and no time to borrow, isn't it just sending money!

But this world is different from the original Song.The calligraphy of a great scholar has a magical effect, and it can sell thousands of silvers at will.Wang Anshi is not short of money at all.

But Ye Nan shook his head and smiled.

"Uncle, the money you can make is only one aspect. Even if you open the pig farm to the Song Dynasty, it will be less than a million taels of silver a year, which is not worth a better Wenbao."

"However, if the pig farm becomes prosperous, the people of the Song Dynasty will be able to eat cheap meat. The more people who eat meat, the more people will practice martial arts. So, do I have the 800,000 Forbidden Army of Song Dynasty? Can it be reduced? Can the annual military expenditure be reduced as well?"

Suddenly, Wang Anshi's expression changed, frowning slightly.

He glanced at Ye Nan carefully and realized that he was already a mature adult, and a saint advance.For Chaotang, he has his own views on current affairs.

"You follow me."

Chapter 49 Raising Dolphins Zaifu and Shengqian Dolphin Raising Jinshi (Xiu)

Following Wang Anshi, Ye Nan came to his study.

At first glance, Wang Anshi's study is simple, no different from Fang Zhongyong's study.Ye Nan has reason to suspect that the study layout of the two middle-aged and elderly men is the same.

To Ye Nan, Wang Anshi is like his nephew.

To be precise, with Fang Zhongyong's relationship, his expression when facing Ye Nan was even softer than facing his own son.

"The correspondence between me and Zhong Yong, Zhong Yong should have told you Zichu. In that case, how much do you know about my opinions?"

Ye Nandang will list some of what Fang Zhongyong and him have said, as well as the new laws that Wang Anshi has introduced in history.

"At the end of this year or early next year, the government intentionally recommends uncle as Zaifu. On the contrary, uncle will introduce new laws on young crops, exemptions, equalization, market, farmland, water conservancy, etc. The final purpose of each decree is to reduce the burden on the bottom farmers. It is intended to slowly gather the money in the hands of the powerful and big businessmen in the hands of the country."

Wang Anshi:...

He choked silently, his eyebrows twitched: Don't you know all about it!Very clear and understanding!

Although Zichu is a child prodigy, it is true that Zhongyong, why do you tell him everything!Even if the officials intend to let me be Zaifu?

This is not afraid of him swelling!

(Fang Zhongyong: Let me say it again, I don’t remember Ye Zichu’s pot!)

Wang Anshi sighed insignificantly, and continued to ask.

"That son initially thought, where did your dolphin raising method start and how to implement it?"

In the face of Wang Anshi's problem, Ye Nan had an early draft.

"Confucius said: Food and color are also sexual. This is true for people, and so is for pigs."

This sentence made Wang Anshi stunned.

He looked at Ye Nan in shock, his eyes filled with surprise and blankness, as if he had met him for the first time.

Although Kong Sheng went to Xuyu to travel, he was not on Wenquxing.But if you let others know this, the passionate readers can spit you to death!

There is no such thing after the word!

Fortunately, other than that, Ye Nan's words were normal afterwards, and he did not continue to frighten Wang Anshi.

"As a dolphin, what he thinks is very simple. Either eat, sleep, or color. As long as the dolphin is given to the dolphins, it will not be in estrus. At this time, the dolphin is not only unwilling to move, but also sleeps in addition to eating. , Will gain weight soon."

"Moreover, this kind of dolphin doesn't have that unpleasant fishy smell on its body. Using the several cooking methods I taught, it tastes no better than cattle and sheep!"

Although these words are very inelegant and commonplace, Wang Anshi is a man of things.He raised his eyebrows earnestly, while listening to Ye Nan's talk about the benefits of cracking the dolphin.

"I have tried this method of raising dolphins in Fangjia Village, and the effect is very significant. Nowadays, almost every family in the villagers who are able to raise dolphins raise dolphins and often eat meat."

Therefore, this is not just a guess, but a fact that has been put into reality and is still effective.

Seeing that Wang Anshi didn't mean to interrupt, Ye Nan continued.

"As for the promotion of it, I am afraid that the government will have to introduce some methods that are conducive to raising dolphins. Merchants will automatically come to their door if they are seeking profits. Moreover, dolphins are omnivorous, and many people can eat everything they don't eat, even if they are ordinary. The common people can also raise a few pigs in a pig pen, the starting point is very low."

Hearing what Ye Nan said, Wang Anshi suddenly remembered.

He had been to Fang Zhongyong's place once before, and had a kind of meat that tasted good, but felt that he had never eaten it before.

He also asked Fang Zhongyong what kind of animal meat it was, but Fang Zhongyong didn't say anything.

"Could the braised pork and twice-cooked pork of that day actually be pork meat?"

Thinking back to the taste at that time.If pork meat can be made like this, let alone ordinary people, even dignitaries will not refuse!

"it is good."

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