Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 328

So, looking at this "Poppy Raising Strategy", which was vulgar in name but very useful in content, he thought for a moment and nodded.

"Since there are facts that prove the effectiveness of the dolphin raising method, try to do it."

Immediately afterwards, he gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Nan with bright eyes, said.

"When the first batch of gelding dolphins are out of the circle, you will cook them yourself by Ye Jieyuan and bring them into the palace. As long as I can accept the taste, I will list them as court dishes!"

Under the situation where the un-gelled pork meat was both nasty and smelly, Song Shenzong made a lot of determination, and Wang Anshi and several prime ministers were moved.

It can be seen that Han Qi and Fu Bi feel even more sad.

In this way, your Majesty is determined to change the law.I'm a big Song, and I really don't know where to go in the future.

After making a plan for raising dolphins, Ye Nan was taken away from the palace by Eunuch Zhao.

The next step is the North Korean meeting, which is not suitable for Ye Nan, who wants to take the provincial exam.


When he came out of the palace and bid farewell to the eunuch Zhao, the three young officials who had just surrounded Fanghu had disappeared.

They also want to go to court.

Ye Nan carried the burden and went home with Fang Hu.On the way, Fang Hu told him about this.

"Since I have handed over the poems to my uncle, then uncle will do whatever it takes."

After listening, Ye Nan smiled.

"But uncle, the house you live in is indeed small now. It is still not convenient to rent. Besides, the master should also come to Bianliang in a few days. I still think it is best to sell this poem and buy it. The next bigger two-entry or three-entry house."

"That's it."

Fang Hu nodded.

He understood. In fact, when Fei Fei gave him the poem, he knew that he could sell a lot of money.

Moreover, if the husband is coming, he should indeed buy a house.

Ye Nan continued.

"Uncle, in the next few months, when the teacher arrives and picks up the dust for him, I will live in the sanctuary at the invitation of a few saints."

Chapter 494 Entering the Holy Court (Repair)

"Sanctuary? Isn't that a place where Jinshi can go?"

As soon as Ye Nan finished speaking, Fang Hu was delighted.

"Zicchu is really amazing. Only one person can enter the holy courtyard. Are the provincial and palace exams surely okay?"

"Roughly no problem."

Ye Nan nodded.If in the hands of the chief examiner of this provincial examination, even the saint advance scholar can't pass the exam, that negligence can't get away.

Unless he deliberately didn't want to.

When the two returned home, Fang Hu smiled outside the door.

"Nanny, who are you here!"


Inside the room, the clever Fang Nun understood his father's meaning only after a brief thought.

With an extremely bright smile on her pretty little face like a warm jade, she rushed out of the room with joy.


Since Fang Nan was born, she has never been separated from Ye Nan for so long.Two months later, after seeing Ye Nan, she couldn't help but rushed into his arms.


Rubbing the sideburns of the baby on Fang Nuan's head, I saw that the girl was graceful and lively. Since she was a child, she fed her big Ye Nan with fish, shrimp and fresh fruits. There was also a kind of gratification of "my family has a new girl."

"Feifei is back!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Hong who was cooking quickly walked out and smiled.

"Come in! Knowing that you are coming today, Fatty, I have bought a lot of good food!"

As she said, she also deliberately glanced at Fang Nan, who was holding Ye Nan's hand, and had a bottoming in her heart.


Ye Nan had seen Lin Hong and the family entered together.

Fang Hu talked about selling poems in the morning.

"One hundred thousand taels of silver?!"

Like him, Lin Hong and Fang Nan were also taken aback.

Fang Nan stuck out his tongue.

"So much money! Father, how long do you have to sell barbecue to earn it back?"

Fang Hu: (.? ?)

Heart-struck little padded jacket!

Ye Nan scratched Fang Nan's nose, who didn't give his father any face, and smiled.

"It doesn't matter how much silver is, the important thing is that our family is still together."


There will still be a North Korean meeting on the second day.Fang Hu got up early, and Ye Nan once again went to the palace where the Chaohui was located.

This time, they came to sell poems, so they didn't bring a stove.

From afar, Ye Nan saw that the three young people who were shaded by the family were already waiting at the booth yesterday.

"Good day, three."

He arched his hands a few meters away, and the others didn't mean to be an official, and quickly responded.

"Ye Jieyuan."

"I have seen Ye Jieyuan!"

This Ye Jieyuan is a friend of Wang Anshi, and I heard that the relationship is very good, just like his nephew.

Although their family is rich and powerful, Wang Anshi sees it as Zaifu.What's more, Ye Nan killed the demon saint clone, and was favored by the saint. It's not always true who looks down on who!

Scholars? Of course it’s not easy to talk about selling poems as soon as you speak.Ye Nan and the three chatted a few words, reported each other's names, listened to some rainbow farts, and opened the poem scroll.

On the poem scroll, after these ten years of chanting, almost all scholars will write "Mo Mei" in the study when they practice calligraphy, and their talent has risen from three feet one to three feet six.

The original poem was shining brightly above, proving that it was the original poem written by Ye Nan on the boy test.

Yesterday there was one hundred thousand taels. This time, the three looked at each other, and one opening was one hundred twenty thousand taels. The market price of this poem should be around two hundred thousand taels.

After all, although calligraphy is important, it is not the most important.If Ye Nan's poems can help refine the literary spirit, then there are two million people out there.

These three people obviously got the suggestion from family members, and the price leveled up, and soon reached 200,000 taels.

But when another official surnamed Pan was about to make an offer, Ye Nan suddenly collected the poem and handed it to the official surnamed Cao who offered 200,000 taels.

"Two hundred thousand taels of silver, this poem is yours."

The official surnamed Pan quickly said.

"Ye Jieyuan, I can pay a higher price! Two hundred and ten thousand taels!"

Ye Nan shook his head and chuckled.

"Two hundred thousand taels is enough to buy a small courtyard in Bianliang City."

His poems are worth so much, and no matter how much it is, it is a favor.

He has not yet reached the point where he needs to exchange favors for money.

The official surnamed Pan said a few more words. Seeing Ye Nan insisted, he could only sigh the kindness of the official surnamed Cao.

Why is it not him who just called out two hundred thousand taels!

And the guy named Cao Dian with the word Guofang happily took over the scroll in Ye Nan's hand, and reached out for twenty ten thousand silver notes from the Long Clan Donglan Bank.

He also wanted to invite Ye Nan to sit at his house, but Ye Nan declined.

As soon as I heard the surname, I knew that this guy was the Empress Dowager, who was respected by Song Shenzong as the mother of the Empress Dowager Cao, and was born in a family of generals.The other two young officials surnamed Pan and Wang are the same.

The Wang Anshi Reform will have a huge impact on the military families of Cao and Pan.Therefore, the Empress Dowager Cao is a vanguard against the reform, and the two are not on the same side.

According to Cao's thoughts, it might be that he wanted to start from his own place, which would have an impact on Wang Anshi.

After selling the book of poems, Ye Nan and Fang Hu went to Yahang for the past two days to find a suitable house.

Within two days, Fang Zhongyong arrived.

Wang Anshi first picks up the dust for him.Afterwards, Fang Hu and Ye Nan bought a two-entry courtyard in the north of Bianliang City under his opinion, and bought some furniture.

When these things are done, ten days have passed.

Early that morning, Ye Nan bid farewell to his uncle and aunt, listened to Fang Zhongyong's teachings, and went to the holy courtyard.


In Bianliang City, there is a holy courtyard.Among them, according to the different disciplines, they are divided into Confucianism, Legalism, strategists, peasants, Taoism, political strategists and so on.

Under normal circumstances, the Holy Court does not recruit outside.Rather, after each palace exam, they are selected from among the scholars and selected into the holy courtyard.

After the palace exam, many Jinshi were also favored by several holy houses.However, it was the first time that Ye Nan could enter the fourth discipline'internship' of the Holy Academy without passing the palace examination.

There is no guard house in front of the holy courtyard, because the whole holy courtyard is under the gaze of the saints.

Moreover, there are laws in the sanctuary, non-jinshi or those who hold saint tokens cannot enter.

Although Ye Nan's own Saint Advance Scholar's cultivation was enough to enter the Holy Academy, it would have caused onlookers. Ye Nan still took out the black broken halberd and walked in.

Then, he surprised the people sweeping the floor at the door.

Seeing someone walking into the holy court with a halberd, he thought that someone had been wronged and came to the holy court to complain.I thought to myself: I'm afraid this guy is not going crazy, I have to stay away from him.

But after seeing Ye Nan's young and round appearance, he quickly reacted: Seeing this broken halberd style, it seems that you have heard of it recently?

He squeezed the broom in his hand-don't look like it was a broom, but it had been passed on for hundreds of years in the holy courtyard. After not knowing how much Jinshi Wenqi blessed, it was comparable to a god soldier, and asked Ye Nan.

"Are you... Ye Zichu?"

Entering the holy courtyard, Ye Nan put away the broken halberd and bowed his hand to this person.

"Exactly, I don't know the name of this Xiongtai Gao?"

The sweeping man is about thirty.Hearing that, he put down the broom in his hand, straightened the crown on his head, and responded to Ye Nan as a colleague's courtesy.

"Su Shi, Su Zizhan, met Brother Ye."

Chapter 495 Subject Assessment (Revision)

Su Shi!Another big shot!

Ye Nan was startled, and said the same.

"I saw Su Dengwen at the beginning of Xiaye Nanyechu!"

At this time, Su Shi assumed the post of Dengwen Drum Academy, accepting civic and military officials and scholars and civilians.

Anyone who beats the drums and complains about grievances, or where there is auspicious offering, and whoever makes a big news, basically comes to Su Shi.

However, when Wang Anshi came to power, he and Ouyang Xiu, who admired him, were demoted out of Beijing because of their opposition to the reform, thus opening a path to great poetry.

"Su Dengwen is unnecessary."

He was very handsome. Standing with Ye Nan, he was in sharp contrast to the handsome Su Shisu, who gave him a very friendly smile.

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