Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Sharing Group Chapter 332

But it's okay.Because Wang Anshi finally came to power in the second year, became Zaifu, and began to initiate reforms with the support of Song Shenzong, which shocked the Song Dynasty and the neighboring two countries!

This reform is as powerful and wide as the last time Fan Zhongyan's'Qingli New Deal'!, While getting the support of many people, it is also denied by more people.

In the beginning, the reform was quickly implemented under the strong implementation of Song Shenzong and Wang Anshi.

But a year later, because some people were making troubles, many specific links of the reform went wrong.

Moreover, Datang and Mengyuan were unwilling to have their weak neighbors become stronger, hindering the reform in all aspects.

Two years later, when Song Shenzong and Wang Anshi couldn't support the offensive and annihilation from various quarters, Ye Nan walked out of the holy courtyard.

At the Great Dynasty Meeting, Song Shenzong almost couldn't help but remove Wang Anshi from Zaifu's position, announcing the failure of this reform.Ye Nan stepped up to the palace and supported the reform.

Originally, without an official position, he was not qualified to participate in the Great Court.

However, the Song Dynasty, or in other words, all nations have an ancestral fate: a great Confucian can walk to the palace and automatically obtain the qualification to participate in the court.

Therefore, a great Confucian who is only 19 years old now made his own voice at the Great Dynasty Meeting:

"I support reform!"

When it was, all civil and military officials lost their voices.Seeing Ye Nan descended like a god, his radiance was brilliant.

The 500th chapter calms the world (repair)

After the Great Dynasty Meeting, the trend of reforms changed immediately.

The reform that could almost be seen to be exhausted in the first place was brought back to life and was recognized by the court again.

Nothing else, just because Ye Nan supported the reform!

Obviously.A nineteen-year-old Confucian scholar, just to become a saint in the world!

There is an agreement between the saints: after the age of eighty, the saints shall not interfere in the political affairs!

But in fact, few scholars who break through to the saints are under the age of eighty.One of the most is the former farm sage-Tao Yuanming.

He was sanctified at the age of seventy-five years old, and he was holy for more than four years.But because I didn't like court affairs, I actually didn't do anything.

But Ye Nan is different.He is only nineteen years old this year. No one knows whether he will be sanctified or when he will be sanctified.

If it's okay.But if he becomes holy at the age of forty, that one

The saint who can suppress the court for more than 30 years, ask you if you are afraid!

Now he says he wants to reform, you object.Then wait a few decades, he is sanctified, you still have good fruit to eat?

Even if the medical sage Bian Que sees it, I am afraid he will vomit

Sorry, no help, wait for death!

As a result, after the Great Dynasty Meeting, no one attacked Wang Anshi again.His reforms were quickly and truthfully implemented, and even super-classified ones were implemented.


Half a year later, Ye Nan was invited by Li Bai, who became a year-end acquaintance with him from the'Tang Song Literary Exchange Conference', and went to the Western Regions Mansion of the Tang Dynasty to help the Tang Dynasty resist the demon clan of the Western Regions, but was again assassinated by Gousheng.

This time, Ye Nan did not get any help from a saint, but still killed the clone of Gousheng, and was praised by Li Bai as "not under me!"

"Zi Chu's life is not weaker than others!".

Three years later, the monsters of the Western Regions, the Barbarians of the Northern Regions, and some dragons suddenly joined forces to attack the Humans.

Seven demon sages and eighteen demon sages forced the Tang Dynasty, making Tang be overwhelmed; while Meng Yuan fell into the hands of the barbarians who had planned.

The barbarians, who had always attacked each other continuously, suddenly united under the restraint of the twelve barbarians, who were comparable to the sub-sage of the human race and the great sage of the monster race.

Twelve barbarian kings took the lead and thirty-six barbarians rose from the heavens and the earth, with an army of two million barbarians, wanting to cross the Yellow River and destroy the Song Dynasty.

The Dragon Race against the King also took advantage of the time when Song Dynasty had no time for him to take care of him, somehow instigated an East China Sea princess, and successfully assassinated the East China Sea Dragon King, causing the Dragon Race to fall into civil strife.

If it weren't for the reform, the imperial army would reorganize the atmosphere, order and prohibit it, I'm afraid it would be impossible to stop it for a day!

On that day, countless human saints fell from their writings and fought against barbarians and monster saints outside the territory.

On that day, there were seven blood rains between heaven and earth, and there were five major disasters such as thunderstorms, sandstorms, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes on the side of the monster barbarian.

These are all alien phenomena that are triggered only by the fall of the demon saints and the human saints.

Ye Nan didn't know the specific process.But three days later, the Yellow River fell.No hundreds of people were transported to the south under the power of the saints.

One tenth of the Song Dynasty was reduced to the hands of the barbarians.

At that time, Ye Nan used his pen to make lyrics, and he made literary tunes.

The talent rushed to eight feet nine inches, and his words were shocking, and he was dyed red for half a day.

"Man Jiang Hong"

Angrily rushed to the crown, lean on the railing, rest in the rain.Lift our sight, the sky and shouts, grand, vehement.Thirty fame, dust and soil, eight thousand miles, clouds and moon.Don't wait any longer, the young head is white, empty and sad!

Yan Yun shame, still not snow.When the courtier hates it!Drive a long car to break through the sacred mountain.Aspirations hungry to eat demon meat, laughed and thirst for brutal blood.Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que.

As soon as this word came out, the heavens descended on precious light, and heaven and earth felt: Since then, the power of the human race battle poems against the barbarians has increased by 10%, and the demon race is half.

After that day, Ye Nan was listed as a saint by the Barbarian and Monster tribes, and he would kill first.Kill his barbarians and monsters and save him as a holy!

A year later, a human traitor informed Ye Nan, who was sneaking in the Zhongnan Mountain to study, and was approached by three barbarians and a demon saint.

The three wild sages turned on the giant tortoise, the poisonous snake, and the winged wolf. The demon sage transformed into a two-hundred-meter-sized spider body and fought against Ye Nan.

In the Zhongnan Mountains, two peaks over a thousand meters above were cut off, and countless small peaks were flattened.

But the ending stunned countless people.

In this battle, Ye Nan, who quietly broke through Wenquxing, was covered by the sub-sages and showed his strength at the level of a saint.

He even made three poems to spread the world, killed the demon saint, seriously injured two brutal saints, and captured a saint.

In exchange for this barbaric sage, the human race returned to a human sage who was captured by the barbarian in the Battle of the Yellow River.

Everyone with a normal mind knows that it is not advisable for Calabash Baby to save Grandpa.

So, two years later, Ye Nan set up the game again, wanting to slay the barbaric saints, but he met three barbaric kings personally.

On that day, in order to protect Ye Nan, the top half-sage Yanhui who set up the game with him, Han Feizi died in battle, Ye Nan was dying and disappeared, and the barbarian tribe won a great victory.

After that day, Ye Nan had no news.Fang Nun, who has been twenty-two this year, but has never married, is crying all day long.

Because of'killing' Yan Hui and Han Feizi, and in the previous years of reform, the interests of many dignitaries were violated, and Ye Nan's family received countless accusations.

If it weren't for Wang Anshi, Fan Chunren, Su Shi and other great scholars who helped many times, I am afraid that Fang Hu's family and Fang Zhongyong have already been involved.

This battle between the monster, barbarian and human races started from the Battle of the Yellow River and lasted for twelve years.

One-third of the land of the Great Song Dynasty was captured by the barbarians, and they retreated to Xiangyang and moved their capital to Jinling. On the other side, the Western Regions Protected House of the Tang Dynasty was gone, and it was besieged by the demon sage several times.

Someone in Datang also proposed to move the capital, but the empress Wu Zhao burst out of the blood that a man does not necessarily have. With the support of Li Bai and Du Fu, she bluntly said she would coexist and die with Chang'an!

Six years after Ye Nan disappeared, there was a sudden chaos in the rear of the Barbarian.

A sage went to check, and then did not come back.

A barbarian king went to check but did not come back.

Immediately afterwards, the three barbarian kings went away together, also missing.

It's really fried right now.

In the past few years of fighting with the human race, four of the twelve barbarian kings were seriously injured and needed to be recuperated. Now four of them have gone all at once, and only four barbaric kings are left with all their combat power!

They were on the same level as humans in terms of high-end combat power and defeated the human army by their mid-level combat power, and they fell into a disadvantage!

However, at this moment, the Human Race did not know where to get the news and suddenly launched an attack.

Just at this moment, a mysterious man slew out and cut three barbarian kings.

The war lasted for seven days and seven nights.The human race caused the twelve barbarian kings Qi Qi to fall at the cost of Xun Sheng's serious injury.Under the leadership of Sun Wuyasheng, the Final Saint of Human Race began to regain lost ground and counterattack the barbarians.

Coincidentally.The dragons were shocked by this, and the backyard caught fire.The Nanhai Dragon King who assassinated the East China Sea Dragon King was found dead in his bedroom.The dragon saints of the South China Sea have died violently or disappeared one after another.

However, in three years, the Great Song Whale swallowed the land that originally belonged to Meng Yuan and most of the original barbaric territory, and drove them to the west of West Desert, where no one was inhabited, and their spiritual energy was cut off.

Chapter 501 Chaos Clock (Repair)

Not long after, seven mysterious people of the demon saint were killed in succession, that is, Ye Nan returned to the Great Song Dynasty.

At this moment, he cut off the vitality of the barbarians, won a race war for the human race, and was favored by Wenquxing.

In the following month, he will judge all the powerful and powerful people who have troubled Fang Hu and Fang Zhongyong one by one.

The officialdom of the Song Dynasty is basically full of moths.If the trial is true, then of course it is basically over.

The Queen Mother asked the official family to intercede with Ye Nan, but let go of the Gao family, but Ye Nan refused.The Empress Dowager Suigao was taken from the Queen Mother by Song Shenzong in the name of'losing virtue' and'doing politics', and entered the cold palace.

As soon as the barbarian clan ended, the demon clan would not be long.

When the internal chaos of the Dragon clan subsided, the new East China Sea Dragon King himself led the army and took action with the 100,000 imperial troops of the Song Dynasty and the saints to help Tang counterattack the monster clan.

In three years, the demon queen went eight or nine, and took part of the demon people across the oceans and left China.

Three days later, All Saints Wen Palace moved away from Wenquxing.Under their gaze, Ye Nan, who received a large number of blessings from Wenquxing, lifted up the Ashengwen Palace, integrated it into Wenquxing, and became the most holy.

At the same time, the copy ends.

Among all the people, including the copy of the stagnant movement of Yashengdu, only Fang Zhongyong raised his head and watched Ye Nan's figure slowly disappear.

He gently shook the feather fan in his hand and smiled.

"It's so fast."


Just when Ye Nan came back, Daozu's private message knocked over.

Daozu: Your life is really good.Here is it for you, take it.

Dao Zu sent you a file: Chaos Clock.

Emperor Nantian:???

Emperor Nantian: You bribed me?

Dao Zu: [○?Д′?○]

Daozu: My dignified Daozu, the incarnation of a thousand worlds, need to bribe you?It's not your fate, I don't know how to make friends with the big boss.He said that this chaotic clock was given to you as a gift for you.I hope you remember to go back and see him when you have time.

Emperor Nantian: (??д??) No?square?Is it a teacher?!

As soon as Ye Nan finished speaking, there was another person who came over aggressively.

Drunkard Lori: Huh?What's wrong with you, stinky apprentice?Why did the gentleman Fang Yun suddenly come over and said that he had accepted you as a disciple, and he had already been a teacher?What have you done these days?

Emperor Nantian: It's a copy.In order to practice the One Qi Transformation Technique, I bought a copy, reincarnate the clone to be a human, and then worshipped a copy character as a teacher.I don't know, the teacher will be the Fang Yun boss!

Drunkard Lori: Wow, this person is really annoying!Actually rob someone's apprentice!If I can't beat him, I must make him look good!I know that bullying someone is such a weak, poor and helpless little loli who can drink especially!

Ye Nan didn't speak, and let his master vent his depression and anger.

After a while, Lori the drunkard sent another message.

Drunkard Lori: Well, since Fang Yun is willing to accept you as a disciple, you must have gained a lot.Although the book bag is a bit annoying, it is still quite responsible.

Drunkard Lori: But your last clone won't be as slick as Fang Yun. If you don't say a poem on stage, you feel uncomfortable, right?In that case, it is best to keep your clone away from me!

Ye Nan: No, no.My third avatar intends to follow the path of'Speaking out the law' and the'Jade of Golden Mouth'.It happened that the teacher gave me the Eastern Emperor Bell, which is also a treasure of sound.

Drunkard Loli: Donghuang Bell?He is quite willing.But this grudge, I took it down!Don't come to me next time if there is no good wine!

After hanging up the call, Yue'er is still in a different world and will come back at night.

Ye Nan asked the clone to refining himself with the Chaos Clock, lowered his head a little to open the Dimensional Sharing Group, and saw Deadpool in the Biaohuang Duan.

Xiaojianjian: Wow, I told you that since I helped Vanessa get the ability of Mr. Fantastic's rubber man, that's a thumbs up!No matter what the posture can be put out!It's just that sometimes in order to cooperate with her, I have to divide my body into sections.So that Vanessa seemed to have awakened some incredible hobby.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Wow, you guys are so heavy!

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