Sitting on the riverside, the light blue spirit carving knife cut back and forth on the palm-sized building, and every stroke fell while injecting star power, and wherever the blade went, a steady star power circuit was left behind.

Compared with a few days ago, Yuye's progress is not unfast, and in just a few moments, a palm-sized microscopic building has been carved.

[Reinforcement] + [Storage] + [Hardening] ....

Yuno randomly combined more than a dozen star force circuit fragments, connected the star power nodes in series to form a "rune group", and finally attached it to the small wood carving, which can be regarded as an extraordinary building.

It's not that he doesn't want to be more trouble-saving, only using one or two star power circuits to form a rune group will not work in extraordinary architecture, because the extraordinary building itself is a complex overall expression, no matter how concise the extraordinary building, it has his own set of framework support, a dozen circuit fragments, is already the limit that Yuye can compress to, no matter how concise, the star power nodes of the tandem circuit are not enough, how to form a "rune group"?

If you really want to use one or two star power circuits to create extraordinary artifacts, [Forgers] can meet this.

They can even make the entire weapon hammer several times using only the fragment of the star power circuit [Sharp], to point the sharpness of a weapon to the full value. This is because [Forgers] can use external forces, through the special method of [Forging], these star force circuit fragments do not need to become the form of a "rune group", and can be deeply imprinted on the weapon individually, allowing them to exert extraordinary power.

It's hard for [architects] to do.

You can't [forge] the whole extraordinary building, can you?

Wait a minute....

Yuno was suddenly stunned, it is not impossible, if there is really [architect] unlimited trouble, it should be able to reappear, right?

The more he thought about it, the more an incredible idea came to his mind.

If one day, the wonder called [Great Wall] can really be created, perhaps brick by brick should be painstakingly [forged], and then piled up by tens of billions of Chinese people themselves, reproduce the arduous course of the first emperor, and build this civilizational wonder that stands in the hearts of countless Chinese people.

Ikuno really couldn't think of any other way that could better represent the meaning of the birth of this building. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get his blood boiling, as an [architect], even if his current level is not very high, but he still dares to "delusion" that he can go to the step of creating wonders in the future.

He has an inseparable feeling for this building, or any Huaxia person will have extraordinary feelings for this building, and it is not only Yuye who wants to leave a trace of the existence of Huaxia in this world that has long been without Huaxia.

Those who spread Chinese characters, so; The same is true for those who play ancient songs.

In the boundless plane, the extraordinary [architects] of tens of thousands of years ago have already freed their hands. [Workers' power], [AoNeng's hand], [Building material shaping] and other [architects] skills were born to improve the efficiency of construction and reduce the burden on [architects].

How long has it been since a transcendent has done something with his own hands?

Without the slightest bit of star power, build a spectacle with wisdom and sweat with your own hands, something that seems extremely normal to the Blue Star people, but no one has ever had such an absurd idea in the boundless plane!

At this time, Yuye realized a little about the profound meaning of the graduation tradition of Xin Esari School of Architecture!

When every brick is a "weapon" and every tile is a "spirit", the huge building that is finally piled up in this way must be joined by the rune group composed of countless star power circuits by Yuno, which can be regarded as a great achievement.

The casting of this spectacle can be roughly divided into three steps - casting, masonry, and grain!

Although no one in the plane has ever created extraordinary buildings in this way, Ikuno does not know whether the [Great Wall] built in this way can really become a "spectacle".

But, it's definitely worth checking out!

Ikuno is not a grinder, he always thinks and does, but this time he quickly became frustrated.

He has a good idea, a goal to strive for, and a blueprint that can restore the glory of China.

But...... What about those Chinese people?

They are scattered among thousands of unknown planes that have been explored, some are dead, but many more are building for a better tomorrow.

From beginning to end, he was still the stranger who was doomed to wander. The home and country that could provide him with shelter and shelter him from the wind and rain have long disappeared!

This sudden and huge surprise made Yuye's joy of successfully learning [microarchitecture] diluted a lot.

He put down the wood carving in his hand and mechanically carved the next one, and in order to learn [microcarving], he has been like this all this time, and similar finished wood carvings have been arranged in a whole row by the river.

He also didn't know what the function of this successfully baked wood carving was, the combination of those star power circuit fragments was arbitrary, some wood carvings could produce a levitation effect, some wood carvings were as hard as steel, and some wood carvings had hollow inside that could store marble-sized things...

Yuno thought it was interesting, so he placed them all on the edge of the river, and the family was neat, and from time to time curious fish people in the water poked their heads out to look at them, stretching out their webbed fingers to poke these wood carvings of different shapes, and if there was an extraordinary appearance, they would burst into a happy cry.

Time passed by minute by minute, immersed in the carved Yuye, completely unaware that the attribute points brought to him by these "microscopic buildings" these days had far exceeded the upper limit of his attribute panel.


"Another day!"

Looking at the sinking sunset, Ikuno stretched out and straightened up from the river, as usual, his star power was not left at all, and he looked at his attribute panel.

"60 points of strength, 60 points of spirit, 60 points of agility, 60 points of physique, 60 points of charm..."

Just lucky only 53 points, it seems that today can be full of attributes.

Ikuno raised an eyebrow and clicked his lucky attribute on the attribute panel.

His lucky attribute was originally added from 21 points, which can be said to be the most stretched of all attributes of the 2nd order. He had also asked his mentor Guy about this lucky attribute before, but only got a mysterious answer - it had to do with God.

Not only him, but also many people's lucky attributes are very lost, although you can add points to it, but the good luck brought by it is not obvious, generally the channels for transcendent people to obtain attribute points are limited, and over time transcendent people will have precious points to other attributes.


This is not a matter for Yuye, anyway, he has the talent of [architectural empowerment (S)], and he is also an [architect], and now he is even more buggy, and quickly increased the attribute value to the peak of the 2nd order.

If he wants, Yuno completely quickly completed the second-order promotion task, and now he can immediately attack the third order.

But after experiencing the profound benefits, Ikuno naturally will not be so exhausted, and he is ready to pick another extraordinary profession to create a new genre! It's just that I haven't had good inspiration recently, and I don't know which one to choose for the other 11 extraordinary professions.

With "Super Shengde" Zhuyu in front, he can't live more and more, just as if completing the task, hastily create an extraordinary genre, right?

After admiring his 60-point attribute value, Yuno was going to turn off the attribute panel, but was surprised to find that there were more unassigned 7 attribute points under the panel.

He immediately chuckled: "Can this point still be accumulated?" "

At the first tier, because the funds were not abundant at that time, it cost money in various places, and after Yuno just bought a finished building from the Dawning Mall that could fill up attribute points, he didn't place any new extraordinary buildings. Therefore, he had never found that this attribute point could continue to be stored on the panel when his second-order attribute was full.

"Is it possible to continue to add points?"

Ikuno tried it and found that the full attribute panel was motionless, and he laughed, sure enough, it was still impossible.

"Then what's the use of this storage point?"

Yuno was a little puzzled, his [Building Empowerment (S)] talent is only S rank, currently only valid for all Tier 2 and below, and when he advances to Tier 3, these attribute points are useless?!

Is it possible to raise this talent of your own to another level? When you reach the SS level, these attribute values may add points to the attributes of the 3rd order.

Not reliable, really unreliable.

Ukuno participated in a [Red Blood Conscription Order] for a talent promotion scroll (S)! So if he wanted to get a more precious Talent Advancement Scroll (SS), then he had to wait until the Year of the Monkey?

Looking at the fishman baby with his head held high on the side, stretching out his webbed palm to poke and frolic at the wooden carving, Ikuno stretched out his finger on a whim and clicked on the fishman baby of the first order in front of him.

The fish man also thought that Ikuno was playing with himself, so he took the initiative to pounce and grabbed Ikuno's index finger.


A white glow lit up from this innocent fishman baby.

【Power +1】!

Looking at this pop-up value window, Yu Ye's heart thumped in an instant.

It really worked!

This attribute point he obtained through [Building Empowerment(S)] can actually add points to other creatures!

Doesn't that mean that the problem of insufficient talent of Mu Chong, Wu Liu and others can be solved in another way by themselves?

But soon, Ikuno had a headache. I want to realize this idea...

The premise is that he has to have countless livers to burst?

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