He Ying'er takes advantage of Ding Changsheng's bow to eat, pulls Liu Xiangli's hand, and the two go outside.

"Sister in law, what's the matter with you? Didn't you say that men can't come in this yard? What if it comes out to see you?".

"Yinger, what are you talking about? Isn't he able to help the village sell pears? If you can sell these pears in the village, let alone go into this yard, or marry him. You should not get involved in my affairs in the future.". Then he went back to the room. He Ying'er stomped his foot to the door, but he didn't go far away. Instead, he hid behind the haystack not far from the door, waiting for Ding Changsheng to come out.

"Finished?" Seeing that Ding Changsheng was about to lick up all the bowls, Liu Xiangli began to treat the new director Ding a little better. Looking at him like this, he was not the master of the family he had originally wanted to gild. Considering that, there are so many good places in Haiyang County, who would like to send his children to this gully.

"Well, after eating, sister Liu, you don't know, I had a meal in the morning. I've been clean all the way. Ah, I'm half full now.".

"Oh, I dare you. You've eaten all my food and haven't eaten enough yet? Well, that's it today. We'll talk about selling pears tomorrow. You can go first. You can't stay here too long. Liu Xiangli's face will change as soon as she says it will drive people away.

"What happened to me later? I want to tell you something about Liyuan Village.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. You don't see my sister-in-law's cross-talk. I'm a widow. You don't know what's wrong in front of the widow's door. Go away. What's up? Go to the village committee tomorrow. Liu Xiangli stood at the door. It was impossible to walk like that. Ding Changsheng had no choice but to walk out of Liu Xiangli's house step by step. She could not help but sigh at the fickleness of women. However, it was also true that a widow's house could not leave a man at night.

Seeing Ding Changsheng come out, he Ying'er breathed a sigh, waiting for Liu Xiangli Mi to close the door. He Yinger stood up quietly from the grass and quickly caught up with Ding Changsheng who was humming while walking. Ding Changsheng looked back: "Why are you? What are you doing with me? Take care of the rice.".

"Take care of the meal? Well, I said, director Ding, do you have no food to eat? You want to find a reason to eat at my sister-in-law's house. She is a woman's house. You really mean it. Do you know that since my brother died, you are the first man to step into her house. If the men in our village know about it, they will not peel your skin. ".

"You guys in Liyuan Village are so rare to your sister-in-law? Ah, ha ha ha.

"You, you rascal, I told Liu San that I had to beat you up.".

"Well, I said, you said Liu San and Liu San. What's the relationship between Liu San and you?"

"You don't care. I'll beat you if you say so.". He Ying'er's face was a little red when she said this, but it was too dark to see clearly.

"Well, if Liu San dares to come, he will be relieved of his security director tomorrow, and then sent to the County Public Security Bureau for ten days and a half months. Since you rely on him to support you so much, you can send him prison food at that time.".

"You, you..."

Ding Changsheng looked at no one around, and wanted to make fun of this little girl who didn't know the sky and the earth.

"Look who is behind you?" Ding Changsheng looks at his mouth pointing at he Yinger's back in panic. He Yinger doesn't know why, so he doesn't dare to look behind him. He runs to Ding Changsheng. He hugs Ding Ding Changsheng's arm and hides behind him. He looks at him in horror. Ding Changsheng laughs with joy.

"You, you are such a bad man.". When he found that he had been tricked, he Ying'er raised his pink fist and hit Ding Changsheng's chest like raindrops.

"You mean I'm bad? Do you want to see how I get worse? " Ding Changsheng raised his hand and caught the hands of he Yinger, and pulled the whole person to his arms.

"You, what are you going to do, let me go, or I'll call someone else?"

"Shout, and see who's disgraced when everyone comes.".

"You, you let me go, or I will tell Liu San that I am his fiancee, and he will beat you to death.".

"Oh, so you are Liu San's fiancee. Now, are you all a family? Come on, kiss first.". Ding Changsheng's rascal temper can't be cured. At this time, he Yinger was really scared and cried out: "ah..."

Ding Changsheng couldn't defend himself, so he let go of his hand. This guy, really yelled. Looking at he Ying'er who had fled, Ding Changsheng didn't dare to stay for a long time, so he went to the village committee immediately. He Ying'er was heard barking and barking.

"This little bastard is really worried, sister, you must help him.". When Ding Changsheng ran to the Liyuan District, Tian E Ru was grinding with her second sister Tian Qingru in her own boudoir.

"If I don't want to help him, I can come back today and give you information. Do you know it's against discipline?".

"Ha ha, I knew that the second elder sister is the best for me. How can you help him?" Tian E Ru is just like a little girl who is really young and really rotten. She hugs Tian Qingru's way to make up for her."You don't have to worry about it. It's related to a homicide case. I can't ignore it. It involves dereliction of duty. Do you know, it's not for fun. Anyway, this time he's going to be doomed. The key is that you should tell him that you must clench your teeth and not admit it, or I can't save him.".

I know. I'll call him tomorrow.

"Xiao San, you really intend to spend a lifetime with him. Be careful that you walk too much at night and step on the excrement, but it will not end well at that time.".

"Oh, second sister, why are you so disgusting? Oh, every day counts as a day.".

"Well, tell the second sister, do you like him or you?"

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