Although Yunhai hotel is a secret site of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Public Security Bureau, it is not an invulnerable fortress. The so-called tight protection is mainly in the room and outside the room of the personnel under the double regulation. Moreover, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Public Security Bureau has not handled a case for many years, so the facilities here are also very old. There are two people watching TV with him in Chen Wanghai's room, and there are two outside the door Personal sitting on the chair on duty, and the windows are anti-theft windows, so the basic Chen Wanghai is not possible to escape.

Ge Hu climbed over the wall behind the Yunhai hotel. It was impossible to enter the main building of the hotel. After observing outside, he found that the curtain of room 307, which was closed by Chen Wanghai, was also tightly pulled. This made Gehu very difficult. How to send this photo and the note in is the key.

With the help of a rope gun, he hung the climbing rope on the top of the top floor. After a few attempts, Ge Hu began to climb until he reached the top floor, that is, the roof of the fourth floor. At this time, only room 307 of the whole Yunhai hotel was on. Ge Hu carefully tied the rope to the brick stamp on the top floor. After trying, he slowly went down to the edge of room 307 on the third floor, He didn't know what kind of state Chen Wanghai was in, so he could only quietly love the movement on the glass, hoping that Chen Wanghai could find out.

However, Chen Wanghai didn't find out. The Discipline Inspection Commission personnel who looked at Chen Wanghai were alert. They opened the curtain, opened the window and looked outside, but then closed it again. At the moment of closing, Ge Hu saw the scene inside the window. Ge Hu was sitting on the bed, just next to the window, only half lying.

Ge Hu continued to make noise. He dug the window with his fingernails. At the same time, he also made a sound of cat barking. The two Discipline Inspection Commission personnel looked at each other and laughed. It turned out that it was a wild cat just now, so he no longer cared about it. However, this movement alerted Chen Wanghai.

"Damn it, this wild cat is so annoying. Let me see what kind of cat it is?" Then Chen Wanghai opened the curtain.

Chen Wanghai stood in front of the window and looked out, but what he saw was not a wild cat, but a hand with a photo and a printed note: Chen Wanghai, someone wants you to shut up forever, otherwise, their loss will make your wife and daughter sell their body to earn money. You can do it yourself. If you live till tomorrow morning, your wife and children will go to Thailand and start working.

A short line of words made Chen Wanghai as if he had been struck by thunder. Before he could understand what was going on, the hand disappeared. Chen Wanghai opened the window, but he could not see anything. When the two members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection saw that Chen Wanghai had opened the window, they ran to pull him back, and then closed the window. Chen Wanghai knew that even if he was shouting loudly, these people from the Commission for Discipline Inspection could not see it They can't catch each other, and they may kill themselves directly.

After Ge Hu finished, he withdrew and took a car back to the highway to meet Jiang Haiyang.

"Huzi, do you think my move works?" Jiang Haiyang asked.

"I don't know, but Jiang Shao, I'll do what you say, or I'll go back and solve all those people. I'll save the effort.".

"No, in that case, it will be too big. It's not worth doing. Let's go. If we don't hear the news tomorrow morning, we'll think of other ways.". Jiang Haiyang made up his mind that he didn't want to stay in Huzhou for a moment.

Hou Er tilted his head for a long time, as if he had done so many things, but it seemed that Ding Changsheng and Liu Zhendong sitting opposite were still not satisfied. He lowered his head and could not remember what illegal things he had done, so he simply kept silent.

"Hou Er, finished?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Director Ding, I really have nothing to say. Can't you let me make it up?" Hou er said wrongly.

"Well, yes, but for the sake of you and I are old acquaintances, I can remind you that some time ago, there was an explosion in the dormitory of the Finance Bureau, and three members of a family were killed. Do you know this?" Ding Changsheng stares at Hou er's eyes and asks.

Hearing that Ding Changsheng actually mentioned this matter, Hou er's eyes suddenly shrunk. This is a very obvious palpitation performance. This is the performance when the other party discovers a major secret. Therefore, when others have insight into your heart, you'd better not take it seriously and slowly calm down your feelings.

"I, I know, it's such a big thing that the whole city knows.". Hou Er tried to cover up his panic, but still did not Ding Changsheng see his panic.

"Hou Er, since we all know each other, we don't have to go around the bush. I can see that you are at most a stampede in this matter. Strictly speaking, you are not even a stampede. You don't have the ability and courage to carry things for others, so you don't need to carry things for others, and you can't carry this matter.". Ding Changsheng lit a cigarette, got up and handed it to Hou er.

Looking at Ding Changsheng's persuasive interrogation, even Liu Zhendong can't figure out whether this guy is from public security. They all say that he is from pen pole. However, he is so skilled in grasping people's hearts that he is really like an old criminal policeman who has been working for decades. He knows when to tighten up, when to loosen, when to induce and when to stick Drink, control so proficient, let Liu Zhendong also feel ashamed.

"D Bureau, I really don't know about this matter. Our boss asked me to follow the Kang man, I followed him, and I really don't know about the others."."Who is your boss and where is it?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Our boss went to call maqiaosan and went to Sanya for the Spring Festival. Maybe it will take 15 years to come back.". Hou Er replied.

"Where were you that night when the explosion happened?"

"Bruce Lee and I ate wonton at the wonton stand at the gate of the community. Before eating the wonton, the boss called and said that we would not follow us and let us go back. But we thought it was too cold. We ate a bowl of wonton at the door. Before the wonton was finished, there was an explosion."

"Did you find anything before that?" Ding Changsheng asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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