"What's the situation?" Xiao Hong asked.

Shi Meizhen watched the two men talking about real estate, but she didn't interrupt because she knew that her daughter, Mo ruo father, had lived with Shi Aiguo for ten or twenty years. She was most aware of her father's emotions. Seeing Shi's patriotic expression, Shi Meizhen knew that she had better not speak at this time. The effect was much better than talking.

"This land is not as simple as you think, this land..." Shi Aiguo told Xiao Hong about the causes and consequences of this land. After that, he told Xiao Hong that since you are doing real estate, you should do it well and don't make bad ideas. It's better not to have any ideas about this land.

"Lao Shi, how many years ago has this happened? Besides, what's more, you dare not do what Jiang Wenshan dare not do?" Xiao Hong said this is not level, this is purely in the arch fire, so Shi Aiguo is a little surprised when this word is said, when Xiao Hong is so bold.

"What do you say?" Shi Aiguo's face is gloomy and can be wrung at the beginning of the water.

"Lao Shi, I don't mean that. I just want to do something. Besides, I don't have a job. All the members of this family are counting on your salary. They can't turn around at all. Now, there are some cadres' families who don't do business. They all drink from the north and the west if they don't do business. I'm also doing this for the sake of the family.".

"I think it's for your own good. My father is the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. The wife of the Secretary of the municipal Party committee takes land from the city to engage in real estate. If this is spread out, will my father, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, do you eat for nothing or are you mentally disabled?" Shi Meizhen is too arrogant to see Xiao Hong, so she can't help speaking at last.

To Xiao Hong's surprise, seeing Shi Meizhen attacking her, she didn't say a word. She got up and went to the study, leaving Shi Meizhen and Xiao Hong arguing in the living room. With a bang, Shi Aiguo closed the door and shut all the noise outside.

In Xiao Hong's opinion, as long as Shi Aiguo nods, this matter will be done. As for the old factory director, if he gives him a house and gives him one million yuan, the matter will be settled. Moreover, Huajin city is the most experienced in dealing with such matters. As long as Shi Aiguo is understood by himself, the rest is huajincheng, which has little to do with her Hua Jincheng wants to make use of Shi Aiguo's power. Xiao Hongxin knows this, but this is the business rule. Each of them should do their best to get what they need.

"Ah Zhen, I don't have the same insight as you who are a free eater like you. I only know what else you can do if you are old. Although my background is not as noble as you, I am at least working hard. Unlike you, you are wandering around all day. You are not a good student in the University. Now it seems that your father spoiled you and lived in a sugar jar since childhood There will be no future. Xiao Hong scornfully looked at Shi Meizhen, got up to go to the bedroom, Shi Meizhen seems to have a punch empty feeling.

When Ding Changsheng received a call from Shi Aiguo himself, he was having a meeting with Zhou Hongqi, LAN Xiaoshan and others, so he picked up his mobile phone and left the meeting room.

"Secretary, what can I do for you?"

"Well, come to my office right away.". Shi Aiguo then hung up the phone.

Ding Changsheng was stunned. He quickly recalled what he had done these days to see if he had not done it in place. Whether someone had responded to Shi Aiguo, he did not remember what he had done to make Shi Aiguo so unhappy until he entered the municipal Party committee building.

Ding Changsheng guessed well. Shi Aiguo was really unhappy. Ding Changsheng didn't dare to get bored with Zhang hechen and went directly into Shi Aiguo's office. However, Shi Aiguo was not in the office. Instead, he stood in front of the window and looked at the distance. The municipal Party committee building is not the highest building, but standing here is enough to see the southern part of Huzhou City.

"Secretary, do you want me?" After Ding Changsheng entered the door, he saw Shi Aiguo standing in front of the window without saying a word. He closed the door and stood not far behind Shi Aiguo. However, Shi Aiguo turned and waved, indicating Ding Changsheng to the window. Ding Changsheng stepped forward and half step behind Shi Aiguo and stood in front of the window.

"See that chimney?" Shi Aiguo pointed to less than a kilometer in front of the municipal Party committee building and said.

"Well, you are..."

"It was Huzhou textile factory. It has been closed for ten years. Now the factory area is deserted and there are more rats than people. Don't worry about what you think and what you think.". Shi Aiguo said.

"Before, the real estate in the center of the city did not develop so fast. Why didn't it develop so quickly in the center of the city?" Ding Changsheng doubts.

"Are you in favor of real estate development here?"

"Well, in addition to the development of real estate in this place, it's really hard to say what to do, or it's also good to build a city park. I'm afraid there's a few hundred acres of land. It's very rare to have such a park in the city center. But if the park is built, the city will lose a lot of land transfer fees.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Well, park, that's a good idea. Do you know about century city group?" Shi Aiguo turned to ask Ding Changsheng.

"Isn't it the real estate company with my wife? I met the boss of Huajin city once, but I don't know about others. It seems that Huzhou is also a character."."Well, he wanted to take the land, but let Xiao Hong come to my idea. I said, I don't object to her doing business, but just like ah Zhen said, don't use my influence. But now she is more and more ignorant and easy to be used by others. Please investigate for me, who is she in contact with?". Shi Aiguo said word by word, which made Ding Changsheng feel very surprised.

"Secretary, I'll do it, OK? Or let a Zhen... " Ding Changsheng wants to push this matter out. Although he is secretly investigating Xiao Hong, if Shi Aiguo asks him to investigate, if he really investigates something, is it a report or not.

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