"No, it's true. But I've only been a policeman for a few days. Besides, I didn't graduate from this school. What do you think?" Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, I really flatter you. Director Qi is not only the director of the public security department, but also the assistant to the governor and Secretary of the Party committee of the Department. I'm afraid there is another position you don't know. He is also the president of the police academy.". Ke Zihua saw that Ding Changsheng really didn't know about these things, so he quickly popularized it to him.

"Yes, I know the front positions, but I really don't know the dean of the police academy.". Ding Changsheng looks like a flash.

"Comrades, today's class started just after the Chinese New Year. Different from the past, the training this time is different from that in the past. In the past, the training focused on the cultivation and learning of skills and legal knowledge. But this time, it is mainly focused on the training of cadres' quality. I already know that many people have a lot of speculation about this class, so I am here To clarify, this class is simply to train your cadres' quality and other solutions and thinking methods for some new problems that have emerged in recent years... " Qi Wenhe started his speech seriously and didn't read the manuscript. It looked like that.

"It's the best way to cover it up.". Said Ke Zihua in a low voice.

"Why do you say that? Although this class is the first time, it will never be the last one. We are going to hold two such training courses this year. Therefore, your class is special in that it is the first class. It is an exploration. If the effect is good, it must be carried on. The purpose is to ask everyone to take in the heart and what kind of heart to accept After some comrades were promoted, they felt that they were cadres. They were arrogant and did not work well. Their eyes were always fixed on the positions above, and their duties were not properly implemented in the service of the common people. What kind of thought is this? This is a small bureaucratic thought. If you are a small official, you dare to do this. If you promote such cadres, will it not affect them in the future A wider range? " Qi Wenhe said with a loud voice.

"Why do I feel that the world is bright every time I hear leaders' speeches like this, but I still can't see my fingers when I open my eyes?" Ke Zihua began to whisper again.

"Are you content? If you don't tell the truth, you can die?" Ding Changsheng didn't like to say a word.

"In the past year, although there are still some problems in the public security work of our province, we have also seen that some cities are in the process of rectification, and some of them are doing well. In the process of rectification, some good phenomena have appeared. I will say that our public security team is the patron saint of the people. If we say something unpleasant, we should get up If you wear these clothes, you should take good care of the people's homes. Maybe some comrades will say, "director Qi, what you said is too bad to hear. According to your opinion, we are no longer a watchdog."? Comrades, the common people pay for our food and clothing. Is it inappropriate for us to be a guard dog for them? "

Wu Youde has no expression on his face, nor does he see Qi Wenhe's impassioned speech. He just stares at the students in front of him. However, if Ding Changsheng looks at him a little bit, he will feel that the deputy director's eyes are always staring at his position. It's not good to be watched by the leader like this, but he doesn't know it.

"Yesterday, I watched a program about a female traffic police officer whose husband was also a police officer, but she died on duty because of her duty. She had school children at home and an elderly mother-in-law to take care of. But her job was to direct traffic at the busiest intersection in Huzhou City. For more than ten hours a day, traffic jams often occur in that place, but as long as If she is here, this place can be kept unblocked, but what is the price? The price is that it is very difficult for her to enter the sentry box to have a drink of water, and she dare not drink water, because if she drinks too much water, she will go to the toilet and delay the command of traffic. Comrades, what spirit is this? More importantly, in order to take care of her, the Bureau transferred her several times to other departments that were more leisure. She refused. Some people would ask her why? Guess what she said. She said that only when she was directing traffic on the road, could she realize the sanctity of the police profession most profoundly. What's the idea? " Qi Wenhe continued to preach.

"Oh, really?" Ke Zihua pounded Ding Ding Changsheng with his elbow.

"Ah, what?" Ding Changsheng was fascinated by Qi Wenhe's speech. When he began to mention Huzhou, Ding Changsheng was afraid to tell the bad things about Huzhou. But when he found out that he was talking about Dai Tianlan, a female traffic policeman, his heart gradually settled down.

It has to be said that this program was well done, but Ding Changsheng did not audit the program at that time, but introduced Jiang yudie directly to LAN Xiaoshan, which must have been approved and signed by LAN Xiaoshan. However, it was really good. I just didn't watch the first broadcast of this program last night. I'm a little sorry.

"Are there any Huzhou comrades in this training class, please stand up?" After Qi Wenhe finished, he turned to ask. In fact, he was as bright as a mirror in his mind, but he still pretended to know nothing. In other words, the leaders are all good actors, and they still perform in their true colors. When they arrive in Hollywood, they are all powerful competitors for the golden man.

"Well, I'll call you.". Ke Zihua hit Ding Changsheng again.

"Are you a comrade of Huzhou? Please come to the front. When Qi Wenhe saw Ding Changsheng standing up behind him, he was shocked. He looked too young. Although Ding Changsheng is trying to make himself older recently, such as shaving every day, his beard can grow faster and more luxuriant. Sometimes he has to use some folk folk recipes, such as touching his lips with garlic juice. It is said that It stimulates the growth of the beard.

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