"Come on, get up. Don't pester me all the time. You can get up for me. What kind of thing are you? You think I'll be finished with you when you come back from Beijing. I just want to find you. You bastard, you dare to beat me, and you don't ask me who I am?" Qi Laosan is going to catch Ding Changsheng's collar.

"Get out of here. Don't you see that I'm chatting with a beautiful woman? I don't have this insight. I'm really looking up to you.". Ding Changsheng can't let him grasp his own collar, and he can see that if he doesn't show some strength today, these guys will bully themselves in the future. So since someone comes to visit, Ding Changsheng is not polite. Sometimes his dignity is not obtained by kowtowing, nor is he getting understanding from each other step by step. In fact, there are The simplest violence works best.

Ding Changsheng just pushed so gently that he didn't expect that this guy actually lay on the ground and rolled all over the ground, as if it was really beaten by Ding Changsheng. At the beginning, the crowd was not satisfied with the third brother. They thought that this guy was really bad, and there was no diving like this. But after a minute, Qi Laosan actually began to smoke I smoke, and I roll on the ground with my stomach in my arms. It doesn't look like a fake.

Ding Changsheng also found something wrong. Although he was not a medical disciple of Wang Jiashan, he put his finger on Qi Laosan's pulse and felt that something was wrong. His pulse was very disordered. Ding Changsheng was not able to diagnose. He quickly said, "call the doctor and send it to the hospital. It seems that something is wrong with his stomach.".

"Boy, if there is something wrong with Qi Laosan, you can wait, and you will not be finished.". Liang Kexin has a chance to vent at this time.

"Brother, it's none of his business. I'm watching..." Liang Keyi helps Ding Changsheng explain.

"Shut up, what do you know?"

"OK, this is not the time to investigate the responsibility. Let's go to the hospital and talk about it.". Zhou Hongjun also felt that Ding Changsheng could not be so cruel, and he was not far away from him. He had been paying attention to it all the time, so he offered a word to help Ding Changsheng.

However, ten minutes later, the ambulance did not come. At this time, Qi Laosan was already in pain and couldn't make a sound. Ding Changsheng felt that it was no way to go on like this. He started to call again and realized that the ambulance was blocked on the road.

"We can't wait any longer. Let's go with our backs.". After Ding Changsheng finished, he bent down and picked up Luo Qingshan, which was heavier than him. Then he ran to the outside. Other people also quickly cleaned up their own things and ran outside after Ding Changsheng.

However, even soldiers like Zhou Hongjun and Wu Yuxing can barely keep up with Ding Changsheng. At this time, he is also sweating. But there is no way. As Liang Kexin said, if this man dies in his own hands, it means that he is not in prison or has to lose his official post. He has to fight for his own future. In addition, he has a good physique So Zhou Hongjun and Wu Yuxing followed behind and walked out of the hotel's gate, didn't they? The road in front of the door was like a parking lot, and they didn't move.

"Xiaoding, let me recite it for a while.". Zhou Hongjun said after catching up.

"No, brother Zhou, you can contact the hospital and let them be ready for rescue. I watched him protect his stomach all the time. Don't worry about acute appendicitis. It's nearest to the first people's hospital. Let's go there.". Ding Changsheng said as he ran.

Zhou Hongjun didn't understand this, but it was OK to contact the hospital. Although it was said that it was the closest to the first people's Hospital, it was not close at all. It was a full distance of three kilometers. Ding Changsheng carried Qi Laosan, who was heavier than himself, all the way to the hospital. Except Wu Yuxing, other people could not keep up with him, so he took them with him These three people were the first to arrive at the hospital with Qi Laosan. Wu Yuxing was out of breath. Zhou Hongjun was no better. After putting Qi Laosan on the operating vehicle, Ding Changsheng stepped back two steps and fell directly on the ground. He was holding on with one breath. Now his breath was gone, so he collapsed on the ground.

As expected, Ding Changsheng didn't expect that Qi Laosan had to have an operation because he drank too much, which caused acute appendicitis. Several other people came to the meeting. Liang Keyi looked at Ding Changsheng, who was sitting in the corner of the wall, gasping for breath. He couldn't help but pay homage.

"What's the situation?" Liang Kexin's question and answer.

"Acute appendicitis caused by drinking alcohol needs to be operated. We are preparing for the operation and waiting for signature.". Zhou Hongjun said.

At this time, the doctor just came out and looked at a large number of people and asked, "who is the family member of the patient? Acute appendicitis needs surgical resection immediately. Otherwise, it will cause more serious complications. Who of you sign first?".

Although there were a lot of people coming, look at me and I'll see you. Each of them is willing to sign. It's said that this person is brought by Liang Kexin and is also his friend, so he has to sign it. But the guy looks at everyone and says, "you don't need to look at me. I don't want to sign this word. I know Qi Laosan's temper. If you know someone is in him If you cut something off the top, it will definitely turn against me. ".As soon as she said this, Liang Keyi's face turned red. She didn't expect her brother to be such a person. She even ignored her friends at the critical moment. It was really humiliating to say such a thing. So she thought that she and Qi Laosan were both from Beijing, so her brother didn't sign it. So she wanted to sign it when she stepped forward At that time, he was pulled back by Liang Kexin.

"I'll sign it.". Ding Changsheng propped up the wall with his hands and reluctantly stood up. Although the distance was not very long, he still held a guy with more than 200 Jin in his arms. Therefore, these two arms were sour. When he supported the wall, he felt no strength, but he just stood up.

"Who are you?" Asked the doctor.

"I'm his big brother. I sent him here just now.".

"Oh, come here. We need to do the operation as soon as possible. The delay is very serious.". Ding Changsheng followed the doctor to sign.

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