"Did Secretary Tian know?". Kou Dapeng opened the curtain and saw that the crowd had begun to gather at the gate of the township government. He asked Qin e Xiang, director of the party and government office nearby.

"The field book is not in, went to the county.".

Kou Dapeng looks out with a black face. He starts to dial the phone on his desk, but he doesn't know who to call. If he calls Tian Jialiang at this time, this guy will not come back. Besides, he hasn't figured out what the situation is and what content to report.

Finally, through the glass, Ding Changsheng saw five or six people carrying three stretchers in a group. Each stretcher was covered with a white cloth. It looked like he was dead.

the guard quickly closed the gate, and more and more people did not take what measures. But they waved to see the shovel and other guys, shouting, "the government pays money, repairs roads and repairs roads." At this time, it should be said that the purpose of the people in Liyuan Village is very clear, that is, to ask the government to build roads for them. Because the mountain roads are not easy to walk, there are several car wrecks and people killed in Liyuan Village every year. Part of the reason why the reaction is so strong this time is that it is easy to sell pears in Liyuan Village regardless of the unsalable pears in Liyuan Village some time ago Out of a part, and then such a thing, discontent broke out in an instant.

Uncle, look out. Ding Changsheng looked back at Kou Dapeng, who was pacing back and forth.

"What's the use of going out? Can you help them build roads? No, call hollymore and ask him to bring some policemen to keep order Kou Dapeng is running his head rapidly. Who should report to? What kind of report should he take this matter.

Ding Changsheng took a look at Qin E-Xiang and found that the woman was still here. So he went to Kou Dapeng and said in a low voice, "uncle, don't let the police come here. If you come, you should drive them away. I've seen many mass incidents because no one asked for help during the petition, and then a large number of police came to Ding, so the contradiction will be intensified rapidly. You are from Linshan town The supreme leader, if something goes wrong, you will only be held responsible, and you will not be able to handle it effectively. ". What Ding Changsheng said is very clear and the theoretical level is rising. It seems that this newspaper is not for nothing.

"What do you say?" A few words said that Kou Dapeng's forehead was sweating, which was exactly what he was worried about. Tian Jialiang, this son of a bitch, actually passed away at this time.

"What? If you ask the king of Qin to call all the leaders at home, how many can you find? They are all the leaders of the town. If we want to finish the work together, we should make a collective decision. Even if Secretary Tian comes back, we can't change it. Besides, even if something happens, it's the responsibility of the collective leadership.

"Hey, you boy, it's a pity not to be an official.". Kou Dapeng didn't have a brain. He was just in a hurry. Ding Changsheng was not worried because he was an outsider. Even if the sky fell, it had nothing to do with him. As for the district director, he was just in office less than a week ago, and he was taken away by the Procuratorate. The problem of responsibility can be ignored, so Ding Changsheng can give advice to Kou Dapeng recklessly.

Ding Changsheng picked up his clothes, limped downstairs and went to the gate of the town government, "uncle, open the door, I'll go out.". Ding Changsheng gave the old man a cigarette, looked at the situation outside, and then went out.

"What's the matter? This is Liu Xiangli. What about your village director?" Ding Changsheng's expression is very serious, but not many people buy his account, because most people do not know him, he just went to Liyuan Village for a few days, and only stayed for one day, he took Liu Xiangli to Shanghai.

"Who are you? Go back. We need to find the leaders in the town. We just want to ask for an explanation. Our village director has gone to the county and hasn't come back yet.".

"What's the point? I'm your leader. Where am I going? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"The three people who died in our village are the pillars of the village. If they die, the family will be finished. The town talks about building roads every year, but the road to our Liyuan Village has never been included in the town's plan. I am the village accountant. Last year, my son took his wife to see his father-in-law's house. He turned over the gully and never came back. If the road is not repaired, we will have a pear garden The villagers live in the town government. Said one of the older men.

"This road must be repaired, but he has a process, isn't it? I'm Ding Changsheng, the district director who just went to your village. I've just come back. It's easy for you to come to a fruit seller who collects pears. If you don't go home to transport pears, are your pears still sold? Ah, right, these three people have all passed away. As the old saying goes, the world is big, and the dead are the biggest. What's the use of carrying them all the way here? I mean to go back and settle down for safety. I'm here... " Before Ding Changsheng finished speaking, he saw Liu Xiangli sweating into the crowd. Looking at the three people on the stretcher on the ground, Liu Xiangli burst into tears.

Ding Changsheng was stunned and expected her to come back to stabilize the scene. Didn't this cry add fuel to the fire?

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