Silence can be temporary, but it can't last a lifetime. So Ding Changsheng waited to see these leaders make a decision. In fact, he could not take charge of this matter. But the experience of the Procuratorate made him understand that no matter how capable you are, you will be trampled on recklessly in front of power. If you want not to be trampled on, you should have greater rights.

There was no chance before. Now he has the opportunity to expand himself. He decides to put treasure in Liyuan Village. All his work will start from Liyuan Village. Only by constantly doing things can he climb up, not be bullied and control the fate of others. This is the result of his thinking under the hot electric light of the procuratorate.

It seems that there is no need to discuss these three conditions. For Linshan Town, it is not impossible to take out hundreds of thousands of yuan. The rest is a matter of one sentence. Therefore, when Kou Dapeng asked for your opinions, almost no one raised any objection. Wang Baili only said whether to ask Secretary Tian for instructions, but it seemed that no one talked to her The matter of road construction in Liyuan Village has been settled in this way. Ding Changsheng is in charge of it. The money will soon be put into a special account. The use of the money must be approved by both the Party branch of Liyuan Village and the director of Liyuan district.

The people at the gate gradually dispersed. Although they still vaguely heard the low voice crying, the good thing was that the storm had passed. At this time, a car came from the distance, in which Tian Jialiang, who had been waiting for a long time, was coming from the distance.

"Did you mean it?" As soon as he enters the office, Kou Dapeng looks at Ding Changsheng who comes in and closes the door.

"Uncle, conscience of heaven and earth, I've just come out of the procuratorate and have not met anyone in Liyuan Village before I go straight to you. How can I have time?" Ding Changsheng didn't recognize the height.

"I believe that you don't know about the dead. You didn't organize these people to make trouble here. But you certainly helped to ask for money to build roads later. You can't deny it. Anyway, it's already like this. I won't expose you. You can do it yourself.". Kou Dapeng throws a cigarette to Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng is flattered and points it to Kou Dapeng.

"Uncle, in fact, this is because of you?"

"Because of me?"

"Yes, you think, I encouraged the sale of pears. Even though something has happened, it is reasonable. When will it not happen? Yes, it has sold a lot now. Some merchants have seen the information that Liuxiang pears are unsalable on TV and on the Internet. They will come to buy them soon. It is estimated that there should be no problem selling out this year. This is what I did, but you have the name of knowing people. Next, I want to repair the road of Liyuan Village. In that case, you will have a better idea in front of others Well, maybe not because I'm good at it, and then you'll have to give me a promotion. ". Although Ding Changsheng said that although rogue, but the words are not rough.

"OK, I believe you, but you must pay attention to safety. You know how Liu Xiangli's man died.".

"You know, don't worry, I won't be stupid enough to dig a squib.".

Kou Dapeng shakes his head. He admits that Ding Changsheng is a talented person, and he is very good at looking at opportunities. Isn't it a good opportunity that people die because of the road?

The news reached Liyuan Village. Although people died because of selling pears, the government actually agreed to build roads for Liyuan Village. This is good news. Maybe it means that from now on, Liyuan Village will never have to risk its life again.

"It seems that you are not very happy. Are you worried about the road construction? I think the money given by the government should be enough. If it is not enough, the villagers can also put together a little more. ". Seeing Ding Changsheng squatting at the gate of the pear garden, Liu Xiangli asked. She came to discuss when to start the road construction.

"It's not enough, but it's definitely not enough. What you want is to build the road to the county. In fact, there is a rudiment of the road there. Most of the places are still very spacious. As long as we widen a few critical sections, sister Liu, have you ever thought that if we put all our money into repairing and repairing, Liyuan Village will always lead to Haiyang county and then Baishan City And then we can really walk out of the mountain, which is really meaningless.

Liu Xiangli was excited. "Director Ding, do you mean to go to the other side of the mountain?" Liu Xiangli suppressed the excitement in her heart and turned to point to the mountain behind her.

"Yes, I just went up the mountain to see the national highway 220 from afar, and it's not very difficult to repair. It's just that the amount of work is big enough. It's not that it can be repaired in a short time and a half. Fortunately, there is enough explosive tube. So, sister Liu, you are now a good gunner from all over the country. This thing must be a playful talent. We can't Can take that risk. ".

Speaking of this, Liu Xiangli looked gloomy, "yes, he Jianping that fool would not have died if he hadn't gone to see that squib. Maybe the road has been repaired now.".

In this case, Ding Changsheng is not a good successor, so he bowed his head and took a strong puff of smoke. "Call the village steward together, and we will hold a meeting, so as not to let people say that we are dictatorial in our affairs. The money is not easy to get. If someone accuses him, we can't fix the road.". Ding Changsheng knew that the money came very dangerously. If Kou Dapeng's enemy Tian Jialiang were there, the money would not come so easily.In the future, he will use the town. If he is promoted, he will have to nod his head. If he doesn't get through this link, he will have endless troubles. When he thinks of this, he can't help thinking of the woman who is good with Tian Jialiang in lujialing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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