"Brother Cheng, why do you have time to come here?" Ke Zihua received a successful call and came out after asking for leave from the head teacher.

"Cola, it's called Hua Ge, Hua Zi, this is my cousin, Tang Ke Ke Ke.". Successful introduction.

"Hello, brother Hua". Tang Ke Ke is young, but he has a good eye. Seeing that Ke Zihua has a different relationship with his cousin, he is enthusiastic.

"Wow, brother Cheng, he is the genius chemist Tang Ke Ke you often say. Ouch, I've heard elder brother Cheng say that you've seen real people today. Hello, hello.". Ke Zihua said with exaggeration.

Tang Ke Ke is several years younger than Ke Zihua and Chenggong. He is still a student, but he is still studying for a master's degree. In the face of Ke Zihua's high-profile praise, Tang Cola doesn't know how to parry. When he successfully sees Ke Zihua's performance, he smiles, and a conceited person like Tang Ke still eats this set.

"Huazi, have you contacted Ding Changsheng?"

"I've contacted you. The boy has disappeared all day. I'll meet you at the hotel you ordered. Brother Cheng, what's the matter?" Although Ke Zihua doesn't speak seriously, he is still very serious when he comes to do business. He successfully brings his little cousin to him in a hurry. He thinks it is certainly not a good thing.

But there is no way. He can only rely on success to get his position today. So even if he successfully asks himself to do some illegal things, he can only close his eyes. This is to eat others' soft mouth and take other people's hands short. In the old society, big families would cultivate their own influence in the officialdom and make a contribution to it at the critical time, which is still the case now.

"Well, let's wait for him at the hotel first.". Said the successful driving.

Besides, Yang dingqi is not willing to let Yang Fenghua go out in a hurry, because he is not willing to let go of the case of changzisheng.

What Ding Changsheng didn't expect was that he saw not only Ke Zihua, but also success. Another person he didn't know, so he didn't know him.

"Brother Cheng, if you come to Jiangdu, just call me directly. You also passed huazi. You don't know that this guy is not reliable. He lied to me about the case.". Ding Changsheng pretended to be discontented.

Chenggong didn't speak. He hugged Ding Changsheng, patted him hard on his back and said: "brother, brother, thank you. You don't know. Since Gehu attacked me in the white mountain, I dare not go out this evening. You avenge my brother. Thank you.".

"Well, brother Cheng, you're far away from that. That's him. Forget it. Don't mention it. Brother Cheng, you're not here to play. You're so busy.". Ding Changsheng and Chenggong sat down next to each other.

Don't say anything, let's show you something. With that, he successfully took out a bottle of Coca Cola from the bag. The other bottle was similar in color, but it was put in the bottle of Nongfu spring. There was also the trademark of Nongfu spring outside.

"What is this?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Don't you ask, how about having a taste first?" Success said that took out three paper cups, respectively poured Coca Cola, and that bottle of liquid without any label, the other is a clear water.

Ding Changsheng did not know, so he took a sip of Coca Cola and didn't feel anything. It was ordinary Coca Cola.

"What's the smell?" Asked success.

"No taste, just ordinary Coca Cola.". Ding Changsheng said that he did not understand the meaning of success.

"Come on, let's have a taste of this cup and see what it tastes like.".

"Well, it's like coke. Isn't this Coca Cola?" Ding Changsheng took a sip, tasted it and asked.

"Do you really taste like coca cola?" "Success" asked.

"Well, I can't tell the taste of these two kinds of cola anyway.". Ding Changsheng said.

"You're right. The first time you drink Coca Cola is the Coca Cola provided by the hotel in this room, but the second time you drink, it's not the original coke, it's made by himself.". Success turned around and called Tang Ke Ke behind him.

"He made it?" Ding Changsheng said with disbelief.

"That's right. This is my cousin, Tang Ke Ke Ke. He liked to drink coke since he was a child. So he even called his name cola. He studied chemistry. He used chemical analysis to analyze the ingredients of coke. He made it by himself. Changsheng, don't you think we're really going to make it this time?" The tone of successful speech is a little shaky.

Ding Changsheng was also moved. He picked up two cups of coke, tasted it again and again, and said, "I really can't taste the difference between them. Your cousin is really a genius.".

"Changsheng, how about doing it together?" Asked success.

At this time, Ke Zihua also picked up two cups and drank them. He could not help but take a look at Tang Ke Ke. Tang Ke gave a naughty smile. He was paying attention to the conversation between his cousin and Ding Changsheng.

"Brother Cheng, thank you for thinking of me, but I can't help you with this?" Ding Changsheng said.However, Ding's success will make people surprised at the chance of success.

Ding Changsheng has his own ideas, such a good chance to find himself, is it really because of the relationship between himself and success? Certainly not this reason, then in this case, there must be problems that can not be solved in success. Now Ding Changsheng doesn't know what to do for success, so of course he won't be very eager.

"Changsheng, to tell you the truth, you really participate in this matter, and some things can be done by your brother and my brother together.".

Ding Changsheng listen, this is the reason for success in finding himself, "brother Cheng, you say it, as long as I can do it, I will try my best.".

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