"What are you doing, drinking your soup?" Liu Xiangli wanted to take her hand back, but she didn't take it back for two times in succession. Her heart was flustered. Although she was very flustered, she didn't have much antipathy. On the one hand, she got a good impression from Ding Changsheng through her understanding of Ding Changsheng. On the other hand, she had never been so close to a man for several years, and she also had some expectations in her heart.

"If you bring me soup so late, do you have me in mind?" Ding Changsheng put the soup bowl on the table beside the bed, but his other hand did not let Liu Xiangli go.

"Who's hanging up with you? I'm afraid you're burning your stomach.".

"I'm still in my heart...". Ding Changsheng suffered a lot at this time, and the whole person seemed to be burning. It seems that Liu San's medicinal wine would be very useful, but there was going to be an accident tonight. He wanted to drive Liu Xiangli away as soon as he was a bit sober now. However, he was here to deliver rice. How could he be so kind? This was delayed. It was too late for Liu Xiangli to leave again.

Ding Changsheng reached out and turned off the light at the head of the bed. The room was suddenly dark. With Liu Xiangli's stupefied efforts, Ding Changsheng jumped up from the bed and stretched out his hand to pull Liu Xiangli onto his bed. Before Liu Xiangli made any sound, a big mouth blocked the cherry mouth of Liu Xiangli.

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