"Ding Ju, I heard you're going to be transferred, aren't you?" Yang Lu asked.

"Yes, maybe I will report today. What's the matter?"

"D Bureau, if you leave, what can I do?..." Yang Lu is a little worried, although there is a conclusion about her affairs, that is, as soon as she graduates at the end of June, she will be able to enter Huzhou Municipal Bureau.

However, Yang Lu is still worried that Ding Changsheng will not be in charge of this matter as soon as he leaves. He will not be beaten by chicken and eggs at that time. So it is said that Ding Changsheng is going to leave, Yang Lu is still very worried.

"You don't have to worry about your business. I'll make an agreement with political commissar LAN. I'll say hello to director he. You don't have to be so nervous about this. Since you come to work in the Municipal Bureau, it will not change again.". Ding Changsheng comforts Yang Ludao.

"D Bureau, I don't mean that. I mean, can I work with you in the development zone?" At first, Yang Lu's voice was still very loud, but later, she was dumb and her voice was almost inaudible.

"To work in the development zone? You don't want to be a police officer. However, there is no branch office in the development zone. You have studied the police major for several years, so it's wasted? " Ding Changsheng was a little sad.

"D Bureau, I just want to work with you, other have no idea.". When Yang Lu finished saying this, her face turned red to the root of her ears. Didn't she express herself clearly?

"Yang Lu, let's talk about it later. I have something else to go to the municipal Party committee. If you are not happy to work here, I will send you to the development zone. At present, I haven't gone. I don't know what's going on there. So you can work in the Municipal Bureau for the time being, OK?" Ding Changsheng said, standing up to go out.

"Ding Ju, there is one more thing, Sister Li said, if you have time, let you go to her shop, as if you have something to do with you.". Yang Lu finally said.

"Sister Li, which Sister Li?" Ding Changsheng asked in a daze.

"It's Sister Li of the yoga club I helped. Did you forget?" Yang Lu looked at Ding Changsheng strangely and said.

"Didn't you say anything?" Ding Chang frowned and asked.

"No, I said I wanted to meet you.". Yang Lu said.

I see. I'll take some time to have a look.

For Li Hongfeng, Ding Changsheng is no longer in his consideration. How to say, he has done something to take advantage of others' danger. However, Ding Changsheng does not like Li Hongfeng, who has such a strong purpose. Li Hongfeng must be looking for him because of Shen Mu, and there may be Shen Mu's shadow behind it, which makes Ding Changsheng feel very tired and crooked.

Especially today, Ding Changsheng was in a bad mood. Although he advised himself to look more open, a woman like Zhou Hongqi could not be tolerated by himself, but as a man, his heart was still full of jealousy, which could not be denied by any man.

"Why are you so late? I've been waiting for you for a long time.". Gu Qingshan said to Ding Changsheng who came in.

"There is something delayed in the Bureau. Who will go with me? You won't send me in person?" Ding Changsheng joked.

"Well, do you have that big frame? I don't want to look at my own weight. Gu Qingshan said, picked up the phone and dialed an internal line. After a while, a middle-aged man pushed the door and came in.

"Minister, you need me.".

"Changsheng, let me introduce you. This is section chief Chen. He sent you to the development zone. Xiaochen, this is Ding Changsheng. You can go. It's late.". Gu Qingshan waved and said.

So Ding Changsheng and Chen Ke Chang went out of the organization department and went to the Development Zone in the car of the Organization Department of the municipal Party committee. Because it was the first day, Ding Changsheng couldn't go to work immediately, so he didn't drive his own car.

"Director Ding, my name is Chen Qi. I'm from the three branches of cadres. I've heard about your reputation for a long time. This time I go to the Development Zone, I've got a place to use.". Chen Qi and Ding Changsheng sit in the back of the car. As soon as they get on the bus, Chen Qi reaches out his hand and shakes hands with Ding Changsheng.

"Mr. Chen, you are too polite. I don't have any prestige. You don't know about the development zone. I still hope that section chief Chen can transfer some competent people to me. Otherwise, I can't support myself alone.".

"It's no problem. As long as director Ding wants someone to make a report, I'll help you talk about it.". As a section chief of the three branches of cadres, Chen Qi is also an old man who follows Gu Qingshan. Therefore, he has heard of the relationship between Gu Qingshan and Ding Changsheng.

But for Ding Changsheng's ability, Chen Qi is still skeptical. Although it is popular to recognize Godfather now, his name is getting worse and worse. What he represents is no longer the relationship between two people and their father and son, but often means some transaction.

As for the transaction between Ding Changsheng and Gu Qingshan, Chen Qi doesn't know, but it can't be denied that Ding Changsheng is really good at interpersonal relationship. At such a young age, he can cling to Shi Aiguo, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, and Gu Qingshan, head of organization. Chen Qi asked himself that he could not do it.

At that time, when Ding Changsheng was promoted to the position of deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, the Organization Department was like a frying pan. In private, they talked about the decision. They all said that Ding Changsheng had a bad luck. He became a deputy director of the Municipal Bureau at such a young age, and questioned his ability.Although there is Shi's patriotic relationship behind this, if Ding Changsheng is really a piece of mud that can't be supported on the wall, then there will be another person who is also in vain. Therefore, when Ding Changsheng is helped to the position of director of the Development Zone, more people sneer and wait to see Ding Changsheng's jokes. According to Chen Qi, there are no people in Huzhou, so it's very important to have a baby It seems that the leaders of Huzhou have finished their work.

Of course, these words can only be said in private. On the surface, they are not good for you and me.

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