Haiyang county Party committee is in a meeting, and Liyuan Village is also in a meeting. However, the number of people at this meeting is much larger than that of the county Party committee.

In front of the district courtyard, there is a table on a large flat space. Only one person is sitting in the middle of the table, that is Ding Changsheng. Although other members of the village committee sit and watch, there is a certain distance between the tables in the city. On the other side of the table, there are people all over the table. The notice to everyone is to discuss whether the road should be repaired or not. What can be discussed? Isn't the town allocated money? Do these cadres want to swallow it, so everyone actively came to the meeting.

Not far from Ding Changsheng's right, she sat and looked at Liu Xiangli. Although she went back secretly in the morning, after a night's moistening, she was not depressed, but was full of energy. Her sister-in-law, he Ying'er, saw that Liu Xiangli was wearing a scarf for the first time I've never seen my sister-in-law tie a scarf before. What she didn't know was that it was Liu Xiangli's kiss on her neck.

Ding Changsheng started to be ruthless. When she went back to take off her clothes, she found that there were many kissing marks on her body, most of which were on Shuangfeng paper. Now she still felt a faint pain. But the pain and desire interweave, which made her eyes drift to Ding Changsheng who was talking on the stage from time to time.

"Fellow villagers, I've been blowing a bull's advocate to the leaders of the town. If I can't repair the road of Liyuan Village, I'll live in Liyuan Village all my life. Although Liyuan Village is good, I still want to be promoted to an official or something. I can't continue to serve Liyuan Village in the future. Therefore, we have to repair this road. We can't watch several relatives and friends every year because I lost my life because of the bad road. When Ding Changsheng said this, his face showed sadness. No matter whether it was true or not, the villagers thought it was true and thought that Ding Changsheng really wanted to build roads for everyone.

"After director Liu Xiangli told you about the road construction, I heard someone say that the road should be built by the government, and big guys should not contribute. Is that right? I think the government has the obligation to build roads for everyone and provide them with a safe road to drive. But what I want to say is that what the government can build for us is the old road to the county, It's nothing more than mending. After a few years of heavy rain and flood, it will be destroyed. We have to go now. Of course, we need to build this road, but we can't devote all our energy to this road. We mainly build the road that the old director led you to build, until it reaches the 220 National Highway on the other side of the mountain. From then on, there will be no death due to walking in Liyuan Village The road leads to the provincial capital. When the time comes, your children can go to the provincial capital directly from this road. Do you think this road should be built

"Director Ding, what you said is very good, but how can we have so much money? We can't repair it in this lifetime just by relying on us.". Next, some people began to ask questions. Ding Changsheng was relieved. He was afraid that everyone would not speak up, so he would speak to himself a hundred times. The following group of people will not listen to you, you are also blind.

"This uncle asked well. The town has given 300000 yuan, which has been paid in. I discussed with the members of the village committee and divided the money into three parts. This also needs to be made clear to everyone. We need to have a lot of large-scale machinery. We need to buy more diesel for spare while we are in the countryside. 100000 yuan is used to rent rock breaking machines and excavators Now we have two forklift trucks, but it's not enough. Another 100000 yuan is going to set up Liyuan Village Road and Bridge Company. We have accumulated experience by building this mountain road, and then we will build roads and bridges for others. We have earned money from Liyuan Village. Then we can work in the company. All the villagers in Liyuan Village can get dividends from the money earned by the company It may not be much, but I believe it will be more and more. ". Ding Changsheng is good at bluffing. After a while, the following buzzing discussion started, and no one asked any more questions.

"However, everything is difficult at the beginning. Before there is not enough machinery, a lot of things have to be done manually by everyone. Now it's the slack season. In addition to the pears at home, there is nothing else to do. The merchants who buy pears are coming to Liyuan Village to see the goods. Many of them have bought them on the spot, and others have signed for next year This makes us feel that the road has to be repaired. The merchants are unwilling to come because the road is not easy to go. When they come, they have to send pears to the county. How did the three people die? It's not because they want to sell pears. My idea is that every family should go to the mountain road to help repair the road. You don't build this road for others, it's for your descendants Yes, I said so much. Anyway, everyone's eyes are bright. Everyone knows who has come or who hasn't. well, I'll say so much. I'll gather here at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to build roads. ".

This move is tough enough to mobilize the masses to fight against the masses.

In the past, Liu Xiangli only thought that this guy was a child, but today's speech made her have a new understanding of him. This guy also has a good way of inciting the masses. It can be seen from the performance of the people on the scene that they should have gone to repair the road this morning, but when they gathered, they found that there were only a dozen people, which was not useful at all With the mobilization meeting just now.

"Director Ding, your eloquence is very good.". Look around no one, Liu Xiangli sincerely praise."Where, where, or director Liu's eloquence is good. Last night's eloquence was really powerful.". Ding Changsheng said with a vague smile.

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