"You, why are you here?" Ding Changsheng looks at Gu Lele with the same look of amazement and subconsciously covers his key parts.

However, as a man, if he sees that a woman doesn't respond, it's not a man. In addition, Ding Changsheng is not an ordinary man, so his palms are a little small for his capital.

Gu Lele smiles. Although she doesn't have any make-up, her face is full of more charming smile than any make-up. Because it is too close to Ding Changsheng, she slowly stretches out her hand when she sits on the toilet without raising her shorts.

"You, what are you doing? Let go.". Ding Changsheng didn't dare to speak out loud for fear of calling Zheng Xiaoai. However, Gu Lele pushed his feet because when a woman decided to protect herself with her own body, any words were shallow.

Ding Changsheng has no time to enjoy it. He pulls a towel and goes out. As soon as he opens the door, he sees Zheng Xiaoai standing outside the door.

Why so long? I thought you were asleep. Zheng Xiaoai said in a low voice.

"Well, I'm rather tired. It took a long time to wash. Hurry up, baby. I can't wait.". Ding Changsheng hugs Zheng Xiaoai and walks to the bedroom. Zheng Xiaoai is not honest at this time. As soon as he reaches out, he touches the object in Ding Changsheng's crotch that brings her infinite joy.

"What did you do just now? Why are you so anxious?" While holding it, he asked Ding Changsheng, but this gesture is very similar to a female driver's gear shifting technique when driving, which makes Ding Changsheng unable to stop.

"What can I do? I miss you. Hurry up. It's too late to grind again.". In order to avoid Zheng Xiaoai's suspicion, Ding Changsheng grabbed Zheng Xiaoai and rushed to the bedroom.

It took Gu Lele a few minutes to get out of the bathroom door, but she didn't dare to close it. She was afraid that Zheng Xiaoai would hear a noise. She felt like a kitten who had eaten her owner's ham sausage. She was nervous and afraid, but she could not resist the temptation of the sausage.

She took her slippers in her hand, walked to Zheng Xiaoai's bedroom in the dark, put her ears on the door of the bedroom, and heard Zheng Xiaoai's familiar and enchanting voice coming from the bedroom. The voice was like crying, and the sound of muscle impact let Gu Lele also be infected.

When she returned to her bedroom, she could not help reaching out and taking a tissue out of the tissue box on the head of the bed, wiped her sensitive area, and then got into the bed.

"What's wrong with you? I've never seen you so excited before? " Gu Tiantian hasn't fallen asleep since Gu Lele left the house. Until Gu Lele returns to bed and sleeps unconsciously, Gu Tiantian finally can't help it.

"Are you awake?"

"I'm not awake. I'm your sister. We're telepathic. What did you do just now, so excited?" Gu Tiantian turns over and hugs Gu Lele.

"Mr. Ding is here, in sister AI's room.". Gu Lele said.

"Every time he comes, doesn't he always go to sister AI's house? Do you eavesdrop again? Elder sister, it's not good to do so. We are now living in Xiaoai's home, although we are Mr. Ding's. If she doesn't give us a good look, we'll have to suffer. Besides, Mr. Ding doesn't seem to take us seriously, so you'd better not mess with her. ". Gu Tiantian advised.

"I know, but I was in the bathroom just now..." Gu Lele whispered to Gu Tiantian about what happened in the bathroom, and directly shocked Gu Tiantian to grow up with an egg.

"What are you going to do?" Sweet Valley Leng for a while said.

"Tiantian, I think that if Ding Changsheng wants us, we will be very good. It's not all popular to be close to big money now. I heard little sister AI say that Mr. Ding is not only an official, but also rich. We just go back to school and have to find a job after school. How can we have a good life now, you say?".

"What about our parents? They must still be looking for us. Gu Tiantian said.

"I know that we will go back in a few years, and then we will have money. Are you afraid that they will not have a good life? But now is not the time. Alas, wait a moment. I think Mr. Ding is also waiting for the opportunity. I can feel that he is not the kind of bad person we worry about.". Gu Lele said definitely.

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