"Uncle, I think Secretary Zheng may be interested in the road construction. If it is true, in the next few years, it is estimated that the government will invest a lot of money in this area. This is a big cake.". Ding Changsheng said to Kou Dapeng.

"What do you think?"

"In this case, let's not let the rich water flow into the fields, and let my aunt not be a teacher any more. We can set up a construction engineering company, such as roads, bridges and so on. We can do it ourselves, so that we can not only ensure the quality, but also make money.".

"Do you think others don't have such an idea? It's impossible, and we don't have so much money to put in here. The government just wants to build roads, which is not a matter of a while and a half. Therefore, it is estimated that the contractors advance funds in the early stage. We can't afford to invest so much money here, so forget it.".

Ding Changsheng thinks about it. Haiyang county government is also poor. How can they afford to build such a long road all at once? Besides, this road is not an important project like Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway. Although Ding Changsheng has described a bright future for Zheng Mingtang, considering the actual situation in the county, it is unlikely that Zheng Mingtang can make such a determination.

"How about going back to dinner with me in the evening?" Kou Dapeng asked.

"No, I'd better go back. Today I was going to work on the mountain with the village cadres of Liyuan Village. I've been running away for a day. I have to go back to see the situation.".

"That's fine, but you can't just focus on Liyuan Village, lujialing, bangziyu, and Tianjiazhuang. I've been reflected that you, the district director, only care about Liyuan Village, and ignore other villages. You should not treat one village against another.". Kou Dapeng said.

"Who said that? Let his mother fart. I've only been in Liyuan Village for a few days. What's more, which village has millions of pounds of pears waiting to be sold? Who said that?"

"Ding Dakui, the head of your village, said that if you have the ability, you can go to him to settle accounts.". Kou Dapeng said with a smile, but suddenly he remembered something. He put Ding Changsheng in the town and left.

Ding Changsheng rode a motorcycle to lujialing in the courtyard of the town government. Li fengni has been taking Li Jianshe back for several days. He has no time to go and have a look. Today, he happens to have time, so he goes to lujialing to have a look.

When he walked into the unique courtyard of lujialing, he happened to see a woman washing clothes in the yard. Her back was beautiful, and she looked weak and straight in the winter sunshine.

At this time, Li fengni saw the black shadow on the ground. She was so scared that she ran away immediately. Her clothes fell to the ground.

"Oh, you scared me to death. Why did you come in silent?" Li fengni looks at Ding Changsheng and immediately gets angry.

"I'm giving you a surprise.".

"It's a surprise. You scared me to death.". Li fengni patted her chest with her wet hands, and her tight sweater with a high collar outlined the curve of Li fengni's upper body incisively and vividly, which made Ding Changsheng unconsciously swallow a mouthful.

"Where's uncle Li?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Rest in the house, you go to see him, don't mind if you don't like talking.".

I know. I'll see him.

"Changsheng, you, be careful, don't be scared.".

"This is what words, he is my uncle, I can still be afraid of him.".

Ding Changsheng said that he went into the room of the main room. He saw a man sitting in the sofa with his head down and watching the opera on the TV. His voice was very low. But when he saw Li Jianshe listening carefully, Rao was reminded by Li fengni. But when Li Jianshe looked up, he was still shocked.

Li Jianshe's whole face was almost burned without a trace of the original, and there were new growing granulation everywhere, just like the skin of a baby, but it was uneven, giving people the feeling of terror. If he saw such a face at night, Ding Changsheng could not guarantee that he would not faint.

"Uncle Li, are you better?"

Li Jianshe didn't say anything, just nodded. It seems that the fire really destroyed his will. Ding Changsheng felt that he was so negative that he didn't want to talk to anyone.

Li fengni stood outside the door and listened to the room. Unfortunately, only Ding Changsheng was talking inside. Li Jianshe never spoke. After a while, Ding Changsheng stood up and thought of talking to Li fengni in the yard. However, Li Jianshe held her hand.

"Wait a minute", Li Jianshe finally issued a hoarse voice. Uncle Li, what's up.

"You are a good child. Tiger Wang is not a thing. I thank you, young man." Li Jianshe held Ding Changsheng's shoulder tightly. "Fengni's life is hard. You should treat her well and not let her down.". Li Jianshe's voice is low, but powerful.

"I know, you can rest assured that I will treat her well and treat her as my sister.". Ding Changsheng vowed to say.

Li Jianshe disdains to smile, but this smile is better than not to laugh, but Ding Changsheng is scared to death.

Because he interfered in his daughter's marriage, he married his daughter to a devil. This time, thanks to this young boy, he took back one foot that had already stepped into the ghost gate and lived in such a good house. Moreover, he also felt that his daughter was different. She loved to laugh more than before, and she looked more like a woman in her dress. All these changes were reflected in Li Jianshe's works In his eyes, this fire wakes him up, he no longer interferes with the children's affairs, his biggest face is burned out, what more face.

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