"What's the matter The whole team went to see how the eagle's mouth was fried, but Liu Xiangli didn't go to play. When she saw Ding Changsheng answer the phone, she looked glum.

"No, it's OK. Let's go and see how it's fried."

"Director Ding, director Ding, this time the explosion is very good. You see, such a large piece of explosion, I think, can build the subgrade.". Liu Sany said excitedly, pointing to the big stone just opened.

"That's not good. It's only a few meters. It's only five meters from the road side to the innermost part. This place is also at a turning point. It's hard for cars on this side to know whether there's a car coming from the opposite side. If not, there will be frequent traffic accidents in this place in the future. Tell the Gunners that this place needs to be blasted. Don't be afraid to use explosives It is necessary to pay attention to safety. Since we have to build roads, we should do it once and for all, and it will be too late to repair them when there is an accident. ". Ding Changsheng measured the width of the subgrade. Obviously, this place is not wide enough.

"Well, I'll go and arrange the hole drilling and filling again.". Liu San nodded to find the gunner.

"What is that?" Ding Changsheng pointed to two swaying shadows on a hill in the distance.

"My God, it seems to be people. How can there be people in this place?" Liu Xiangli put up the curtain and said.

"Send a few people to have a look, tell them, I'm shooting mountains here, let them stay away.". Ding Changsheng saw that the two men actually walked towards this side.

Looking at the place that has just been bombed, hundreds of people are using all kinds of tools to cooperate with the forklift to push the big rocks into the gully. Ding Changsheng can't help but feel a little sigh. As long as they do something for the common people, they will know to support you. You know, these hundreds of people bring their own dry food every day, and they don't even have a cent of salary, but they are still working hard.

Because they know that after this road is built, they can directly lead to the National Road outside. By then, the whole Liyuan Village and the outside world will no longer be closed. Because of the closure, they have missed too many opportunities.

"Young man, are you in charge here?" After a long time, the villagers showed them two people. But what was strange was that both of them had a shotgun in their hands, and they didn't look like the mountain people nearby. They were both carrying backpacks and field clothes. They were like the PLA performing in the theater.

"Yes, you are?" One was in his fifties and the other was in his thirties.

"Oh, we're here to hunt in the mountains. We lost our way. When we heard the sound of artillery firing, we came here. When you get out of the mountain, can you take us out?".

"We'll have to wait for a while, and we'll leave after this round of artillery firing. If you're tired, you'll have a rest.".

Ding Changsheng also saw guns in training, but most of them were pistols. It was the first time that he saw such shotguns held by two people. Moreover, their harvest was not small. The cloth pockets on each person's abdomen were bulging, and there were blood stains seeping out. It seemed that they were wild rabbits.

"Is your road built by the government?" Asked the older one.

"Well, it can be said that it was repaired by the government. The government has given some funds, but we do the work ourselves.".

"Are these people free?" The young man asked in disbelief.

"Yes, but it's not free. They build roads for themselves and for the village.".

"Where is this going to be repaired?"

"Along the gully, the straight-line distance is about five kilometers, which is the national highway 220. Our goal is to hook up with the national highway, and then we will be very close to the provincial capital.".

"Oh, is the 220 National highway ahead? Five kilometers is not far. I knew that we would go directly to the national highway to pick up the bus.

"Ha ha, Zhonghua, you didn't hear what this little brother said. What he said was a straight-line distance. I don't know how far it is.". Said the older one.

Ding Changsheng vaguely felt that these two people were not ordinary people, especially the older ones. They had a temperament of not being angry and self-confident. They were not high-ranking officials but also big money. They had big heads and thick necks. They didn't look like cooks.

The three were chatting without a word. In the distance, they began to use a steel drill to drill holes and charge the medicine. At this time, Liu Xiangli was in a hurry. Ding Changsheng's heart sank, and what happened?

"Director Ding, it's bad. The police station in the town has arrested people in the village.".

"Catch someone, what's the matter? Speak slowly, don't worry.".

"It's not because of family planning. There are several couples in Liyuan Village who want to have sons. No, they have gone to the countryside to give birth to children. There are only old people in the family. People from the police station want to catch the old people to go to the police station and force those young people who hide from family planning to come back. Go and have a look. Everyone is working here, and there are only old people and children left in the village.".

"Go, go back and have a look.". Ding Changsheng had no time to say goodbye to them and left in a hurry.

"Do you want to call all the people back here?". Asked Liu Xiangli.

"Who are you called? What are you doing? It's not going to war. Just go back with me.". Looking at the two men leaving in a hurry, the two hunters looked at each other and quietly got up and walked to the village dressed in Ding Changsheng and Liu Xiangli."Family planning at the grassroots level is not easy to do. It's hard to catch the elderly. It's also a helpless move.". Said the young man.

"Family planning is a national policy, but every place has its own special situation. If you don't allow the birth, he will give birth secretly. If you don't allow him to have a child, he will not be able to get registered permanent residence. When he gets registered, he will pay a sum of money to finish the work. Family planning work is not done. This situation is not without, but many.".

"It seems that this boy is some director in the village. Does he dare to choke with the police station? I don't think even the village director will dare to say anything when he comes out. After all, family planning is an iron bar.".

"Go, look.".

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