When Ding Changsheng arrived at the hotel, Ke Zihua was already waiting. "Why did you come here? It's a pity. Why didn't you come?"

"I said if you can build up virtue with your mouth. People are afraid of your mouth, so they dare not come. Who are there tonight? Do I know?"

"Well, they are all acquaintances, but you may not be familiar with them, because you didn't talk much at that time, as if people owed you money.".

"Yes, I thought I was lively at that time. Otherwise, how could I have made such a bad friend as you?". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

Ke Zihua took Ding Changsheng into the innermost courtyard of the ecological park. The number was also very interesting. There was a plaque above the gate, which read "Prince Gong's residence".

"Shit, I'm in the yard of Guizi six.".

"You know the allusion. It seems that you have not read any books.". Ke Zihua teased, "here we come. This is our classmate. Do you still know each other?" Ke Zihua pushed Ding Changsheng into the room. There were already four people in the room, but there was a woman in the room. However, everyone was not familiar with Ding Changsheng, so they didn't stand up. He just raised the tea cup in his hand, which means that when he knew you were here, Ding Changsheng felt that the banquet was not so enthusiastic.

"Shijian, I told you just now that when I have time to choose a car for Changsheng, the price will be lowered. The boy still rides a motorcycle.". Ke Zihua is a person who can create atmosphere very well. Ding Changsheng also feels that he is not so popular. After thinking about it, he thinks that he has not offended these people, maybe he is still unfamiliar, or these people don't take him as a dish.

"Ding Changsheng, what are you doing now?" Asked a man nearby.

This man, Ding Changsheng, was a deputy director of a police station in the suburb of Baishan City at that time. It is estimated that he should be promoted now. It seems that his name is Chen Weiguo.

"What else can I do to be a village official? Director Chen has been promoted again.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"To be promoted to a higher official, you have to stay where you are. It's just to strengthen the right. The place is still that place and the people are in charge. It's meaningless. The countryside is good and the air is good. Ha ha.". Chen Weiguo said with a smile. Although he didn't speak much, the superiority in his tone was obvious.

"Ding Changsheng, what do you do in the village?" Asked the only lady at the party.

This woman is one of the few women in the training class. She seems to be from the technical department of the Municipal Bureau. She doesn't know what she is doing now, and even forgets her name. She has to deal with the past vaguely: "what else can I do? I'm building roads now.". Ding Changsheng mocked himself.

"You know that it's not easy to be a village official, but what this boy is doing is that the road is not easy to repair, but the official road is easy to repair, Changsheng. If your village road is repaired well, I think your official road will be almost finished.".

"What's the matter? I've just accomplished a few years ago. It's good not to let me work in Liyuan Village all my life.".

"Liyuan Village? Ah, I remember what you said. As a qualified netizen, you should all know about brother Li. How can I look at it? How can I look like your boy? " Zhen Shijian said with a smile that everyone looked at Ding Changsheng suspiciously.

"Don't look, it's not me.".

"No, it's you. I remember, it's you. At that time, I said it looked like a person, but I didn't expect it was really you boy.". Chen Weiguo seems to remember something.

However, it was not Ding Changsheng, but Ke Zihua. It is no wonder that people have a habit of yearning for the strong. As everyone in this circle knows, the success of Ke Zihua and Vice Mayor Cheng is a strong competitor of the mayor. Therefore, it is not so much a matter of face for Ke Zihua as it is for him to discuss Good success.

Ding Changsheng doesn't know if Ke Zihua often eats and drinks with these people. However, he can clearly feel that he doesn't belong to him tonight. He doesn't belong to him, a small official from the countryside. This kind of contempt is very exciting. However, Ding Changsheng is only a young man under 20 years old. Therefore, his inner defiance and contempt are all turned into wine in the cup Cup after cup, he asked for someone to drink. He did it at will. After several rounds, he was already a little stiff, and others were embarrassed not to drink, so the wine went home to the full.

"Changsheng, don't mind. These people are snobbish. Today, I wanted to introduce more people to you. But tonight, it seems to be counterproductive. Do you have any interest in coming to Baishan? It's all up to me. As long as you say a word, I'll find success. You know, executive vice mayor, it's OK to transfer a small sesame official like you It's a matter of one sentence. How about it? We'll do it together in Baishan.

"Brother Ke, thank you for your kindness. I'm out of the police. Although I believe what you say, I have to be trustworthy. There is still a business in my family. I can't leave Liyuan Village for a while. But I remember what you said. If I can't get along in Haiyang County, I'll come to you. How about going up and sit down?" Go downstairs to Changsheng.

"Forget it, don't delay your good things, young, take it easy."."Go, my mind is so pure, it's not like you. OK, go back slowly at night. I'll go back early tomorrow morning, and I'll go to Liyuan Village to play with me some other day.".

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