Ding Changsheng didn't dare to delay. He gave Liu Xiangli an account of what he was doing and went back to town with Du shankui.

"Dugo, your master has no score. If you give me a song palace painting, there will be no more. You go back and ask him for me and teach me some kung fu skills. Damn it, I was nearly beaten to death by some gangsters in the provincial capital last time. And in the procuratorate, the bastard Yuan Fang, I will have to deal with him sooner or later.". Ding Changsheng hate to Du shankui said.

Du shankui looked at the road ahead with a smile. "My master will not teach you this kind of thought. Others learn martial arts to strengthen your health. You learn martial arts to be brave and fierce. This is a taboo in the Wulin world. So you should show humility. If there is a taste of benefiting the world, my master will teach you.".

"Really, didn't your master say that I am too old to learn

"Taoist things are sometimes very mysterious, so it depends on how you choose. As long as you choose the right one, you will have hope at any age. If you are serious, you can practice health exercises directly.".

"Hey, what's the use of that? I don't need it at my young age.". Ding Changsheng was dismissive.

"Well, you're wrong. My master knows so much martial arts, but now only exercises health exercises every day. It's a solid foundation, and you don't understand it. In addition, don't say you don't need it. I look at your face and see if I've been with women for a long time recently.". Du shankui laughed strangely.

"Dugo, when did you meet? Besides, I'm a bachelor now. There's no woman. I think you cheat me.".

"When you paint on the palace, you can't be sure that you are too young to write. However, if you don't look carefully, you will not be able to express your weakness I didn't read it at all. By the way, if you don't want the book, give it to me. ".

"It's gone.". Ding Changsheng said without being angry.

"No? Lost it? "

"I didn't lose my nephew, but I didn't have any paper for a few times, so I wiped my ass directly.".

"What?" Du shankui was driving his car, and a sudden brake stopped the car on the hillside. "Really? Are you really torn? "

"No way, under my pillow.". Ding Chang gave birth to one. It's not for fun. It's on the hillside. It seems that Du shankui can't stimulate him when he drives.

"I'll tell you, don't look down on that book. The worst thing is that it's a cultural relic. It has been sold for hundreds of years, and it's worth at least $3.5 million. Besides, there are words. It's a treasure.".

"Really, your master thinks highly of me, three or five million?" Ding Changsheng was a little surprised this time.

"Ah, my master, this is also a well intentioned one. I said that you are my leader's relative. Since I was a child, my master taught me how to be a man. Up to now, I treat him as a father.". Du shankui said a little emotional.

"I see, dugo, are you going to drive all your life?"

"What else can I do? I don't have any other skills. I can't make a living without anything in my hand.".

"My nephew has an idea. He has thought about it for a long time. I have some money in my hand. I always want to find someone to do something together, or we can work together.".

"But I don't have any money. I have to ask for money to become a shareholder.".

"Hey, my master gave me a book. In your words, it's worth hundreds of thousands..."

"Well? Are you going to sell it? " Du shankui was surprised again. Sometimes Ding Changsheng was really confused. So when Ding Changsheng mentioned "three and a half million yuan, Du shankui became nervous again.

"What? I mean, you're a shareholder. I want to contract a large area of barren mountains in Liyuan Village. I've asked experts from the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It's very suitable for planting wine grapes, with an area of about 5000 mu. If it's made, it's a big planting base, and it's sure to have a bright future. My identity is not suitable. You're going to operate this How is it going? "

"Is there a spectrum of it?" Du shankui was dubious.

"Anyway, you can open an account. Otherwise, you can take a long leave first. I'll tell Secretary kou to do it first. I'll give you a salary. How much do you open now? I'll give you double. How about that?"

"Well, I have to think about it carefully. Let me discuss it with master.".

"OK, no problem. I'll talk about it when I come back from Beijing.".

When Ding Changsheng arrived at Kou Dapeng's office, he was stunned when he saw that Tan Qinghu, director of the family planning office, was also there. The boy changed his mind, and then he was relieved. Tian Jialiang had been transferred, and his backing was gone, and he was beyond his reach.

"Secretary Kou, what's the matter, so urgent?" Ding Changsheng didn't pay any attention to tan Qinghu. He sat directly in front of Kou Dapeng and asked.

"Here we are. This is Comrade Tan Qinghu, director of the family planning office. You must have known each other for a long time. This time, you two are on behalf of the town and will go to Beijing after meeting with the people from the county petition office."."This has something to do with Director Tan?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Well, Director Tan is familiar with the family planning policy, so she has to go.". Kou Dapeng doesn't give Tan Qinghu a chance to speak. In fact, Tan Qinghu had already asked Kou Dapeng for instructions and said he didn't want to go, but Kou Dapeng didn't agree. No, Ding Changsheng came here and directly nailed the matter to death. Who would you, the director of family planning office, not go?

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