"Uncle Li, you are so polite. I can eat at the village committee. Why come to your house for dinner?". Ding Changsheng said a polite word when he saw Li Jianshe.

"You boy, I've been a dog for a few days. When will you give it back to me? It's an old black dog I've kept for five or six years. If you say no, it's gone.". Li Jianshe wandered in anger.

"Ha ha, Uncle Li, I was not sensible at that time. Your black dog has become fertilizer for a long time. But Uncle Li, I promise you that I will give you a wolf dog in a few days, and my cousin's wolf dog will give birth in the next few days.".

"Your cousin, who is your cousin?"

"Kou Dapeng". Ding Changsheng said casually.

"Township head Kou, Ding Changsheng, you are not bragging, are you? Who do you get.

"I don't believe it. I'm a member of the joint defense team, or my uncle Huo can bring me to you all day long. My boss said that he would let me stay here until the end of the election.". Ding Changsheng said solemnly, and even the big girl of Li family looked back at this insignificant young man.

"Is it true? Fengni, bring me a bottle of wine, and I'll have a few drinks with police officer Ding. "Li Jianshe is dubious. However, judging from Ding Changsheng's serious remarks, there is also the meaning of making friends. Otherwise, his old black dog died too unjustly.

It turns out that the woman's name is fengni, Li fengni.

"Uncle, does sister fengni have a mother-in-law?" Ding Changsheng looked at the kitchen and asked Li Jianshe in a low voice.

"Hey, you boy, I'm a girl. Have you grown up? Don't think about it. My girl has been married for several years.

"Well, why am I always a little late, good women are married, I am destined to be a bachelor in my life.". Ding Changsheng deliberately said very sad.

"You boy, how old are you? Have you missed your daughter-in-law so early?"

"I'm eighteen. I'm an adult.". Ding Changsheng said it seriously.

"Ha ha, it's so small, but it's not too small to say. You've become a father so early in old age.".

"Yes, uncle, you can introduce one to me. I'll give you a pair of carp then.".

"Ha ha ha, OK, go ahead. What kind of food do you want?" Li Jianshe was also amused. At this time, Li fengni just came out to serve the dishes.

Ding Changsheng pointed to Li fengni and said, "it's necessary for fengni to be like this, virtuous and beautiful.".

Li fengni's face turned red and spat: "children's family, you're so cowardly to marry me, sooner or later you'll die.".

Ha ha, everyone laughed.

"For a man, the most important thing is to care for his family. If he has the ability, he can live a good life, and if he has no money, he will live a poor life. Fengni, I have advised you several times, and my father doesn't want to talk about it any more. If you can't live on, you can't leave. Dad is not ashamed.". Li Jianshe held a glass of wine and looked at his daughter. After that, he lifted his neck and poured nearly two liang of liquor into it.

"Dad, you can't drink like this. You'll get drunk.". Li fengni took the glass, but Li Jianshe took it back.

"Uncle, what's the matter, sister fengni's man is not good?"

"Good, very good, Tiger Wang. It's famous far and wide. Do you know Tiger Wang?" Li Jianshe said in a daze.

"Ah, Tiger Wang, sister fengni, is he your husband?" Ding Changsheng can't believe it. He often turns to the west to steal things, but he really doesn't know that Li Jianshe's eldest daughter is Wang tiger's woman. Who doesn't know that this famous gambler.

Li fengni didn't speak, but only ate vegetables. In this way, most of a bottle of liquor went to Li Jianshe's stomach, and Ding Changsheng drank less than one or two liquor.

Half way through, Li Jianshe drank too much, mainly about his daughter's marriage. He was not happy. At the beginning, in order to be the village director and win the support of the Wang family, he had to let his eldest daughter marry Wang tiger. At that time, Wang Hu Hu was the leader of the old Wang family, but now it seems that it is his own fault, so Li Jianshe has not been happy.

"Xiaoding, help me to help my father to bed, it will fall down later.".

So one on one side, they helped Li Jianshe, who had drunk too much, back to the house and settled Li Jianshe. They were going out of the house at almost the same time. Accidentally, they knocked down one another. Ding Changsheng was a man with a strong body. Li fengni, a woman, hit him and fell to the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sister fengni. I didn't mean to.".

"I know, pull me up.". A pair of hands extended to Ding Changsheng, Ding Changsheng held this pair of hands full of calluses, his heart can not help feeling thousands of.

"Let go.". Ding Changsheng sighed, forgetting that he still held someone else's hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sister fengni, your hands are very similar to my mother's hands. She is also like this. She grew cocoons when she was young, and she often used scissors to cut these cocoons.".

"And she?"

"I left last year. I went with my dad. Forget it. I don't want to talk about it.". Ding Changsheng was tearful.

"Don't cry, ah, don't cry, the living should live well, in order to let the dead rest assured.". Li fengni's maternal nature is so great that she reaches out to wipe her tears for Ding Changsheng. Only those who have the same experience can have a common language. Li fengni and Ding Changsheng are just like this. Their miserable life experience has suddenly narrowed the distance between them."Sister fengni, you are so beautiful. I will marry a woman like you as my wife in the future.".

"Nonsense, I'm old and old. What can I see?". Li fengni blushed and said.

"What I'm saying is true, sister fengni, you are so beautiful. Now you are also a great beauty. Besides, how old are you now? You are not old at all.".

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