"Don't think about anything else. If you choose to sign this will, I'll write it for you. As long as the lawyer and notary can witness it, I will treat your son kindly and let him live happily for the rest of his life. If you choose not to sign, it's OK. I'll wait for you here, but before you die, I may be the last person you see." 。 He Qing said without expression.

"Although I don't know you, I know your father. He doesn't have the courage and courage. I can't live for long. Can you tell me who are you and who are jointly planning to take our Zhao family's property? There are revenge and complaints. When I get there, I can complain to the Lord Yan.". Zhao Qinghu bit his teeth and asked angrily.

"Ha ha, Zhao Qinghu, you are so funny, do you know? In Huzhou, although you are a master of the wind and rain, it was before. Now don't think about who it is. It's not good for you at all. You said that we tried to rob the Zhao family's wealth. Yes, we are trying to seize it, but it's not all your property. You have been in Huzhou for so many years, colluding with the scum in the government, extorting and plundering, colluding with drug dealers, and transporting drugs from outside How many bad things have you done in Huzhou? Don't you know? Do you know how Zhao Gang died? When you go to pick up the goods, others eat black. Ha ha, Zhao Qinghu, do you think you can do whatever you want with a few money? "

"It seems that you know a lot about it. Just go to a lawyer and I'll sign it.". Zhao Qinghu felt that his spirit began to wander a little, as if he was not under his control. However, for his dementia eldest son, he could only meet the requirements of this woman. However, even if he met her requirements, whether his dementia son could live a happy life, who knows, this can only be pinned on He Qing's conscience.

The lawyer was invited by He Qing, and the notary was also invited by He Qing. He asked a few questions briefly, then began to take videos and photos, and then made notes. After all this was done, he Qing did not leave here until the notary and the lawyer left.

"Are you not going? You've got what you want and are still here with me, the dying man? " Zhao Qinghu looked at He Qing still did not go, asked in doubt.

"Just now, those are superficial things. Can anyone see them, touch them, and what can't be seen? Give it all. Since it's for your son and grandson, it's no fun to hide it? " He Qing is still a facial expression.

Zhao Qinghu was surprised to see he Qing for a full minute. Then he raised his mouth and showed a smile. He Qing said, "he Qing, I really underestimated you before. You are much better than your father.".

"I can only be afraid of more bad people, but more bad than that bad person.". He Qing said.

"You're right. I used to think so. However, as a woman, you can do your duty well. Why do you need to ask so much? Those money are enough for your family to spend several lives. Don't think about others.". Zhao Qinghu said feebly.

He Qing looked at him, did not speak, reached out and pinched the oxygen tube into his hand. After wrapping his fingers for several times, the oxygen stopped to supply oxygen to Zhao Qinghu's nose. Zhao Qinghu's breathing was very fast, and then the chest was up and down.

"How long do you think you can last?" There is no pity in He Qing's eyes, but only cold and resolute.

"Let go, I said, I said..." Zhao Qinghu said out of breath.

Then he Qing gradually loosened the oxygen pipe, waiting for his recovery.

"You have been ill for so long, and now you are dead, no one will doubt it any more. Therefore, I advise you not to play tricks with me, otherwise, you will not see the sun tomorrow. Go ahead, what else have you not told me?" He Qing turned on the recording of her mobile phone. She was afraid she couldn't remember it.

"In my study, there is a groove at the bottom of the chair that I often sit on. There is a key in the chair, which is the key to the safe. The safe is behind the locker in the hot spring pool. There are some materials I have accumulated, which are all about my business records in recent years. He Qing, I still want to say that those things involve too much When I die, they will be at ease. If you pick up this matter again, you will not have a peaceful life.

"What is it all about?" He Qing asked, her heart faintly felt that Zhao Qinghu must have a lot of things to hide from himself, maybe the last secret is in that safe.

"It's all records of my contacts with officials over the years. You don't understand how difficult it is to do business. Since you have so much money, you should not do business. It's OK to live in China or immigrate. Don't be greedy any more. It's no good..." Zhao Qinghu said intermittently.

At this time, he felt that his soul was going to go out of his body, and he Qing obviously saw this, because Zhao Qinghu's language was not only intermittent, but his breathing began to become weak. The machine at the head of the bed had already started to alarm, and doctors and nurses ran in one after another.

He Qingyi looks scared silly, silently standing on one side, watching the doctor begin to rescue, but, after a few electric shocks, or no response."Doctor, give up, don't rescue, it's OK to leave like this.". He Qingyi looks sad.

Zhao Qinghu is Huzhou's richest man, and he Qing is Zhao Qinghu's daughter-in-law. Since Zhao Qinghu was ill and hospitalized, he Qing has been serving in the hospital, and everyone knows that Zhao Qinghu's son, he Qing's husband, is a dementia. Therefore, these people in the hospital are full of sympathy and respect for he Qing.

As for the gratitude and resentment of the Zhao family, outsiders only don't know, but there is one person who knows it. That is Lin Dongqiang from the reproductive medicine clinic of this hospital. However, he Qing has already brought a message to Luo Dongqiu in order to cover up all this. If she shut up, she can think that nothing has happened. If you let her know any rumors that are unfavorable to her, Lin Dong Be careful.

Through the contact with He Qing these days, Lin Dongqiang can be regarded as knowing he Qing's ruthlessness. Therefore, Luo Dongqiu chooses silence. After he Qing refuses to let him see Zhao Qinghu, he never appears again.

Seeing that the white cloth covered Zhao Qinghu's face, the crowd gradually retreated to let he Qing and the dead stay for a while. When he Qing saw that the door of the ward was closed, he sat down on the chair behind him, thinking about what he had experienced for more than a year. He could not help crying bitterly. All the grievances were released at this moment, and he did not need to be careful or any more I can't sleep because I'm afraid. I don't know when someone will break into her body when I'm asleep. It's all over.

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