Luo Xiangyue turns pale and Ding Changsheng looks at her. She says, "you can't pretend to be forced to die. But now that there are so many leaders, Luo Xiangyue of course chooses to shut up and closely follow Ding Changsheng. She looks at him and takes Liang into the service hall.

The service hall is actually the first floor of the two-story office building. It was changed after Luo Xiangyue became the deputy director. Ding Changsheng knew this, but he was very busy all the time and didn't have time to go in and have a look. He was so stupid when he went in.

The whole first floor is the office hall. Although the counter is still very simple, the service is very considerate. In one corner of the service hall, there are also free tea and coffee, and the people who come here to do business, in addition to doing business, drink coffee and chat in this coffee corner.

"You did it all? You black sheep, how much does it cost? " Ding Changsheng looked back at Luo Xiangyue and scolded in a low voice.

Luo Xiangyue glanced at Liang Wenxiang, who was chatting with the clerks at the counter, and whispered: "the people who come here to do business are managers of some investors and so on. They smash millions of people here. We can't give up a cup of coffee. It's service awareness. What do you know? Besides, it's your agreement.".

"I agree? When did I agree? " Ding Changsheng was stunned and asked.

"Go back and read the plan. You signed it. Don't admit it.". Luo Xiang said with a glance that the moon was white.

Ding Changsheng remembers that he did sign the plan, but he didn't read the contents. At that time, he trusted Luo Xiangyue and signed the plan directly. Unexpectedly, he was blinded by this woman. He should be more careful, especially when it comes to signing. He must know what words he has signed. Otherwise, such a thing will surely happen.

Liang Wenxiang stayed in the hall for dozens of minutes with great interest. He had a look here and asked questions there. He also discussed a lot of problems with some foreign investors in coffee corner. From the investment landing to the service consciousness here, he had a very careful understanding. On the whole, he was satisfied with the work of Huzhou development zone.

In the following on-site office meeting, the atmosphere was much more relaxed. The meeting was held in the conference room of the Development Zone, and more than a dozen people were present. Among these people, the most concerned about Ding Changsheng was not Liang Wenxiang and Si Nanxia, but Qiao Hongcheng, Liang Wenxiang's housekeeper. This guy always wanted to dig Ding Changsheng to the province. He had said this before, but At that time, Shi Aiguo was still in Huzhou, and Ding Changsheng resolutely refused. Now that Shi Aiguo has gone to the province, he still wants to poach Ding Changsheng.

"Changsheng, you are the chief official here. On behalf of the Development Zone, you can report the work of the development zone to governor Liang.". Secretary Nan presided over the report meeting.

"Well, dear leaders..." Ding Changsheng took out the speech manuscript that had been prepared for a long time, but he didn't notice that Liang Wenxiang's brow was wrinkled into a pimple as soon as he took it out.

"Stop, Ding Changsheng. Are you ready?" Liang Wenxiang suddenly interposed.

"Ah, er, yes, ready.". Ding Changsheng told the truth that it made the head of Si Nan start to sweat. How could the provincial leaders be so difficult to serve? Since he came to Huzhou, problems began to arise. Originally, the meeting was prepared by the municipal Party committee, but because Liang Wenxiang suddenly changed his mind, he changed his mind to open in the development zone. He read Ding Changsheng's speech, which was well written and had some information, but it was too fancy The language is very gorgeous, especially several parallelism sentences are well used. If you make a report, it will be very shocking and inspiring, but

"Then you have finished writing. I'll take it and have a look at it. I'll use it to talk about it for a long time. This is not a waste of time. You can either throw away the manuscript and dictate it, or you don't want to do it. You can talk about your opinions and leave others. You can see more places when you save time.". Although Liang Wenxiang's tone is not so strong, but the dignity in the tone can be felt, and it is a personal experience.

As soon as Liang Wenxiang said this, the atmosphere in the conference room fell to a freezing point. The secretary went south and looked at Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng looked at the Secretary and asked what to do. Sinan nodded and said, "Changsheng, you are the chief officer of the Development Zone, but you are not asked to report the situation in the city. Don't you understand the situation here? It's not just a matter of opening one's mouth. Is it still written on paper? "

Grandma, what are you talking about? Isn't that what you asked? Some Huzhou cadres present here will also report later. They all sneer at Sinan Xia's words and belittle him in their hearts. However, they can't help it. The leaders open their mouths and say what they want. If you can do it, you can go up. If you can't, you can go down. Some people can do it.

Ding Changsheng laughed, looked around everyone, and then said to Liang Wenxiang, "governor, in fact, I am a red heart. I am afraid that I may make a mistake, so I prepared a manuscript first. Then, if I make a mistake later, you can point it out to me, and I will have another chance to learn.".

Just when many people were waiting to see the joke, Ding Changsheng's thick skin once again played a powerful role. He was really fearless, so he opened the matter in a few words.

If you can't figure out what you are in charge of, I think you, the director of the Development Zone, are incompetent. I'll wait. Liang Wenxiang said without a smile.Qiao Hongcheng also opened his notebook and pulled out his pen cap. He wanted to see how many somersaults this monkey like guy could turn.

"Well, before I start to report, I would like to introduce a person to you, that is, she is the deputy director of our development zone, and also the director of the Development Zone office. My colleague, Comrade Luo Xiangyue, come on, let's get to know her.". Ding Changsheng stood up and pointed to Luo Xiangyue.

Everyone is stunned. They don't know why Ding Changsheng pulled Luo Xiangyue out at this time. Is it for Luo Xiangyue to make a report for him? This boy is too bold.

Luo Xiangyue's face turned red. She stood up and bowed to everyone. However, everyone's eyes just looked at her, and then they looked at Ding Changsheng. They didn't understand what the boy was trying to say?

That's all for tonight. Let's go to bed. We'll resume the fourth shift tomorrow. We changed the night last night. We're sleepy today. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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