In this world, tragicomedy is staged all the time. When Jin Shuwen is bargaining for the employees' salary at the end of the year in Kou Dapeng's office, Ding Changsheng is galloping on his way to Baishan City.

Last night, in the ward of Baishan Central Hospital, Fu pinqian took her daughter Miao Miao by the hand and stood in front of the hospital bed, watching her husband Miao Fangming breathing hard with oxygen mask. The doctor had issued a critical notice. Although she had received more than one notice, this time, she felt so real.

Miao Fangming opened his eyes and saw Fu pinqian and his daughter Miao Miao in front of the bed. He moved his lips. Fu pinqian knew that he had something to say, so he quickly stepped forward to take down the oxygen mask.

"What do you want to say?" Fu pinqian kneels on one leg in front of the hospital bed, holding her husband's hand in both hands. Miao Miao is also looking at her father on the other side of the bed.

I'd like to see him. You can contact him.

Miao Fangming said "he" was Ding Changsheng. Although he knew what his wife was going to do that night, he was powerless to stop him and did not have the strength to commit suicide. However, he was not deaf. He could hear the conversation in the living room clearly, including the conversation between his daughter and his wife.

"I don't know who he is. I can't get in touch with him. You can feel at ease. The doctor said that your condition will be relieved in a few days. Don't think about it.". Fu pinqian said something that he didn't believe.

"Qianqian, I know you have his phone number. For more than a month, these medical expenses are the money of others. Even if I want to leave, I have to say a word of thanks, isn't it? I don't want to owe others' love in my life. This, once, can't you satisfy me, cough and cough.". After talking for such a long time, Miao Fangming almost lost his strength and finally coughed.

"OK, don't worry. I'll call right away. Right away.". Fu pinqian quickly took out his mobile phone and went out to make a call.

To tell you the truth, when Ding Changsheng received the call from this woman, he thought that she had run out of money and came to borrow money again. However, when he heard that her husband wanted to see him, he was still hesitant to come. He was most afraid of such a scene of parting between life and death.

Please, make sure you make time to come. I don't want him to leave with regret. He wants to thank you face-to-face. There is no other meaning. Fu pinqian heard that Ding Changsheng did not want to come, and quickly pleaded.

Ding Changsheng parked the car at the door of the hospital and bought a bunch of flowers. Originally, he wanted to buy some more food, but after thinking about it, he could not eat anything, so he took the flowers to the ward directly.

Fu pinqian was waiting outside the door. When they met, they both felt a little embarrassed. After all, the purpose of meeting was not simple. Now he was in front of her husband in the ward, so he was even more uncomfortable.

"Coming?" Fu pinqian first said.

"Well, is he better?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Fu pinqian shakes his head and leads Ding Changsheng into the room. Miao Fangming is not asleep. He just closes his eyes and accumulates the strength to open his eyes again. Now, any movement can exhaust his life-long strength.

"Fang Ming, Mr. Ding is here.". Fu pinqian yelled in a low voice, while Miao Miao stood on the other side of the hospital bed, looking at Ding Changsheng shyly. Although she did not understand why this man would give so much money to her father, the heart of the 13-year-old girl also vaguely guessed what was going on inside.

"Well, you're here. Thank you for coming to see me.". Miao Fangming opened his eyes and looked at Ding Changsheng and said, "you go out first. I'll talk to Mr. Ding.".

Fu pinqian doesn't know what her husband wants to say to Ding Changsheng. She doesn't want to go. But seeing her husband's resolute eyes, she still gives in. Ding Changsheng sits by the hospital bed and looks at the dying man. He can't help thinking of his parents. Maybe they are lucky. At least they don't need to go through such a life and death separation.

Perhaps this person said these words is the last language in the world, so after Fu pinqian left, Ding Changsheng quietly turned on the recorder of his mobile phone.

Thank you. Your money has kept me alive for 37 days.

"You are polite. If you need it, I will give it to you. It can be seen that your wife loves you very much. For her sake, you should also live a strong life.".

"No, people's lives can't withstand the sky. This is the law. I know my own business, but I can't endure these days. From the day I got sick, I knew it would be today, but I didn't expect to come so fast.".

"Don't think too much, the most important thing is to have a good mind and get well soon.". For a dying man, it is difficult for Ding Changsheng to organize words to comfort him.

"Qianqian is a good woman. When I die, she will be free, but it will be very difficult to take a child with me. You are a good person, otherwise, you will not give those money and try not to repay. In this society, there are not many people like this.".

It's a coincidence. You don't have to think too much about it.

"I know that if it was not for the deep love, thousands of people would not do it for me. Thank you for keeping her dignity as a woman. Once the road slides in, it may never come back.". Miao Fangming said with difficulty that a drop of tears slipped down quietly. This was also the most sad time for a man, because he could not give his wife happiness, on the contrary, he almost led her to evil ways.In this case, Ding Changsheng did not know how to answer.

"Help her, help her when you can, promise me that she will not be wronged again.". Miao Fangming seemed to have made a lot of determination. He stretched out his feeble hand and tightly grasped Ding Changsheng's hand. His inner pain can be imagined. This is a helpless choice. However, he will not entrust his own woman to another man if he has any way.

"OK, I promise you.".

Seeing Miao Fangming standing up, he seemed to exert all his strength, but Ding Changsheng knew that this man might die at any time, so he quickly agreed to come down. Miao Fangming seems to have completed a very important wish and closed his eyes wearily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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