More than 30 years of reform and opening up, China's market economy is gradually improving, corresponding to the increasingly fierce market competition, business is becoming more and more difficult to do.

However, there is one kind of business that is relatively easy to do, that is, projects, especially government projects. Although there is bound to be a part of the profits flowing into the pockets of government officials in the form of gray income, it is still worthwhile compared with other projects with fierce competition and low profits and often defaulting on project funds.

So now, not only Haiyang County, but also all the contractors in Baishan City know that Haiyang county needs to invest tens of millions to open Linshan town to national highway 220. This is a big cake, and everyone wants to share a share of the cake. Of course, it depends on their own ability.

The Shengli Lake in the suburb of Baishan City is like the lung of Baishan City. There are green trees and blue water. But in recent years, a large number of villas have been built on the lakeside. It can be said that no matter the scenery, fengshui, transportation and environment are excellent, but obviously, it will not belong to ordinary people.

Yang Huian is the boss of a construction company in Baishan City, and his starting place is in Haiyang county. In terms of personal relationship, he and Zheng Mingtang, the Secretary of the county Party committee, are not bad, but the relationship is based on interests. No one is stupid in official circles or shopping malls, and he can run the country only by his relationship with an official. Maybe there is no such thing as this In the interest exchange, but this kind of transaction will never be long. In order to ensure the firmness and usefulness of the relationship, interest is undoubtedly the best binding tool.

What he wants now is to tie this relationship with Zheng Mingtang more firmly. Moreover, after years of communication, he has already understood Zheng Mingtang's preferences. Therefore, it is undoubtedly the most effective way for anyone to begin with his or her preferences.

"Big brother, I'm back.". When yang Huian was drinking tea in his villa by Shengli lake, his cousin Yang Huiquan rushed in and drank the cup in front of yang Huian, which made yang Huian frown.

"Huiquan, how many times have I told you to drink from your own cup? Why do you drink from my cup every time?"

"Ha ha, big brother, I don't think you are dirty.".

"But I don't think you are dirty. How are things going?".

"It's done. It's almost done. It's in the car outside.".

"Is it original?" Yang Huian raised her body excitedly and asked.

"Of course, for this, I have made a lot of efforts. Now, in this world, it is not easy to find original products in high school, let alone such beautiful original products.".

"Any sequelae?"

"It's OK. There is only one grandfather in my family. She is a student living in school. She doesn't go home at ordinary times. Moreover, I set up a set to let her owe more than 200 yuan of Internet access fee. She was introduced by the boss of the Internet cafe. There should be no sequelae. She has asked for a week's leave from school, so there should be no problem.".

"Oh, that's good. Take it to the second floor and I'll see the goods.". Yang Huian said, standing up and went to the second floor of the villa.

"Oh, yes.". Yang Huiquan promised to make a contemptuous action to yang Huian's back.

On the balcony of the bedroom on the second floor, yang Huian saw a tall girl in the uniform of Baishan No.1 middle school. Under the guidance of Yang Huiquan, she stepped off the SUV and walked to the villa. Yang Huian couldn't help but feel sad. This is a good girl. She is about the same age as her daughter, but her fate is different. Some people are destined to enjoy rich clothes and food, while others are doomed to die He will sacrifice himself for material benefits.

"This is the boss, respect the boss.". Yang Huiquan took the girl to yang Huian's bedroom and said to the girl. Then he closed the door and went back downstairs.

Yes, good boss. The girl said sweetly.

"What's your name?" Yang asked.

"Cao Bing". The girl is a little stiff and shy. Although the man outside the door has completely conquered her in another place, it is only skin deep, and does not really invade her. For a girl who is in love, she is not so resistant to men, because the man outside has tried every means to make her have no real relationship with men After several times to the top.

Of course, every inch of her body has long been explored by Yang Huiquan, and there is no secret. Moreover, Yang Huiquan has met all her requirements with materials, in return for the promise that she will obey and obey any man's invasion.

"Come here, sit here.". Yang Huian points to her thigh. Cao Bing hesitates for a moment. Before yang Huian's face changes, she goes forward and puts her schoolbag on the bed. She goes to yang Huian and sits on yang Huian's thigh. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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