Ding Changsheng did not rush to the opposite side of the road to see who was in the car, and his own judgment is not necessarily accurate, so he took out his mobile phone to call Liu Zhendong to call the police and asked Liu Zhendong to send someone to come and have a look at it.

"Guess what he's doing?" The driver in the car saw Ding Changsheng on the big phone and was still staring at his parking place, saying to himself.

"Damn it. It's not the police. What do we say if the police come later?" The other one is getting nervous.

"How can we say that the leader sent us here..." Before speaking, he saw a police car turning into the street from the mirror.

"Damn it, hurry up. It will be too late later.". Another said.

The driver was also a little afraid at this time. Although his backstage was hard, if he was caught, it would not be fun. First of all, he would be taken as a scapegoat. So he started the car quickly. Ding Changsheng heard the sound of the car starting and the tire scratching the ground very loud, so he rushed out for a long time.

"Secretary Ding, director Liu asked us to come here. Is nothing wrong?"

"See the car that just left? Catch up and figure out what's going on. Follow me all day to see who's so bold. ". Ding Changsheng put on a big hat regardless of the color. The two policemen in the car followed the Secretary of the district Party committee. It was all right. So he simply said hello to Ding Changsheng and went straight after him. Moreover, he still took chicken feather as an order arrow and pulled the siren at night. He was afraid that people would not know you were here, right.

Ding Changsheng shakes his head and returns home helplessly. At this time, Jiang Mengdie has finished washing and is sitting cross legged on the sofa playing with his mobile phone in a pair of pajamas.

"Hello, you are also the Secretary of the district Party committee. The facilities are not perfect. There is no computer and no network. Are the people in the office fooling you? Tomorrow, all these things have been sorted out. I can't get on the Internet here. If I can't get online, I can't manage the company. Isn't that a waste of money?" Jiang Mengdie looked at Ding Changsheng and said earnestly.

"Well, well, maybe they are negligent. I'm not here all day long, so I can't use them. Well, it's getting late. You don't have a rest yet?" Ding Changsheng looks at Jiang Mengdie and asks.

"How can I sleep if you don't sleep?"

"What do you mean?" Ding Changsheng asked, what does it matter if you don't sleep with you, and you don't sleep with me. Of course, it's just a matter of thinking. Jiang yudie entrusted her sister to herself, and she can't steal herself. When she meets Jiang yudie, how can she say that? Don't mean, I'll take your sister for granted. Besides, I haven't finished these women yet. I don't want to Trouble again.

"I am a light sleeper, but I can't sleep if there is any movement. So, how can I sleep if you make noise outside?" Jiang Mengdie said.

Ding Changsheng nodded and ignored her. He went back to his room, closed the door and went to bed. Because there was no bathroom in the room, he had to go outside to take a bath. It was really inconvenient. When I thought about this kind of day, I didn't know when it would end, and my head began to grow.

If Ding Changsheng had not given Du shankui the address, Du shankui would not have known the hiding address of Yuwen Ganoderma mother and daughter. Moreover, Yuwen Ganoderma was very careful, especially when he knew that Lin Yidao had come to central and southern province. The curtains were pulled all the year round and the night was early rest. So if it was not for the intentional observation, it would be almost I don't know that there are still people living here. All the food is sent by Ding Changsheng on a regular basis.

Early in the morning, Yuwen Ganoderma was awakened by a slight knock on the door. She and Qi Zhuyun opened the bedroom door almost at the same time. The mother and daughter looked at each other. Today is not the day to send things. So they quietly went to the door and opened the cat's eye to look out. It was a person they knew and a person Ding Changsheng trusted very much, Du shankui.

"Mr. Du, why are you here?" Yuwen Lingzhi opened the door and asked.

"Go ahead and say, he asked me to come.". Du shankui said that he was naturally Ding Changsheng.

Yuwen Lingzhi looked at the door. There was no one else and asked, "did he not come?"

"It's not convenient for him to come now. If there is no accident, I'll probably contact you in the days after this. I'm here today to talk to you about something. If you don't believe it, you can call him and ask him. This number has not been used yet. It's OK to call this number. It's all agreed by us.". Du shankui handed Yuwen Ganoderma a small but outdated mobile phone.

"Tell me, I can trust you. What's the matter?" Yuwen Ganoderma thought something was wrong and asked.

"What he means is that it's too dangerous for you to stay in China now, but if you want to be sent to other places, he doesn't worry. It's still at home. So, it's better to go abroad. I'm here to take photos for you. I'll go abroad and get two protective photos. I'll send you all out until the domestic affairs are finished.". Du shankui said and took out the camera.

"Well, I'll tell him about it.". When Yuwen Lingzhi heard that he wanted to send himself out, he was flustered. This is not a province. Once he went out, whether he could come back is unknown. Moreover, the domestic situation is so complicated that if one is not careful, he will have no time to regret it.Please understand.

Yuwen Ganoderma lucidum took Du shankui's mobile phone into the bedroom, took a long breath, and dialed Du shankui to input a good number for him.

"Hello, who is it?" Ding Changsheng asked on the phone.

"It's me. How can you make such a decision? Are you under a lot of pressure?" Yuwen Ganoderma choked when she opened her mouth. For Ding Changsheng, her emotion was once very complicated. In the past, it was because she had the heart to make use of Ding Chang. So even if her body was occupied by Ding Changsheng again and again, there was a kind of self comfort. I just used him, and I would not have feelings for him. But after these years, Ding Changsheng became more and more clear in her mind On the contrary, her husband Qi Fengzhu gradually blurred in her mind.

Whenever she thinks of Ding Changsheng, she is full of excitement. What Ding Changsheng has done for her and the risks he has taken has long exceeded the commitment between men and women. Ding Changsheng is young and vigorous, and his everything will be accompanied by his family's affairs, which is full of danger and unknown. Lin Yidao's means are very clear, so she worries about Ding Changsheng. Every time Ding Changsheng comes here Looking for her, she is as the last time, with his whole body to cater to him.

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