"Ouch, what's the matter? Minister Liang was in trouble just after he took office?" Ding Changsheng thought that Liang Keyi's face was not right, so he knew that he was coming to set up a teacher to make a crime. Indeed, his speech at the reception meeting was indeed out of date. However, it was rare for the cadres in the district to give such a face, and all of a sudden they gathered together. Such an opportunity was rare.

"I said," Ding Changsheng, what do you mean? Do you want me to help you when you suggest that the municipal Party committee take me to Baishan district? It's good of you to let me down on the first day. What do you mean? Regret it? " Liang Ke sits down in a huff and turns Ding Changsheng a look, which makes Ding Changsheng tremble in his heart. It's white eyes, and the eyes can kill people.

Ding Changsheng got up and went to the door and closed the door. Then he poured a glass of water to Liang Keyi and sent it to Liang Keyi. Then he said cautiously, "conscience of heaven and earth, how dare I show you your face? You don't know. This morning, I'm going to be mad. How many cadres are there like the sanitation station? You are from the family of senior leaders. You may not know about the corruption of the grass-roots officials. The so-called emperor Tiangao is far away here. Who are the section level cadres, even not the section level cadres? Do you know what they have done

"What do you mean? I don't want to be in charge of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Liang Keyi said ungratefully.

"Ha ha, this matter, don't refuse me in a hurry. When you have time to go back to the provincial capital, discuss it with your father. I think your father, as the organization Minister of Baishan District, will ask you to go back and give me an opportunity. Then you can tell me what I think.". Ding Changsheng took up his tea cup, blew the tea foam on it, took a sip and said.

"Go on.". Liang Keyi frowned, thinking about Ding Changsheng's problem, and then said.

"Didn't you notice the general situation? It has been more than 30 years since the reform and opening up. In the past 30 years, many people have grown fat. Of course, if you count them carefully, there are some people who have no background. Although many people claim to be self-made, are there any people who support them or are not the gold owners of some official family I don't know. Don't you, the daughter of the Secretary of the provincial Party committee, know? " Ding Changsheng sneered.

Liang Keyi gave Ding Changsheng a look, but did not speak. She has been listening to what Ding Changsheng will say. Talking to smart people is easy, because when you speak, they will never interrupt for no reason, but will wait for you to reveal the truth.

"However, this has damaged the foundation of the country, because the ethos has gone bad. Over the past few decades, the relationship between the use of relations, does not matter the use of violence, but whose violence can be better than the government's violence, some people tirelessly take the party's salary, but do it to smash the party's pot. Do you think there are fewer such people?"

When Liang Keyi heard this, he gradually understood what Ding Changsheng wanted to say. However, no one dared to touch this matter. No one could predict the counterattack power of vested interest groups. However, there was a saying that was very clear, such as killing parents.

"If we don't cut off these hands, the better the economic development, the greater the crisis will be. The more they take, the more dissatisfied the people will be. Do you understand what will happen? Eastern Europe, Central Asia, color revolution is very close. In fact, what's the matter? It's not that a group of politicians have taken advantage of the kindness of the common people, but the result is that the country will not have a country. Don't think it is far away from us, but it is very close. Therefore, no matter which hand is extended, whether it is left hand or right hand, they should be cut off without any politeness. ". Ding Changsheng lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and said.

"Do you want to start in Baishan?" Liang Keyi asked.

"It's the same everywhere. In fact, it's just my idea. I don't know how long I can stay in Baishan, and the economic development will not be effective in the short term. In this case, let's start with the personnel system control. You have to help me. Your organization department can be said to be the main force in tackling difficulties.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, I was completely cheated by you. Ah, no, you said you would not stay in Baishan for long. What do you mean? Where do you want to transfer? " Liang Keyi thought about it for a moment, and then he knew what was wrong.

"I didn't want to transfer it.".

"Say, what's going on?" Liang Keyi looks at Ding Changsheng and asks.

"It's really OK. In fact, it's easy to get bored after a long time in our line of work. So, even if I don't transfer to work, in case I don't want to do it, and if others don't let me do it, it's all possible. Besides, you can help me sort out the cadres in Baishan district and leave a clean team for the next Party committee and government in Baishan Wrong. ". Ding Changsheng sighed, this may be his last political achievement.

"Well, forget it, you didn't take me as a friend at all. Let's go first. If you have new ideas, you can communicate with me at any time.". Liang Keyi got up and left Ding Changsheng's office.

Ding Changsheng's words are not groundless. More and more information shows that Lin Yidao will not let him go. Moreover, with the deepening of the matter, things about Yuwen Ganoderma will certainly be exposed. It is certain that how he will go on at that time is really unpredictable.Originally, thousands of cranes thought Lin Yidao would meet him at the provincial government, but he didn't expect to meet him at Cuihua villa in the suburbs, and he still took Chenggong and Tian Guiru. This made him a little embarrassed. Would he take them or not?

But he didn't give him much time to hesitate. The guide car had already left, and thousands of cranes could only let the car follow him until he stopped at Cuihua villa in the suburb.

"Mayor Cheng, the chief can only see yourself. Other people can't go up. Wait down here.". Lin Yidao's secretary was brought from central and northern provinces. He was well aware of Lin's perverse temperament. Without the consent of thousands of cranes, Tian Guiru and Chenggong could only stay in the car and refuse to let go.

Thousands of cranes are very upset and follow Lin Yidao's secretary to the small building. Upstairs, Lin Yi and Chen Pingshan are drinking tea and playing chess. This is the first time that Chen Pingshan appears in the reception hall of Lin Yidao in front of outsiders.

Thousands of cranes come to the second floor, where the cool wind is blowing and there is no air conditioning, but the natural wind makes people feel more comfortable. However, the thousands of cranes do not feel comfortable at all. He can even feel the sweat flowing on his back, as if it was a bug crawling, which is very uncomfortable.

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