"County magistrate, where are we going?" Ding Changsheng went downstairs and saw Zhonghua standing beside the car.

"Go back. When I came, I didn't say a word to the secretary. Go on to the town tomorrow.". Zhonghua said with a smile.

"Oh, well, let's go.". Seeing Zhonghua's appearance, Ding Changsheng knew it was zhongfengyang's illness. If Zhonghua didn't say it, he didn't ask.

They got on the bus and drove back to Haiyang county. It was already dark when they left Jiangdu City. Zhonghua seemed really tired, or he was too nervous when he came, so he sat in the back row and fell asleep gradually.

Until the car safely stopped in the county government compound, Zhonghua slowly woke up and opened his eyes to see that he had arrived.

"Xiaoding, it's hard work. I know you smoke. Take this cigarette and smoke it.". Zhonghua takes out two pieces of Su cigarettes from his bag and throws them on the copilot.

Thank you, county magistrate.

"Go back and have a rest. We'll go down early tomorrow morning. Don't disturb the driver's class. You and I will drive your car down and try not to let people know where we are going.

"OK, I see.".

When Ding Changsheng sent Zhonghua to the office, the cooks and waiters were already waiting. It seems that these people will have to work overtime tonight. When he was downstairs, Ding Changsheng saw that the light was still on in Luo Xiangyue's office on the second floor. He thought, the director of the research office would not be waiting for him.

Seeing Zhonghua go back to the bedroom to take a bath, Ding Changsheng and the cook Lao Zhou said hello and came out. When they went downstairs, they ran to the research room to have a look. Luo Xiangyue was actually there.

Director Luo, you are not waiting for me. Ding Changsheng asked with a smile.

Luo Xiangyue originally stroked in the chest of the hand to take away, "you still want to smile, afternoon run so fast, you hit me, do you know?"

Director Luo, I really don't know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I swear, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Seeing Luo Xiangyue's angry face, Ding Changsheng apologizes quickly. What department is the research laboratory? That's a leading think-tank team. Writing a material or anything needs the help of the research laboratory. So, although I am the Secretary of the county magistrate, I still have to bow down before the director of the research office.

"That pile is all the materials you want. It's young and reckless.". When he said this, his eyebrows were still wrinkled tightly, and Ding Changsheng knew that he was really bumping into.

"Director Luo, why don't I go to the hospital with you and don't leave any sequelae.". Ding Changsheng said gallantly.

"No, you go. Ah, by the way, you are looking for these materials in a hurry. Is the county magistrate going out to inspect them?" Luo Xiangyue frowned and said.

No, I just want to get familiar with it. Ding Changsheng said casually.

"Oh, then you take it back and have a look. It's all photocopies. Just leave it with you.". Luo Xiangyue nodded and said.

Ding Changsheng took that pile of materials directly back to the dormitory, then went back to the dining room, ate a bowl of noodles and went back.

Among these townships, Ding Changsheng gave priority to Chengguan town and Linshan town. He didn't think Zhonghua would go to these two places. Therefore, he focused on Anshan Town, Laohu town and Dushan town. In addition to Anshan Town, the economic conditions of these three towns are good, especially Laohu Town, which is close to the only lake in Haiyang County, with beautiful scenery and large area It is a major source of water for Baishan City and Haiyang county. Due to the weak industrial economic foundation of Haiyang County, this lake is like a pearl of Haiyang County, pure, beautiful and mysterious.

Anshan town belongs to the same degree as Linshan town. The two towns have been competing for the second place. The mountainous terrain makes the traffic situation of Anshan town similar to that of Linshan Town, and it looks worse than Linshan town. Most of the people in this town go out on foot.

Looking at it, he fell asleep. The next day, he was woken up by the mobile phone alarm. It was only five o'clock. It was dark outside the window. He remembered that this was in the county government, not in Liyuan Village. When he was in Liyuan Village, he got up very early every day so as to run away from Liu Xiangli's house, so as not to be seen by others. He sighed when he thought of it.

He lay in bed for a while, afraid of going to bed late, he got up.

In the courtyard of the county government, there is a small garden in the corner, and there are some simple fitness equipment in it. So I did several pull ups on the horizontal bar.

"Ding Changsheng, have you finished your meal?" At this time, Zhonghua came down wearing a sportswear.

"Not yet, county magistrate. Are you finished?"

"No, I'll go to the canteen with you later. I always eat breakfast made by Lao Zhou. I'm a little tired. I'll change my taste.".

"OK, I'll arrange it.". Ding Changsheng said.

"No, I'll go with you later. How about the canteen food?"

Ding Changsheng's brain turned. It seemed that he realized something. Did Lao Zhou's breakfast not taste good, or did Lao Zhou not do it in a different way? Does anyone think that the food in the canteen is not delicious? This is just telling Hu Jiajia.It seems that some people envy Hu Jiajia that the position she is in charge of is not alarmist. If someone is always talking about this matter in front of Zhonghua, Zhonghua can't just ask. After all, it is related to the food problem of so many people in the county government.

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