For Xia Xia Xia, the mayor of Baishan City, he is now in a stable state. He retires himself in May of the next year, and then becomes vice chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference. This arrangement is very good, and he is very satisfied with it, but not everything goes smoothly.

Tang Bingkun, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, specially called him to the office today to have a dialogue between two people. There was only one topic, that is, to give an official reply to Haiyang county's report of opening up national highway 220 as soon as possible, so that the municipal government could study it as soon as possible and come up with opinions.

For this, Xia Xia Xia Xing is very clear that the approval is a small matter, and the key is to ask for money. According to the project scale reported by Haiyang County, there are no tens of millions of people who can't do it. So where can we get the money? Let alone Haiyang county does not have the money, even Baishan City can't get the money. Therefore, after receiving this request, he has been pressing, but now the secretary He can't pretend to speak.

It seems that it is impossible to delay this matter until he leaves his post. So what to do is a big problem for considering the outgoing mayor.

"How about it? Are you all right? " Seeing Ding Changsheng appear in the office, Zhonghua specially cares about the way.

"It's all right. It's a piece of cake. By the way, leader, I may have to delay the task you assigned to me. It's been delayed for a week, and there were only a few days ago. I don't think I can finish it.".

"The report can be delayed for a few days, but the statistical data can't be delayed. If you don't have any problems, you can contact the Education Bureau to run this matter. Yesterday, that volunteer teacher called me here to ask how the desk preparation is. I said that it would be quick. What should I do? I haven't figured out where to do this batch of tables and benches.". Zhonghua said with a little headache.

"The county can't get the money? Not much? "

"There isn't much money, but it's the end of the year. The salary of civil servants in the whole county hasn't been paid yet. If this money is not paid, it's impossible to turn the sky.". Zhong Hua waved his hand, and the money could not be moved at all. Ding Changsheng thought that it would be the people's Congress after the new year, and these people had the right to vote, so Zhonghua could not move the money.

"Think about where we can make amends?" Zhong Hua raised his head and asked.

"The number of these enterprises in our county is limited, and the benefits are not very good, so it is estimated that this is not easy to do.".

"Well, that's what I said. Well, you can go to Director Hu to discuss what to do. She is old Haiyang. After discussion, give me a suggestion.". Zhonghua said softly.

This makes Ding Changsheng a little confused. When did Zhonghua start to care about Hu Jiajia's opinions? Was it Hu Jiajia who took advantage of him when he was away these days?

Ding Changsheng went back to his office and thought about how to discuss this matter with Hu Jiajia. There are five townships in the county. There are about 300 students of all grades in one township. The total number is 1500. This is more than 1500 sets of desks, chairs and benches. Of course, there may be some places where the situation is better and new tables, chairs and benches are not needed, but they are not How much less? The value of these tables, chairs and benches is about 300000 yuan, which is not a small amount. According to Zhonghua's idea, if the money depends on begging, it is estimated that the enterprises in Haiyang county will be ransacked and the money will not be collected.

"You're not talking nonsense. Where do you want me to get the money?" Hu Jiajia listened to Ding Changsheng's words, put the chopsticks on the plate and said. Originally, Ding Changsheng wanted to go to Hu Jiajia's office to talk about it, but he thought it was better for them to know about it, so that they could take the opportunity to explore Hu Jiajia. Did Zhonghua really want to use Hu Jiajia?

"This is not what I said. This is what the magistrate of Zhongxian said. He asked me to come to you to discuss how to solve the money. He said that you are an old Haiyang, and the situation is more familiar than us. There must be a way.".

"Hum, you really look up to me. What can I do? I can't print money.". Hu Jiajia white Ding Changsheng said.

"Sister Hu, this is our first cooperation. We can't die without a disease. Before this starts, you'll turn me down first.".

"I'm not rejecting you. Which of these enterprises in our county can take this money?"

"Then, as you say, there is no way out?"

"There is no solution, but there may be some risks.".

"Risk, sister Hu, tell me. As long as I can, I will do it. There is no risk in what I do, right?".

"Thanks to the fact that you came from Linshan Town, don't you know that someone is mining secretly?" Hu Jiajia asked.

"Mining? What mine? "

"Coal mine, haven't you heard of it?"

"Coal mine? Why don't I know, which town? "

"In Dushan Town, the mining places are all in the valleys and ditches of Dushan, and the coal mined is sold to the nearby city secretly. Therefore, there are not many people in Haiyang County who know about it. It's normal that you don't know.".

"You mean to ask me to beg for help from these coal owners. Sister Hu, are you right? If there is an accident in these small coal mines in the future, we will not be very nice to talk about the donation.".

"It's a voluntary donation. What does it have to do with us? You just have to wait for the money."."Sister Hu, I still don't think this is very reliable. Do you want to report it to the county magistrate?" Ding Changsheng said a little worried.

"Whatever you want, but I can tell you that if the leader knows about it, 80% of them won't agree, but if he agrees in his heart and it's hard to say yes, what should you do? Isn't that a problem for leaders? The leader may think that you don't even have this responsibility. You can consider how the leader can let you do things in the future. Hu Jiajia put a peanut in his mouth and said at the edge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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