Ding Changsheng thinks about Hu Jiajia's words and thinks that he is a secretary and should share the worries for his boss. However, it is related to the small coal mine, which is not only a problem of sharing worries, but also may cause trouble. Therefore, after thinking about it, he still has to report it to Zhonghua.

"See Chen Junwei?" Seeing Ding Changsheng come in, Zhonghua stops his pen and asks. He points to the chair opposite him and signals Ding Changsheng to sit down.

"Well, I saw it and said a few words.".

"Did you know him well before? Oh, I remember. You used to be a policeman. Zhonghua looked at Ding Changsheng with great interest and said.

"Well, leader, don't mention that. It's a mistake. Is director Chen reporting the case?" Ding Changsheng tentatively asked, according to the law, he can't ask such a thing, but this matter is related to himself, so his mouth is a little quick.

"Guess what he said?" Zhonghua asked. He really took Ding Changsheng, a two armed policeman, seriously.

Ding Changsheng looked at Zhonghua, pondered for a moment, and then thought of the situation he had just met with Chen Junwei. He hesitated for a moment and said, "it must be a long way off.".

"Oh? How do you say that? " Zhong Hua was excited.

"When I met director Chen downstairs just now, he was in a head of lawsuits. If I hadn't called him, he didn't see me. If you asked me again, I would have guessed that this matter had not been done well, otherwise director Chen would not have been so depressed.". Ding Changsheng guessed.

"You're half right. What did Chen Junwei say to you?" Zhonghua asked.

"No, just reminiscence.".

"He said that the traffic accident is not so simple, it may be a murder, and the car has been found and sunk in a pond on the outskirts of the county, and it may be an old hand, but there is no further progress at present.". Zhonghua said very slowly, worried that Ding Changsheng would be frightened or something, so he left enough time for Ding Changsheng to think.

Ding Changsheng did not speak, just nodded.

"You, are you ok?". Zhonghua stood up and picked up some water for Ding Changsheng with a disposable cup and put it in front of Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng quickly stood up and took it with both hands. There was no difference in treating people and things.

"What do you think of Chen Junwei's statement?"

"In the past few days in the hospital, I have repeatedly thought about this matter, from the beginning to the end. If it's a traffic accident, it's fair to say that it's a traffic accident. But I think that if it's a general traffic accident without premeditation, then we can certainly find the car and people. Moreover, the first time is not to destroy the car, but to repair the car to cover up the traces of the collision The purpose of taking the stolen car and destroying the car is very clear. After finishing this vote, cutting off all the clues, it is so simple that even if you find the car, there is no way out, so the nature of the case is very obvious. ".

"Hey, Changsheng, you are worthy of being a policeman. You are right. So you should be careful when you go out in the future. I don't want any accidents to happen again. That's not worth it.".

"Thank the leaders for their concern. I know that in fact, what they have done is not thorough enough. If you want to avoid people's suspicion, it is better to find a scapegoat to shoulder all the responsibilities. Even if I am killed, it's just a traffic accident crime. Therefore, it seems that they didn't want me to die. Maybe it's a warning or something.". Ding Changsheng said slowly.

Zhong Hua's eyes narrowed slowly. In fact, Ding Changsheng followed Zhonghua for a short time. He didn't know Zhonghua's habits. Generally, when he squinted like this, his eyes showed fierce light. He used it to cover up his eyes.

"Leaders, as soon as they come in, they talk about it. I forget the business.". Seeing Zhonghua's appearance, Ding Changsheng said.

"Oh, what's up, you say.". Zhonghua also returned to normal in a short time. Although both of them knew what the traffic accident was, they did not make it clear, because some words could not be expressed.

"It's about the tables, chairs and benches of primary and secondary school students in the whole county. I discussed it with director Hu. Director Hu came up with an idea. I think it's good, but the risk is not small. I came to ask for instructions.".

"Well, what did she say?"

"She said that they can't cut much meat from these enterprises in the county. Originally, I don't know. Originally, there are some small coal mines in Dushan Town, which are stolen by nearby villagers. They dig coal from old coal mining groups. She suggested asking these people to ask for money. These small mine owners must have money. Although I don't know how many small coal mines there are, I think once the county government asks for the money, I think that once the county government asks for the money, then If there is an accident in a small coal mine, it will be a big problem. Ding Changsheng said carefully.

"Is there a coal mine in Dushan town? This is the first time I've heard about it. In this way, you and she will go to explore the bottom. Since Dushan town has a coal mine, do the leaders of other counties know if the leading cadres of Dushan town are involved? "

"Director Hu knows, as for others, I don't know.". Ding Changsheng replied honestly.

"Small coal mines, small coal mines, these small coal mines now seem nothing, once an accident is a major event, you call Hu Jiajia, I have something to ask her.".

Zhonghua finally can't help it. It's inconvenient to pass the message across Ding Changsheng. Originally, he wanted to release it again, but the situation in the county can't wait for a moment. At present, there must be a person who knows the whole county well and can use it. At present, Chang Xiaochun seems to be at a distance from the edge. Zhonghua can't bear it any more. So Hu Jiajia has just lost it This is the best opportunity and personnel to be recruited.

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