Yang Chengcheng stands in front of the mirror and takes off her clothes one by one. Then, she throws them on the bed behind her back one by one until she has the last two left on her body. She really has no courage to take off. With these two things, she can still have some sense of security, but if she loses these two pieces, her sense of security will be completely lost.

Yang Chengcheng felt that he was good, should be able to, so he slowly walked out.

Ding Changsheng saw her come out, one hand to protect the chest, the other to protect the bottom, although still wearing clothes, but she still protect, as if this can increase the sense of security.

She was dwarfed by her slippers.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "it's not good. Even if I take a picture, I feel like I've eaten a fly. It's not good at all. Go back and do it again. I don't want other things to tie you down except the shoes on my feet and high-heeled shoes, OK?"

"Ding Changsheng, are you going too far? I've already been very kind. You want me to do something else I can't do it. Yang Cheng Cheng said angrily.

Ding Changsheng felt that it was obviously difficult for her to meet her own requirements at one time, so she nodded and said, "OK, well, you can change into high-heeled shoes. Such slippers are too low-grade and have no bright spots.".

Yang Chengcheng hears that she won't let herself take off any more. She turns around and goes into the room. She kicks off her slippers and changes into high-heeled shoes. This time, she still protects herself with her arm just as she did.

Ding Changsheng picked up the mobile phone, turned to the shooting state, held it at her.

"Can you hurry up? I'm very busy here. I have to meet a lot of people. It's time to come.". Yang Cheng Cheng said impatiently.

Ding Changsheng smiles and puts his mobile phone in his pocket. Then he goes over and wants to reach out and break her arm.

"What are you doing?" Yang Cheng Cheng steps back in fear and asks.

However, she stepped back a few steps, Ding Changsheng went forward a few steps, until she was forced to the desk, no longer back.

Ding Changsheng took her arm with both hands and broke her arm off without much effort. She lost the breast of the barrier.

"Ding Changsheng, you have gone too far. If Xie Heyang knew about it, she would be very angry. You can't do this, you can't do this.". Yang Chengcheng finds that he has been cheated. He has been cheated by Ding Changsheng. How can he be so stupid? Can he still have good fruit when he takes off like this in front of a man?

And the man would be very proud to say that he was the hook and guide him, but he was so stupid that he actually took off in front of him. At this time, she was no longer an official, but a lamb to be slaughtered, waiting for Ding Changsheng, the wolf, to eat her.

Sure enough, Ding Changsheng broke off her arm and continued to press her back until he pressed her. On the wide desk, the cold on the desk made her shiver for a while, and then made a subtle chant.

If his hand could move, he would give him a slap, but his hand could not play, and was fixed on the table by his two hands. Ding Changsheng did nothing but use his nose and mouth to disarm her before the moon and the Hun.

When the bound things jumped out, what she felt was no longer humiliation, but accompanied by waves of itching. She actually began to enjoy this feeling. What kind of person was she? She was not a promiscuous woman. Although she was a leader, she did not take advantage of her position of power to seek male sex. She had been enduring it for a long time As for the loneliness of the night, the best way is to take a cold bath. Therefore, she often catches a cold. The people in the unit think that she is in bad health. In fact, it is all because of taking a cold bath.

After a burst of bone erosion, when she felt that she was going to soar into the sky, everything suddenly stopped. Ding Changsheng released her and stood up. She opened her eyes and looked at him, and then slowly propped up her body.

I really want to. Take them off. I'll give them to you. Ding Changsheng, standing one meter away from her, said.

At this time, Yang Chengcheng believes that he is also driven by his body. Although there are voices in her mind against it, her body is honest, out of the control of her mind and mechanically takes off the last shackles of her body. However, Ding Changsheng holds up her mobile phone and shoots it. A few seconds later, Ding Changsheng looks at the mobile phone, which should be OK.

"Not every woman has such a chance. I'm very busy these days. If you really want to, let's make an appointment. There's no time today. I'll go first.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

At the moment when Ding Changsheng opened the door, Yang Chengcheng knew what had happened. He even had no time to pick up the pants that had fallen on the ground. He rushed to the door, closed the door, and slowly squatted on the ground and began to cry.

It's hard to be played by others, so when Yang Chengcheng cried in his office for a while and calmed down, he sent a message to Ding Changsheng.

Don't let me touch you again, or I will kill you. This murderous words made Ding Changsheng dumbfounded.

Ding Changsheng returned a message, let her collapse completely: "call me after Xie Heyang left, you are not bad there, very quiet.".Yang Chengcheng holds the mobile phone in his hand and nearly drops it. However, Ding Changsheng sends a picture that frightens her completely. In the picture, she looks like a naked fruit. However, Ding Changsheng says in the following information that she has great potential and likes her very much, which makes her crazy.

"Hello, are you in the shop?" Ding Changsheng looked at the mobile phone, this time Li Hongfeng should be working in the store.

"Well, I'm here. What can I do?"

"You wait. I'll be nearby. I'll go there. I want to talk to you about something.".

"I often come to my shop, or go home?" Ding Changsheng knows Li Hongfeng's mind, but he doesn't want to do these things at this time. Especially when he just received a call from LAN Xiaoshan in the morning and Chen Hanqiu takes over the post of director general, he has to be more careful. Otherwise, he may capsize in the gutter, which is not worth it.

"No, a few words, soon.". Ding Changsheng finished and hung up the phone.

It can be said that as long as Ding Changsheng is willing, Li Hongfeng may be taken down every minute, but Ding Changsheng doesn't want to, so he repeatedly refuses Li Hongfeng's good intentions.

Li Hongfeng is waiting for Ding Changsheng at the door. Seeing that Ding Changsheng's car has arrived, he immediately opens the door of the store.

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