"Well, I'll trouble the master. This is my phone. Call me when I'm ready.". Ding Changsheng copied his telephone number to the mechanic.

"That's OK, but who pays for the money, the insurance company or you?" Asked the mechanic, looking up.

"Insurance companies, of course. Why not buy insurance?" Ding Changsheng a Leng, said.

"It's not necessarily. You'd better go to your insurance company and say," anyway, I haven't met anyone from the insurance company yet. You'd better coordinate with the insurance company before you pick up the car. Otherwise, the money can only be paid by yourself. ".

This time Ding Changsheng was stunned. When he had a car accident, he was in a daze. He didn't know if anyone had asked the insurance company to fix the loss. If not, it would be troublesome.

So he quickly called out the phone number of the insurance company and called it to know that it was in a mess. No one asked the insurance company to determine the loss at that time. However, he lived in the hospital and no one did it for him. Moreover, the insurance company said that it was beyond the reporting time of the insurance accident. Ding Changsheng was really angry.

Just want to go, did not expect a taxi stopped at the door of the garage, and down the person or an old acquaintance, Haiyang County procuratorate Yuan Fang.

"Secretary Ding, long time no see. How about coming here to pick up the car?" Yuan Fang asked attentively that although Ding Changsheng's time to the county government was very short, and he did not know several people in the county, the car accident a few days ago was a household name, and the causes and consequences of this incident did not need to be inquired about, there were already some good people who were miraculous. To Ding Changsheng's surprise, this indirectly increased Ding Changsheng's popularity, after all As a jerk like Zheng Laosan, not everyone likes it. Therefore, I admire Ding Changsheng for beating Zheng Laosan.

"Prosecutor yuan, ha ha, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I think it's better not to see. I'll fight with you.". Ding Changsheng remembered that he had been beaten by this guy in the procuratorate at the beginning, and he always wanted to find a chance to teach him a lesson. However, he had no chance, and now his identity is not the same. This kind of opportunity is even less. He can only show his tongue.

"Ha ha, Secretary Ding, you don't care about villains. Last time, it was a misunderstanding. As you know, we often handle cases like this. Besides, I didn't do it alone. Without the consent of the leader, I dare not do it to you. If you still feel uncomfortable, we can find a place to drink some wine, and you can fight any way you like.". Yuan Fang said with a shy face that it was not to compensate, but it was more disgusting than to compensate. Ding Changsheng knew that even if he was a police officer instead of the current Secretary of the county magistrate, Yuan Fang would trample him under his feet like he did last time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing, "OK, I'm waiting for you, but I can't do it today. I have to go to the insurance company. If something happens, another day.".

Ding Changsheng pulled out Yuan Fang's taxi. The taxi driver was waiting for Yuan Fang to pay for the taxi. However, he didn't know that the conversation was not over. Seeing Ding Changsheng get on the bus, Yuan Fang quickly took out 200 yuan from his pocket and gave it to the driver, "to see where this gentleman wants to go.". Yuan Fang said flatteringly.

This 200 yuan is enough for the driver to drive around the county for three times, but Ding Changsheng didn't say anything. He waved his hand and left.

Open the glass door of Haiyang branch of Dacheng insurance company.

"Hello, sir. What can I do for you? Is it insurance?" A woman in a small suit and knee length skirt came up with a big folder in her arms.

I don't buy insurance. I'll call your manager. Ding Changsheng is very angry. When the welcome lady sees that Ding Changsheng is angry, she dares not to lead him to the manager. For such customers, the measures they take are to pour water on you, and then a person will come to chat with you, record your experience, and let you vent. When you say almost, the anger is almost consumed, and then important negotiations Personnel appeared, usually the manager on duty.

This move was very effective. After ten minutes, Ding Changsheng's anger almost disappeared.

Mr. Ding, this is our duty manager, manager Xia Hehui. She will handle your list in person. Miss Yingbin introduced Xia Hehui, the manager on duty, to Ding Changsheng.

"Hello, you're in trouble.".

Mr. Ding, please come to the office with me. This way, please. Xia Hehui is in front and Ding Changsheng is following. All the female employees of Dacheng insurance company are dressed in the same dress. They are also suits and skirts. Moreover, there is a gap in the back of Xia Hehui's dress to better walk. However, every step of the journey, people want to have a deeper look at the contents of the crossing.

The whole naked leg appears very full, as if to break the flesh colored silk stockings, slender and without losing the backbone, but it is not that skinny feeling, anyway, it is symmetrical with a light feeling of flesh, so that anyone can not help but produce a sense of impulse, slender waist, Ying Ying Ying grip, making Xia Hehui a little more The light feeling, that nearly perfect waist, her upper body and lower part of the body skillfully seize the sky together, make the whole person look, the figure appears particularly irritating.

No wonder people say that if they want to be a leader, they have to choose a bank or an insurance company. There are many women here, and naturally there are many beautiful women. Moreover, these women are generally intellectually attractive and clean, which is much cleaner than those female doctors and nurses who deal with germs all day, at least in the sense of it.Being a leader in these places, even if you don't do anything and look at these beautiful women all day, it's also a kind of enjoyment, at least your eyes will be a few years later.

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