"You are so busy, how did you come to Huzhou? What's the matter?" Zhou Hongqi poured a cup of rose tea to Liang Keyi and asked.

"Well, there are some things that my father specially asked me to come to him for fear that he would not like it.". Liang Keyi said.

"Oh? What's the matter? I'm afraid he won't think about it? If he asks you to marry you and you don't agree, then you are afraid that he won't think it over. I tell you, he can do it. You don't have to worry about this. ". Zhou Hongqi said with a smile.

Liang Keyi can't laugh any more when he hears his speech. In fact, smile has many functions. Sometimes it's a genuine smile, from the heart, and sometimes it becomes a tool to cover up embarrassment. Just like now, Liang Keyi is very happy with his smile, but he feels extremely embarrassed in his heart.

And she also heard some unusual smell from Zhou Hongqi's words, which she thought was a warning.

"Sister Hongqi, don't worry. He's not my dish. Besides, I never thought about marrying a married man. Isn't he married?"

"If you get married, you can leave. Just like me, are all the circles in Beijing laughing at me? Therefore, I hide in this corner of the place do not dare to go back, you can say what you want, I don't care, as long as I am comfortable, whatever you say. Zhou Hongqi said scornfully.

In the face of Zhou Hongqi, who has such a strong atmosphere, Liang Keyi has no room to argue with Zhou Hongqi. Besides, she has no intention to argue with Zhou Hongqi. Therefore, all the following conversations are followed by Zhou Hongqi. When Ding Changsheng comes out, they actually have a good time.

This let Ding Changsheng breathe a sigh of relief, afraid that these two people in the outside again entangle. Entangle, that oneself is really guilty.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this skill. No wonder sister Hongqi likes you so much. No matter what kind of person you are, my sister Hongqi is a good person. You can't let her down.". Liang Keyi didn't know whether it was out of sincerity or against his heart.

Ding Changsheng did not dare to reprimand Liang Keyi. He just said, "eat quickly.".

Ding Changsheng didn't say a word about the meal. He just listened to the two people talking, and he couldn't get in the conversation. They were all women's favorite topics, such as clothes, bags and limited shoes. Ding Changsheng didn't like them and didn't understand them.

After dinner, Ding Changsheng wants to send Liang Keyi back. Zhou Hongqi says that he also wants to go to the city and wants to take their car to walk together. Ding Changsheng naturally dares not say no. Zhou Hongqi follows Ding Changsheng's car all the way to see Liang Keyi off.

"Where are you going? I'll take you there.". Ding Changsheng looked at Zhou Hongqi on the co pilot and asked.

"I don't want to go anywhere. Send me back to sleep. I stayed up all night meeting last night, and I haven't got enough sleep yet.". Zhou Hongqi said.

"Why did you come out with me when you didn't sleep at home?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"I don't like you to send her back on the way, you two judge me, and then laugh at my marriage life and the current predicament, so even if I'm sleepy, I have to go this way.". Zhou Hongqi said.

Ding Changsheng looked at her, speechless, only wry smile.

"I'm right. Were you talking about me when you were in the kitchen? I told you, I'm very nervous now. I can feel everything you do. Don't try to cheat me.". Zhou Hongqi said.

"We really didn't talk about you. We were full?" Ding Changsheng said.

"Didn't you eat at that time, and you were full?"

Ding Changsheng knew that he could not reason with a woman, so he shut up and let Zhou Hongqi know what he said.

"By the way, what did she come to you for? She said that her father asked her to come to you. What's the matter? It's not impossible to propose?" Zhou Hongqi asked.

"In the case of di Kuncheng, I found the evidence that I could hit the target with one shot, so I went to the capital city and handed it to Li Tiegang. However, Liang Wenxiang didn't want to deal with di Kuncheng at all, saying that he was pressing again. I was very angry. Maybe Liang Wenxiang was afraid that I would open the matter, so he sent Liang Keyi to warn me, which is probably what he meant.". Ding Changsheng said.

"What do you mean, are you ready to give in?" Zhou Hongqi asked.

"What does it mean to give in? Have I succumbed? But we also need to talk about strategy. Red flag, I just thought about it. Now I'm besieged on all sides. No one is willing to support me. Do you think that if I play according to my own temperament, do I have to kill myself first? " Ding Changsheng asked.

Zhou Hongqi took a look at Ding Changsheng and said, "you are a little mature. In the past, you were always in accordance with your own temperament. I also wanted to persuade you. Before you go abroad, I wanted to say it, but I guess you may not listen to it at that time.".

Ding Changsheng nodded and said: "so, I paid the price. Now that Liang Wenxiang says so, I dare not be a demon any more. Otherwise, I may face a second run away, and I may never come back again. Therefore, I have to be a man with my tail between my legs. Otherwise, I may hang up ahead of time."."So, you have made a decision whether Liang Keyi will come or not, and you will not be in charge of di Kuncheng for the time being?" Zhou Hongqi asked.

It's true that kundi will not change other people's minds, so it will not affect other people's minds. Ding Changsheng said.

"What do you think, what do you mean?" Zhou Hongqi asked.

"I'm going to apply for going abroad for a period of time. I'll go to talk with Liang Wenxiang in a few days. At home, in Huzhou, I'm upset. I haven't seen them for a long time, and I still have children. So, go out and have a look.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, it's probably the best time for you to go out now. Liang Wenxiang will understand you and approve it very quickly. It's a rare opportunity. He is not at ease when you are in China.". Zhou Hongqi said.

"Are you going with me? Go out with me.". Ding Changsheng asked Zhou Hongqi.

In fact, Zhou Hongqi just thought in his heart, if he said he would go with him, he would not refuse, and he was still hesitant to have a try. Unexpectedly, he invited himself to go out with him, which made Zhou Hongqi deeply moved.

But women still have to be reserved, so they ask, "what am I going out for? You're going home to see your wife and children. When I go, which onion is it?"

"No matter which spring onion it is, just fry it.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

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