Tian E Ru didn't expect that Ding Changsheng would really come, so she struggled to escape Ding Changsheng's embrace and beat him with both hands. However, even Tian Qingru could see how powerless the beating was.

Tian Qingru couldn't help sighing that she was hopeless. Seeing this boy, she even forgot that she was a married woman, and she was still in front of her own face. Although it was secret here, it would be bad for outsiders to see her.

"Well, if you do this again, I can go. It's too much.". Tian Qingru put the coffee cup on the table, and saw her sister and the little man in front of her. Her face suddenly turned red. Her husband didn't come back once every ten days and a half months, and she was not very keen on that matter. So when she saw the intimate situation between the two people, she felt a ripple in her heart.

Ding Changsheng released Tian E Ru, and she took the opportunity to escape back to her sister.

"You don't want to die. This is a coffee shop. If people see you, do you want to mix up?". Tian E Ru is also angry at strange ways.

He wants to kill me. I can't take advantage of anything. Ding Changsheng said after drinking water.

"What do you mean?" Tian E Ru asked in surprise.

"What do you mean? I think you should know that if you didn't let me drink that night, I might have died in that accident. Ding Changsheng said coldly.

"What do you mean, you doubt..." Tian E Ru asked in astonishment. Tian Qingru beside her also changed color. She couldn't help looking at her sister. She was wondering what was going on. Ding Changsheng had a car accident. She knew that otherwise, the meeting would not be delayed until now. However, her sister didn't tell her sister and his wife had anything to do with the accident.

"These days, I have been thinking that Zheng Laosan and I fight is handled by him. Then he called me and asked me to come to your house for a drink in the evening. Then I came out of your house and had an accident. Although I have no evidence, which place is wrong? I doubt it is normal, do you think?" Ding Changsheng asked without expression.

Tian E Ru bit her lip and didn't speak. Ding Changsheng was too lazy to speak. Tian Qingru didn't know what to say. This meeting could only be a bad ending.

Dushan town is the farthest town from the county, so although it is better than other towns in economy, it has not been given due attention. It means that the emperor is far away from Dushan town.

"Sister Hu, what can we do? I can't go down to the coal mine to ask for money.". Ding Changsheng asked.

"Don't worry, chickens don't pee, each has its own way, you sister Hu has some methods, Secretary Ding, follow director Hu is, can't be wrong.". Ding Changsheng sat on the co pilot and just asked a question. Zheng Jiatong, who was sitting behind, took over the conversation and said.

"Director Zheng, how do you speak? Scold me.". Hu Jiajia is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He turns to look at Zheng Jiatong and says.

"Director Hu, how dare I? What I said is true. Our education bureau is a cold Yamen. When we go down to the town, no one is willing to take care of us. But you, director Hu, are not the same. Xiao Ding, you wait. This time, these people still have to see the face of director Hu. Whether you give money or not, you have to see the face of director Hu.". Zheng Jiatong said with a laugh.

After having dinner with Hu Jiajia and Ding Changsheng last time, Zheng Jiatong told her husband Kang Zhiming about Ding Changsheng when she went home. Unexpectedly, Secretary Ding's experience was really rich, and her fame in Haiyang No.1 middle school was so great that even her husband sighed that it was a pity that the child didn't study. However, in only two years, he became the Secretary of the county magistrate The book, Kang Zhiming is also quite surprised.

With this relationship, and Ding Changsheng opened his mouth and shut his mother's cry. Zheng Jiatong started to call Ding Changsheng Xiaoding instead of secretary Ding.

Hu Jiajia is a member of her family who knows her own family affairs. Her present situation is not the same as before. Although she is trying to get closer to Zhonghua, she is not a man, so many things can not be done. She can only slowly contact the middle role of Ding Changsheng to show her loyalty.

But before Ding Changsheng couldn't afford to stand up, he had to rely on old government directors like Hu Jiajia. However, before the people's Congress, he didn't intend to change Xiaochun. Everything was for stability.

"Ahead is the Dushan town government.". Hu Jiajia said, pointing to a courtyard in front of her.

"This is the government of Dushan town. It seems that in addition to Chengguan Town, it is the best here. It seems that Dushan town is still rich. Director Hu and director Zheng, it seems that we have hope today.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"You may not know, this courtyard and office building are all built by small coal mines, Dushan town should be rich.". Zheng Jiatong also said.

Perhaps Hu Jiajia said hello. When Ding Changsheng's car entered the town government, several doors were opened in the two-story office building. Secretary Zhang Yuanfang and mayor sun Guoqiang all came out. With Hu Jiajia's rank, the Secretary and the mayor didn't need to go to the gate to meet them.

"Secretary Zhang, mayor sun, are all at home?" Hu Jiajia got out of the car and said hello to them. The others were staff members and all the deputies. Hu Jiajia knew some of them and some didn't, so he didn't say hello one by one."When the leaders come down to inspect and guide the work, how dare we not wait at home? This is Ding Secretary book. Oh, the beauty director is also here. Lao sun, we have to let the canteen prepare more dishes today, and we can have a few drinks with the leaders.". Zhang Yuanfang has a loud voice and his voice is as loud as a bell.

No problem. I'll tell them later. Please come to the meeting room. Sun Guoqiang said.

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