Zhang Yuanfang said the whole thing patiently. In the end, Zheng Laosan had no temper, because he could only eat a dumb loss. Zhang Yuanfang said it well. Now it is not the era of Chu Hexuan. The background of the new county magistrate is too strong.

Although he could have killed Ding Changsheng last time, Zheng Mingtang had a good idea of it, so he repeatedly warned Zheng Laosan that he would never have a direct conflict with Zhong Hua in the future. The official affairs should be settled in the officialdom. He should not be allowed to participate in the official affairs by means of the means of the river and lake. Otherwise, he would be sent to him Go to America and never come back.

"Well done, I didn't expect to be able to overfulfil the task. I told the education bureau that in three days, all the desks, chairs and benches needed by rural primary and secondary schools would be distributed in place, and the new year could not be celebrated.". After hearing Ding Changsheng's report, Zhonghua was very happy.

"I see, leader, Dushan town is really rich. If you want to take it, you can take it.". Ding Changsheng looked at Zhong Hua's face and made a comment.

"I know what you mean, but it's not the time to be calm and not impatient. Sometimes it's useless to be rash. However, you can do superficial work first, and be careful. After all, cutting off people's wealth is like killing parents.". Zhong Hua sighed and leaned back to the chair and stopped talking.

"Leader, I'll go.".

"Well, if you go and call director Hu, you say I want to see her.".

"OK, I'll go.".

From Zhonghua's words, Ding Changsheng also guessed that he was trying to help Hu Jiajia right, but where Chang Xiaochun went was a question. It was likely that the matter would be finalized after the new year. Seeing Hu Jiajia enter Zhonghua's office, Ding Changsheng habitually glanced at the time on the computer.

Since he can be called into the office, it must be said that some idle people are not allowed to listen. Ding Changsheng sits steadily in his office. Although his eyes are fixed on the computer screen, his soul is not here. If Hu Jiajia really becomes the director of the government office, he may become a deputy director. This is what Kou Dapeng said. For these settings in the officialdom, he is still I don't quite understand, so he often calls to ask Kou Dapeng. After all, he doesn't know anyone else in the officialdom.

When Hu Jiajia wants to get close to the big tree Zhonghua, he can act as a bridge. But once the two get together, where is Ding Changsheng? Is he a housekeeper under the leadership of a housekeeper?

When there was a sound of moving chairs in the office next door, Ding Changsheng knew that Hu Jiajia was coming out. When he looked at the time, he could talk for more than two hours. It seems that Zhonghua really wants to use Hu Jiajia at ease. Otherwise, the leaders will not have the patience to give you idle talk.

Hu Jiajia didn't come out of the door of Ding Changsheng's house. On the contrary, he went out from the door in the corridor and walked directly on the corridor. When he came, he walked to the corridor. Ding Changsheng looked at Hu Jiajia's back and held his head high. This is the legendary Hu Jiajia. Ding Changsheng can't help laughing at himself What promise did a woman get? Through the door, Ding Changsheng looked at Zhonghua's office. Did the boss really make up his mind.

In the twinkling of an eye, it is the 26th of the twelfth lunar month. At this time, although all the Yamen are still open, it is estimated that few people go to work except the bank, because the heart is no longer here.

"Where did you go for the Spring Festival?" Ding Changsheng just brought a cup of coffee to Zhonghua. Zhonghua asked. He knew that there was no one in his family.

"Go home.".

"Not alone?"

"Oh, I'm not alone. I went to the black water bay, where I have a relative.". Ding Changsheng is talking about the old petitioner Wangjiashan family. Since he became the Secretary, he has not been there for a long time. He just calls occasionally to say hello. He wants to accompany the old man this year.

Zhonghua obviously knew about it. He looked up at Ding Changsheng and secretly praised him. The boy had a conscience and said he would promise. It seems that he was convinced that Wang Jiashan had no water.

"On the first day of junior high school, I can go to my home for a new year's visit. My uncle knows that you are now my secretary. He is very happy. He didn't see you because of illness last time. He wants to see you again. Do you understand what I mean?" Zhonghua put down his pen and said.

"Good, leader, I will go, but I'm afraid I can't get in.". Ding Changsheng recalled the situation that he was stopped when he went to the hospital last time.

"What's that hole under your nose for? You won't call me.". Zhonghua said without good breath.

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