Well, nothing else. I'll go first. Ding Changsheng said he wanted to go, but he was stopped by Xue Guichang.

"Wait a minute. What is mayor he busy with now? Is he busy looking for a new owner?" Xue Guichang asked.

"Well, I don't know very well. I just came out from him. I didn't see anything unusual. It's normal.". Ding Changsheng said.

Xue Guichang laughed and said, "you don't understand. This man is hypocritical. I have worked with him for many years, but I still don't know him. At this time, he must be flustered. Zhonghua is his backbone. Now Zhonghua is gone, and I think he has been wandering for a few days.".

Now Ding Changsheng only wanted to do something, and didn't want to participate in the struggle between them, so he said: "now we Huzhou is a little more stable. I think we should take advantage of this good time to carry out these projects, so as to avoid any further changes.".

"Well, OK, I see. You can go. After the investigation of the logistics base, we'll meet again to discuss what to do.". Xue Guichang said.

Ding Changsheng thought, your words are still human words, although the struggle is everywhere, but the old fight to fight, everything is delayed, interesting?

Back in his office, Secretary Hu Minghua followed in, carrying a cup of tea, Ding Changsheng took a sip, and said, "call the development zone and say I'll go to the logistics base in the afternoon and ask them to send someone to follow.".

"OK, I'll give you a notice.". Hu said.

Hu Minghua just went out, Ding Changsheng received a call from Qin mo.

"Hello, are you finished?" Qin Mo's voice reveals a hint and temptation, but now Ding Changsheng does not have time to pacify her.

"I'm still busy in the office. I have to go to the logistics base for investigation in the afternoon. I really don't have time to accompany you. I'm sorry.". Ding Changsheng said.

After Qin Mo finished listening, he hung up the phone. Ding Changsheng thought she was angry, so he called the wechat video.

After Ding Changsheng connected, he saw Qin Mo in his pajamas and made a table to eat.

"No matter how busy you are, you have to eat. I've made lunch. You can come to eat and go to work after eating. By the way, Zhou Hongqi will come back later. Well, this point is almost off work. Are you coming?" Qin Mo asked.

"You see, you've been busy cooking all morning. It's not appropriate if I don't go. Wait for me, I'll go back.". Ding Changsheng said.

Qin Mo smiles with satisfaction and hangs up the video. Ding Changsheng drinks the tea in the cup, then gets up and goes out. Passing by Hu Minghua's office door, he says, "at two o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet at the gate of the logistics base.".

Hu Minghua a Leng, just want to ask what, Ding Changsheng already went downstairs.

Ding Changsheng's car and Zhou Hongqi's car almost arrived at the downstairs where Qin Mo lived. Zhou Hongqi got off the car and waited for Ding Changsheng to come out.

"Your first wife said to invite me to dinner. I thought it was to invite me alone and then have a showdown with me. I didn't expect you to come back. It seems that you just have to eat?" Zhou Hongqi asked with a leg of sunglasses in his mouth.

Ding Changsheng took off the sunglasses from her mouth, put his arm around her shoulder, and went into the house, saying, "what are you talking about? What is the showdown? There is a contradiction between you. I am the hardest one. Do you understand this truth?"

"I understand that you deserve it. Who let you provoke so many people? Do you think I am easy to bully and cheat?" Zhou Hongqi asked impertinently.

Ding Changsheng wants to say that you forced me at the beginning. Well, in the end, he said that I provoked you. Alas, I didn't win in reasoning with women. I'd better forget it.

"You're here. It's very fast. Red flag, I have two dishes left. Come and help me.". Qin Mo did not hesitate to transfer Zhou Hongqi away from Ding Changsheng. You can take me away from Beijing in advance. I can't give you this move. Therefore, you never understand a woman's mind, or don't think about it.

But Ding Changsheng doesn't know why Qin Mo called Zhou Hongqi and himself today. Is it really a showdown like Zhou Hongqi said?

"Here, drink to us.". Qin Mo raised his glass and proposed.

"For us? What is it for us? " Zhou Hongqi asked.

"For we can eat at one table, cheers.". With that, Qin Mo drank it all.

Zhou Hongqi also had a drink, but Ding Changsheng didn't.

"I'm going to investigate this afternoon. I can't drink. Otherwise, the Commission for discipline inspection should come to me.". Ding Changsheng said.

"There are so many things to do, red flag. I'm going to leave in a few days. You set up a company in Huzhou. I'm not sure about him. What can you do?" Qin Mo looks at Zhou Hongqi with a smile.

"Well, why don't you worry about me?" Ding Changsheng protested.

Qin Mo took a look at him and said, "shut up, there's no part for you to speak here. I'm talking to the red flag. Don't worry about it. Can I rest assured? What did you say before you came back? Now how many things have been provoked? If I don't come back, do you want to take out a strengthening campThis is the first time Zhou Hongqi saw Qin Mo Xun Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng did not dare to speak. His eldest wife's momentum was in full view. Zhou Hongqi knew that Qin Mo was reprimanding Ding Changsheng and beating himself. However, he could not find the right language to excuse Ding Changsheng for a while. Indeed, Qin Mo had no reason not to be angry with Ding Changsheng for his deeds.

"Well, not in the future, I promise..." Ding Changsheng said.

"Ding Changsheng, is your guarantee useful? The reason why I came back is to tell you face to face that you are not a big boss in business. What women do you like to look for? What women do you like to look for? You are now a public servant. You have to have the courtesy, righteousness and shame of public servants. Do you have any?" Qin Mo asked.

Zhou Hongqi was shocked. She always knew that Qin Mo was not easy to offend, and she was very strict with Ding Chang's life. But even so, Ding Changsheng was still a peach blossom, but it was the first time that she saw Qin Mo's speech so ugly.

"I don't worry about you. We have plenty of money. You don't want to make money. But women, although the management of cadres' work style is loose now, you should know that the anti-corruption mistress is the main force in the fight against corruption. If you don't fit in, you will be sued. Is it worth losing money because of your belt and trousers?" Qin Mo asked.

Ding Changsheng is still silent, let Qin Mo reprimand himself, eat and drink, as if it was not him, which also let Zhou Hongqi open his eyes.

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