Xiao Han hasn't seen a man for nearly a year. How could she let go of this wonderful opportunity? So she unconsciously added strength to her hand, which made Ding Changsheng suffer. Such a beauty is in her arms, and she is as soft as jade. He is not Liu Xiahui. So even though she has repeatedly tolerated, her body has already endured to the limit. If she goes one step further, it will be the abyss 。

"Sister in law, sister-in-law, we really can't do this, I, I dare not.". Finally, taking advantage of Xiao Han's breath, Ding Changsheng finally pushed Xiao Han away. The atmosphere in the hot spring pool was extremely embarrassing. Ding Changsheng wanted to say something, but he really didn't know how to start the conversation. Xiao Han also felt that he was too impulsive and lost his identity in front of the little boy.

"Well, sister-in-law, take your time. I'll wait for you in the teahouse.". Finish saying that Ding Changsheng also does not wait for Xiao Han to agree, hurriedly went to the dressing room to change back his clothes and escaped.

Xiao Han looked at Ding Changsheng's back. For a moment, he wanted to laugh, but he wanted to cry. He covered his face with his hands and buried himself in the water. Until he could no longer hold back, he came out of the water. His face was covered with water stains. He could not tell whether it was tears or hot spring water To whom.

Just now, she fell asleep with a towel, which made her feel ridiculous.

Not only fell asleep, but also had a dream. The most strange thing is that this dream is just a beautiful continuation of Ding Changsheng. In the dream, Ding Changsheng tried to make love with her and melt her whole person. He felt that his body was bubbling like a spring and some liquid flowed out, which made her body feel like floating in the clouds, which was very comfortable.

Ding Changsheng was drinking Wild Camellia in the tea room and waiting for Xiao Han to come out. He was thinking about what Xiao Han said just now. If he followed Zhonghua, he might be able to be a mayor or something when he could be on his own for a few years. However, it seems that such opportunities are still rare. He is still helpless. Now Zhonghua is his biggest supporter.

But Xiao Han made it clear that in order to really let himself and his descendants become masters, in addition to his own efforts, the most important thing is to find a supporter, and the patron can not be a person, it must be a group of people, and in China, it is not difficult to find such a group of people, that is, the aristocratic family that has been inherited from ancient China.

Aristocratic families are everywhere and all the time, but they are hidden well. The change of dynasties and the change of government seem to have nothing to do with them, because they always support the strong and seek greater benefits from the strong.

In China, there is a very boring metaphor, but this boring metaphor tells the basic rule of being an official, that is, the cadres at the grass-roots level are all working. Only by really doing can they make achievements, and when they have made achievements, they can climb up. This is the path of promotion of grassroots cadres, but cadres above the county level can't rely on their work. It has to be born, that is, to have a look If you have the ability of reincarnation, if you cast well, you will be doomed to be promoted and rich in your life. There will be people everywhere to help you pave the way, and there will be people to support you everywhere. Therefore, cadres at and above the county level are all born.

This boring metaphor sounds like sour grapes, but on second thought, it's not realistic.

Two hours later, Xiao Han came out, two people one after the other, almost did not speak, so there is no match to return to the place where they live, and go back to their own room, each to think about their own things.

Having no sleep all night, Ding Changsheng couldn't sleep all night. The next morning, he went to the front desk and checked out his room. After asking, he found out that Xiao Han was still sleeping. After thinking about it, he borrowed paper and pen from the front desk and wrote a note, which was inserted into Xiao Han's door.

All the way, three hours later, Ding Changsheng finally stopped the car.

This is the front mountain slope of bangziyu. There is only one tomb here. The weeds on the grave have withered and look very decadent. This is the grave of Ding Changsheng's parents. In the past, Ding Changsheng didn't come here. In fact, there was nothing else except a few clothes of his parents, because his parents didn't have any in the debris flow Find it.

There is another reason, that is, he is afraid that he will be unable to help crying. In the days when his parents just died, he had already cried enough and didn't want to shed tears any more. Today, he has developed, but he has encountered the difficult problem mentioned by Xiao Han. This is an inextricable choice. He chooses to promise that in the future, there will be endless glory and wealth, which will surely bring honor to the Ding family Choose to refuse, he Ding Changsheng will also have a good time, but this process is bound to be much more difficult.

He won't choose, so he wants to come and listen to his parents' advice. After all, parents experience more temptation than he does.

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