"Get out of here, my father is back.". While busy while whispering to Ding Changsheng, that look very anxious, Ding Changsheng is not in a hurry, anyway, Kou Dapeng will come back to find himself, so swagger to do Kou Yingying's desk, opened the computer to play the game.

"Back.". Zhao Xinya saw her husband coming back, so she said hello.

"Well, I'll see if the car at the door is born forever.".

"Well, tutoring Yingying English in it.". Zhao Xinya said casually.

"Oh, this boy has a little conscience. Ding Changsheng, Ding Changsheng, get out of here.". Kou Dapeng yelled.

"What are you shouting? Children are learning in it.". Zhao Xinya is angry and strange.

"I have something to do with him. Go and cook. I've been hungry all day.". Kou Dapeng is going to knock on the door of Kou Yingying's room. Ding Changsheng opens the door and says, "uncle, it's not too late to pay a new year's visit to you.".

"No late, no late, come here. I have something to ask you.".

"What's the matter, uncle? I want to be promoted again. I don't think that's what I said.". Ding Changsheng joked.

"Go, I want to ask about the road. How can we have no news after the meeting? We hope to build the road in Linshan Town, which is looking forward to the stars and the moon. How come we have no news now? Are you leaders talking or not?".

"This matter you directly ask Zheng Shu to remember, I am a small secretary, how can I be a leader's home?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm serious. You have to make it clear to me.". Kou Dapeng refused.

"Uncle, I really don't know about it. However, there is one thing I think is very strange. I can't understand it after thinking for a long time.".

"What's the matter?" Kou Dapeng asked, lighting a cigarette.

"Uncle, after the completion of the No.1 highway, is the importance of Linshan town going up to several grades? Is it an important node connecting Haiyang county?"

"Of course.". Kou Dapeng doesn't know what Ding Changsheng wants to say, but the importance of Linshan town has already been shown. If nothing else, the house price of Linshan town has begun to rise.

"But as far as I know, there seems to be no leader in the No.1 highway headquarters in Linshan town. According to my logic of thinking, you and Wang Baili should be members of the construction headquarters. But now, you are not. I think even I will enter this command post. This is the Tianzi No.1 project in Haiyang county this year. Do you think it's in this Is there something wrong? Is that normal? " Ding Changsheng asked, in fact, he also wanted to say these words to Zhonghua, but in line with the principle that more is better than less, without opening this mouth, the leaders don't need to tell you this person, ordinary staff, if you want to know, then you have to seriously speculate.

"You mean I should be in this headquarters, too?" Kou Dapeng did not return to his senses for a while. In his opinion, the personnel of this command post were not randomly entered. It is said that Secretary Zheng himself was the commander.

"It's not only possible, but I think it should be. If you think about it, whose territory is this road in? Even if the grandson monkey comes here, he may not be able to play it.". Ding Changsheng said seriously.

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