Ding Changsheng left Zhonghua's office of the provincial government. After a careful review of Zhonghua's words, he knew that there was something in his words. So when he got out of the door, he called Ye Ruping and found out that she was in the company, so he drove to find her directly.

When Ding Changsheng arrived, ye Ruping was waiting at the door of the company. On a cold day, she stood at the door in a suit with a mobile phone in her hand. It was a lie to say that it was not cold. Although she was wearing meat colored silk stockings, the stockings would not be warmer than her trousers.

Mayor Ding, I didn't expect you to come. Please come in.

"Mr. Ye is very kind. On such a cold day, you can wait for me in the office and come to the door. If you get cold and sick, I can't afford it.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Mayor, don't worry about it. You can't make fun of me if you've ever been sick.". When you enter the hall, it's warm as spring. When the staff meet them, they will stop and stop to see ye Ruping's accompanying guests. No one bothers her. She reaches the floor where ye's office is located. In addition to the meeting room, this floor is her office.

The heavy carpet in the corridor, even if ye Ruping's high-heeled shoes, don't make a sound at all. It's very quiet.

This is the first time I have seen such a good office. Ding Changsheng said.

This is definitely not a compliment to her, because first of all, the office is large, at least 400 square meters, but the layout inside is not empty. Rockery, flowing water, rest room, study and entertainment room are not separated, but they are well arranged. It can be said that staying here for a whole day will not be boring.

"If mayor Ding likes it, come to our yuan's real estate. I'll give you this office, with an annual salary of five million yuan.". Ye said.

Ding Changsheng shook his head with a smile and did not speak.

"Why, it's not enough. If we offer a price, we yuan's real estate will satisfy mayor Ding as long as it can be given. However, I've heard that mayor Ding is also a good businessman. In a few years, Panshi investment has become a hot investment company in the world. The rate of return on investment has been high. Many people want to entrust their money to Panshi investment.". Ye said.

Ding Changsheng followed her to the reception area. After sitting down, she poured a cup of coffee for him. The coffee pot was still steaming hot. It was just ground out.

"I'm a very selective person, so if you can't meet my requirements, Mr. Ye will not give me an idea.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Before mayor Ding said that we couldn't meet your requirements, it's too belittled our yuan's real estate's thirst for talents. Today mayor Ding just came, so let's talk about your conditions. Maybe we yuan can always agree.". Ye said.

"Is Mr. Yuan in the company?" Ding Changsheng asked.

A haze appeared on Ye Ruping's face and said, "no, he's still in the hospital. His illness is good and bad. He's unstable and is being treated.".

"What kind of disease is this general manager yuan? I know some excellent Chinese medicine doctors. Have you tried traditional Chinese medicine?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Well, I don't know. Mayor Ding, don't you change the subject. How about governor Zhonghua's arrival in Beiyuan, don't you come to help him?" Ye Ruping asked.

"My conditions are very simple. It depends on Mr. Yuan's unwillingness. The annual salary you just mentioned is 5 million yuan, right? It's very good. I think I'm worth the price. In addition, I don't think Mr. Yuan can do it.". Ding Changsheng said deliberately.

"What conditions, you say, if appropriate, I can make the decision for Mr. Yuan.". Ye Ruping said boldly.

"Well, the other condition is Mr. Ye, five million yuan, plus one Mr. Ye, I'll come to Yuan's real estate, how about that?" Ding Changsheng asked with a smile.

"Mayor Ding, I really can't see that you are a master of cold jokes. Forget it, I can see that you are not sincere in coming to us. My yuan family's real estate temple is too small to hold your Bodhisattva.". Ye Ruping said cleverly.

Ding Changsheng didn't mean to joke with her. He asked, "I want to know what kind of situation yuan's real estate is now. I hope you don't pit me. I just came out from the provincial government. I wanted to help you get to know Zhonghua, but Zhonghua's words made me feel cold behind my back. I have to ask clearly. Otherwise, I'll help you with Zhonghua. Is that right Is it to make trouble for Zhonghua? If you pit me, we will have no room to work together in the future. ".

As soon as Ding Changsheng said this, ye Ruping's face changed. She was stunned for a long time, and then said, "I know, this matter can be concealed for a while, but I can't hide it for the whole life. Well, I said, as for what I said, would you like to help me, I don't have such a tangle.".

Ding Changsheng took out a cigarette, but it was not lit yet. Ye Ruping handed over the lighter. She did not know when she had a cigarette in her own hand. After Ding Changsheng lit it, she also lit it. The two started talking with smoke.

"Do you know there was a Qi family in North Central Province, or Yuwen family?". Ye Ruping asked.

Ding Changsheng was stunned and said, "I've heard of it. What's the matter?""Qi Fengzhu is the son-in-law of the Yuwen family. The Yuwen family and the Lin family used to be friends, but later they didn't know how to separate their ways. But how can Lin Yi let go of the Yuwen family? This is a popular news from outside. If mayor Ding has heard of it, he will know what is going on.". Ye said.

"I know, not heard of, but know some inside information. What's the matter? Is it related to Yuan's real estate?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Everyone knows that in the process of the collapse of the Yuwen family and the Qi family, Lin Yidao was the mastermind. In fact, it's only half right. Lin Yidao is the mastermind. It's good, but another person can't be ignored. He Jiasheng, the Secretary of the provincial Party committee, wants the Qi family as their white gloves to make money and launder money. It's like a positive Often enterprises are like their money bags, but it is obvious that Qi Fengzhu didn't want to do this and died in prison. After the Yuwen family collapsed, the white gloves were gone. Naturally, they needed to find a white glove to replace them. At this time, Yuan's real estate became the best substitute. When I said that, do you understand what I mean? " Ye Ruping asked.

"Well, it seems to understand a little bit. Now yuan's real estate is facing the fate of Qi's family in those years, either succumb or perish?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"That's right. It's also the reason why Mr. Yuan is ill. He's not a fake disease. He's really sick. He may die at any time. It doesn't matter if he dies. But what about the enterprise? You know, Ye's family is in charge now. So, I'm in a mess now. I don't know how to deal with it. If mayor Ding comes to the company, I can Let the virtuous ". Ye Ruping looks at Ding Changsheng and says.

Ding Changsheng said with a smile, "you know that I can't accept this condition. I'm determined to be an official.".

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