"Secretary Zheng, I have a suggestion that this incident happened during the Spring Festival, and there were heavy casualties. If you rashly conclude that it is an accident, I'm afraid it is difficult to convince the outside world. It is better to set up a handling Committee on this accident now. All external information should be unified, and information should be released through one channel to avoid more troubles caused by too many people.". Zhonghua said carefully.

Zheng Mingtang pondered for a moment. He originally thought that Zhonghua should agree with him, so this matter passed by carelessly. However, he didn't think that Zhonghua was not so confused, and he was very smart. He also had an army of himself. Therefore, if he does not agree with his proposal, it seems that this matter is under his own pressure or investigation If there is a follow-up accident, someone will hold the responsibility on his head. OK, since you want to investigate, you can check it.

"Well, I agree with your suggestion. Now that you are back, don't rush away. You should organize this handling committee to deal with this matter together with public security, fire control, safety supervision and civil affairs. Zhonghua, you should work hard to minimize the bad impact of this incident.".

"Secretary Zheng, OK, you can rest assured that I will handle this matter well. I will go to the scene to have a look.".

"OK, you go. Take a rest.". Zheng Mingtang said with a smile.

"Secretary Zheng, I'll go and have a look.". Organization Minister Zhou Chuansheng also said.

"Well, Lao Zhou, you are not a young man any more. You should pay attention to rest.". Zheng Mingtang showed concern.

"Director Chen, you go too. I'll go back and cooperate well with the work of county magistrate Zhong.". Zheng Mingtang said to Chen Junwei, who was on the other side.

All right, Secretary Zheng. Take your time. Chen Junwei said that Zheng Mingtang was sent out of the scene.

Looking at the scene of a mess, Ding Changsheng also felt how powerful the explosion was at that time, but now the most important task is to find out what the cause of the explosion is, as well as the aftermath. Jia Chengliang and his family are all dead, and there is no demand for compensation for the time being. However, there are still more than 20 injured people. This should be appeased, otherwise there will be great trouble.

"Well, have you found out why?" Zhonghua looked at a Public Security Bureau technician extracting the explosive residue and asked.

"This is the magistrate of Zhong county. You can answer it truthfully.". Criminal police captain Miao Zhendong said to the technician.

"Good county magistrate Zhong, according to the explosives detected at present, it can be sure that it was caused by explosions such as fireworks and firecrackers, but it can cause such great damage. Fireworks and firecrackers will not be less than one ton, which is the technical aspect.". Said the technician.

"What do you think?" Zhonghua asked Miao Zhendong, who was following him.

"We are still investigating and can't draw a conclusion yet.". Miao Zhendong said.

"What do you say? I can't draw a conclusion now. Of course, this is my personal opinion.". Miao Zhendong stressed that he had just heard how Chen Junwei reported to several leaders, but he could not agree with his judgment on Chen's situation. At this time, Chen Junwei was not there. Of course, he had to clarify his views.

The biggest difference between Chen Junwei and Miao Zhendong is that Chen Junwei is an official and an official, so he knows the leader's mind. He wants to keep this matter under control. It's better to have nothing to do. But secretly, he took another road, that is to inform the Municipal Bureau leaders of this matter at the first time. As the director of public security of Haiyang County, there are several such despotic people in the whole county Gangster, he knows it very well.

Jia Chengliang was sentenced to four years' imprisonment for intentional injury five years ago, but only served a year and a half before he came out. Originally, people thought that he would be honest when he was in prison. However, people didn't realize that it was easy to learn to be bad in prison. Jia Chengliang was a bad boy. When he got out of prison, he became more serious. However, he was different from Zheng Laosan Like, he is just his own horizontal, and did not mix up like Zheng Laosan, so there are not many people who know him.

Since the emergence of small coal mines in Dushan Town, Jia Chengliang has also joined in and gradually become a relatively large coal mine overlord. He began to compete with the small coal mines controlled by Dushan town government for coal mines. However, with his courage and ruthlessness, Jia Chengliang's rise soon threatened the interests of Zheng Laosan, the boss behind the scenes.

This is the fundamental reason why Zheng Laosan wanted to get rid of it quickly.

However, Miao Zhendong is a pure case handler. If there is a case and he can't solve it, he will have a hard time sleeping and eating. This is a kind of professional persistence. When Chen Biaozi was stabbed to death by Wang tiger, he also investigated Ding Changsheng, but the case has never been solved. It is said that a court hearing will soon be held in Baishan central court.

Zhonghua realized that there was something fishy in it. The opinions of a Public Security Bureau on the accident could not be unified. It can be seen that the case is controversial. But why did Chen Junwei do this?

"If a criminal case is filed, how long can you solve it?"

"Well, I'm not sure, because I need to investigate and make large-scale visits to see if the dead are in conflict with other people. It takes time.".

"Is a week enough?" Zhonghua asked.

"Enough, if it's a homicide, if we don't find out the reason for it in a week, I'm a captain who can't do it."."OK, that's settled. Lao Zhou, what do you think?" Since Zhou Chuansheng is here, of course, we should respect his opinions.

"I don't mind.". Zhou Chuansheng said.

Zhonghua stayed at the scene until four o'clock in the morning, and finally arranged the arrangement, so he returned to the office.

"Go and call Hu Jiajia. I have something to ask her.". Zhonghua moved his neck and said.

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