To tell you the truth, Lin Derong is really in a dilemma this time. There are more than 300 deputies to the National People's Congress in the county. Few of them are dissatisfied with the government and deliberately make trouble. It's OK to say that those who abstain from voting will make the election very passive.

"Mr. Zhong, Secretary Zheng has put a lot of pressure on me.". After the three giants finished, they walked out of the county Party committee building side by side. Lin Derong said half jokingly and half seriously.

"No, director Lin, if you say that, I can't afford it. Besides, if all of them are so consistent, are they still deputies to the people's Congress? So it's normal for people to object. Even if half of them are against it, it doesn't matter. As long as we can pass the customs, we don't understand. The purpose is to realize the organization's intention and wait for me to do it After this term, if the election is going to be so troublesome, I have to think about what I have done these days. The masses are still not satisfied. ". Zhonghua also didn't take it seriously, but also half jokingly said that at this time, the mobile phone shook in the trouser pocket.

After shaking hands with Lin Derong and saying goodbye, he got into his car. At this time, he took out his mobile phone. It was sent by Ding Changsheng: his sister-in-law is coming.

Seeing this, Zhonghua is a little dizzy. His sister-in-law is coming. Ding Changsheng is wrong. After thinking for a long time, he realizes that it may be Xie Heyang. He frowns, and his mood is suddenly depressed. What is she doing here? They have been playing the role of model husband and wife in front of outsiders There are two people who know best.

Although Zhonghua's room is cleaned every year, it can be said that it is very clean, but Xie Heyang still cleaned up again according to his own habits. At this time, Zhonghua came in.

"Why are you here? I'll send someone to pick you up without saying hello. Zhong Hua said lightly.

"I have my own car. I didn't come at once. Why, I'm afraid I'll come here. I'm afraid I'll make honey here.". Xie Heyang showed his smile and tried to make himself cute and charming. He used to be before, but now is now. This time he came to give birth to a child. If he choked at the first meeting, who would have the leisure to do that.

"How can you? Look at me. There are so many things here. How can I have time to accompany you? Besides, you can stay in such a mess?" Zhonghua said with a smile.

"I can stay. This time I'll stay for ten days and a half months. You're busy. I won't delay your work. I'll talk about it when I want to go out.".

"Well, you can have a rest. I'll deal with some things. The election will be held in a few days. This is a critical moment. We can't lose the chain.".

"Well, then you are busy. Ah, by the way, you live here at night, and I also live here?" Xie Heyang wants to change places, such as hotels and so on.

"Then where do you want to live? This is my home in Haiyang. Besides, there is no decent hotel in Haiyang. You can deal with it." then he went out to the office.

As soon as Zhonghua sat in the office, he heard a knock at the door and said, "come in.".

"Leader, director Hu wants to see you and says there is something important.". Ding Changsheng stretched out his head and said.

It's said that Ding Changsheng doesn't need to inform a deputy housekeeper like Hu Jiajia, but Hu Jiajia is not a person without eyesight. When she meets the beautiful woman with Ding Changsheng on the stairs, she hardly has any difficulty to find out that the person coming is the boss's wife. It is better for her to come to the boss's wife, because she is also from Xie Heyang's eyes I saw the unnatural and the old hen's vigilance to protect food.

"Let her in.". Zhonghua took a sip of tea and said that he was totally unaware of what was wrong with it and Hu Jiajia's unnatural performance today.

According to your request, this is the latest survey result today. Hu Jiajia hands the material to Zhonghua, step back, still standing.

"Sit down. I have to watch it for a while.". Zhonghua pointed to the chair and said, but Hu Jiajia didn't move. He still stood there. Zhonghua took a look at her, stopped talking and looked at the material carefully.

The last time she received the internal information about Jia Chengliang's explosion reported by Hu Jiajia, Zhonghua knew that opinions on the explosion in the Public Security Bureau were not uniform. Some people wanted to hide it, while others wanted to investigate. But Hu Jiajia knew such inside information. It shows that she must have her own relationship within the Public Security Bureau, so Zhonghua listened to Chen Junwei's report After that, he specially instructed Hu Jiajia to make use of his own relationship to copy a copy of the first-hand information of the explosion to him. This is not to interfere with the handling of the case, but to supervise the handling of the case at all times. As for Chen Junwei, Zhong Hua is obviously not trustworthy, and people at both ends of the line are not trustworthy.

"It says that the explosion may lead to the small coal mines in Dushan town. Do you have an accurate number of small coal mines in Dushan town?"

"No, although the county has always kept a secret about this, as far as I know, not only the cadres of Dushan Town, but also some cadres in the county have shares in small coal mines. However, the small coal mine of Jia Chengliang is relatively large. It is hard to say who invested money in this small coal mine.".

"Did someone in the county put money in there? Is the information accurate? "

"Accurate, county magistrate, these people who run coal mines are all outlaws, so I mean that the governance should be slowed down. It is not only the cadres in the county who have shares. These small coal mines are likely to be involved in the underworld. Otherwise, there will be no such extreme example as the explosion."."Evil forces?" As soon as Zhong Hua pondered a little bit, he knew what Hu Jiajia meant. In Haiyang County, who were the evil forces? Isn't this something that you're ready to show? But what makes Zhonghua puzzled is that if Zheng Laosan did it, he would not know that Jia Chengliang was the nephew of Jia Secretary of Baishan municipal Party committee. Isn't this causing trouble for his father?

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