"Secretary Zheng, what is this about? How can it be possible to be elected by a full vote? If you and I are not writing votes, how can we not allow a abstention and so on.". Zhou Chuansheng, head of the Organization Department of Haiyang County, complained to Lin Derong. He was called by Lin Derong to discuss the election. But as soon as he heard the decision conveyed by Lin Derong, his head was a little big.

"Lao Zhou, please don't complain. I have made clear all these words you said with Secretary Zheng and county magistrate Zhong, but this is the order of the organization. Your task and mine are to set up a good stage and sing the play well. Otherwise, if you have any opinions, you can directly raise them to Secretary Zheng.". Lin Derong looked at Zhou Chuansheng and said with a smile that he knew that the old boy was close to Zheng Mingtang. If you are willing to say these words, you can go to Zheng Mingtang directly. You don't need to talk nonsense here. I only do my own things well. I can't manage your own affairs. This is Lin Derong's attitude.

"Director Lin, I don't mean that either. I just said it's a bit hard for people.". Zhou Chuansheng himself found a step down.

"Lao Zhou, you are an old group worker. You must have experience in these matters. Our task now is to sum up how to do it, so that we can't pay the work when we can.". Lin Derong is determined not to give Zhou Chuansheng a chance to breathe. He also knows that if it comes to bad ideas, Zhou Chuansheng must have goods in his stomach.

In the history of Haiyang County, there has never been a problem that the "organizational intention" has not been realized in the election of the people's Congress of Haiyang County, and the upcoming election of county head is no exception. More than 95% of the deputies to the county people's Congress were composed of county, township and village leaders at all levels and rich people in the county. Although they were labeled with different sectors and identities, they were clearly the boss of private enterprises, but they were workers; they were clearly the Secretary of the village branch, the sector was farmers; they were clearly the Secretary and director of the township party committee, and they represented intellectuals. They have always been consistent with their superiors: when it is time to applaud, when it is time to discuss, they should pay a compliment, and when it is time to write a motion, they should find a few words in the government work report, saying that whoever is elected should be elected. In a word, every meeting is a united, victorious, progressive and harmonious conference.

However, in the personnel adjustment, some cadres often have psychological problems such as jealousy, loss and frustration, and there is no place to vent. As a result, there are often one or several negative votes and abstention votes in such elections. Although this makes the elected face a little ugly, but it does not affect the overall situation, or laugh it off, or suspect in the heart, no one will go into the future.

For example, Yu Quanfang, the current Deputy Secretary of the county Party committee, has heard from his superiors. After Chu Hexuan left, he is likely to be the Deputy Secretary of the county Party committee to take over the county head. But who knows that Zhonghua was killed on the way, and his dream of county magistrate was disillusioned again. He spent more years in Haiyang than in zhengmingtang. This would be a bit embarrassing to Zheng Mingtang and Zhong Hua by election If only a few years later, they would not be willing to raise their hands.

It is not difficult to be elected county magistrate, but it is difficult to be elected by full vote.

As the only candidate nominated by the presidium of the National People's Congress, Zhonghua, the acting county magistrate, has become an official candidate. In the equal number election, there is no problem in being elected. The problem is that one or two of the more than 300 deputies will not be able to save one or two negative votes for some of the reasons mentioned above. How to eliminate one or two imaginary negative votes in the bud has become an urgent problem for election organizers Lin Derong and Zhou Chuansheng to solve.

As long as the thought does not slide, there are more ways than difficulties.

Lin Derong and Zhou Chuansheng, the two old foxes, drank tea all night in the tea room until the tea was as light as water. The final plan was to rearrange the seats of each NPC deputy on election day.

To put it simply, it is to make use of the characteristics of the mutual familiarity among the representatives of each delegation, change the method of seating arrangement that has been used for decades, and change the seats of each delegation from vertical to horizontal, one for each delegation. Then, the head of the delegation will divide every three representatives into a group. Between the two absolutely reliable representatives, a less reliable or suspected representative will be seated, and each representative will be instructed to "look left and right, watch closely at death, remind and help, and supervise each other" to ensure that no mistakes are made.

Even so, it's hard to guarantee that no one will get away with voting against it. It doesn't matter, because in the counting process, a few votes with affirmative votes are prepared in advance, and they are ready to replace those negative votes at any time.

If the "reserve ticket" is used, the person who drew the negative vote will never make a statement or question afterwards. Unless you really don't want to mix up in Haiyang County, otherwise, what kind of excrement do you pull, and then give me all to eat back.

"Lao Zhou, will there be no more problems?" Lin Derong has a lot of pressure. This pressure is not only from Zheng Mingtang's request, but also from his desire to make a gesture to Zhonghua. Without Zhonghua's intervention, his daughter Lin Jiayue would not be able to enter the financial department, and his son-in-law would not be able to enter the state-owned enterprises. Therefore, Lin Derong always felt that he owed Zhonghua a great favor, although this kind of friendship can be worked with in the future But this time, the NPC is the leading role, and we must pay back the interest because there is no interest dispute. Compared with rolling up the sleeves on the Standing Committee, this matter is simply too simple, but it is more difficult to operate.

"Director Lin, don't worry. I will do the work of the head of the delegation in person, which is absolutely no problem. If there are still problems in this way, I, the organization minister, will have no face to go on.". Zhou Chuansheng patted his chest and assured him.The night was already deep. Ding Changsheng had already left work, but Zhonghua still had some things to deal with. After dinner, he went to the office in his pajamas. This made Xie Heyang, who had taken a bath, very dissatisfied. But there was no way. She had just finished the test. Today might be ovulation day. The activity must be carried out tonight.

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