Ding Changsheng looks at Ye Ruping's sad expression, and his inner pity begins to spread, but it only spreads in his heart. There is no expression on his face. Neither of the officialdom, the shopping mall or the Huanchang is suitable for the expression of joy and anger. Therefore, Ding Changsheng's face and heart are constantly accumulating, which is thick enough and hard enough.

"What I am worried about now is that even if they take over the land under the name of Yuan's real estate is enough to pay all the debts and the construction costs of the real estate, they will not give the money to the owners and the banks, but will skillfully balance the accounts through bankruptcy procedures. The bank's loans will become bad debts, and the houses that the owners have spent money on will not be built At that time, not only did yuan's real estate have a bad reputation, but they might also make the Ye family stink. The Ye family had no place in Beiyuan. ". Ye said.

"It seems that you have all the possibilities in mind.". Ding Changsheng said.

"When I was locked up in the basement of chejiahe, I thought about these things every day when I had nothing to do. Of course, what I thought most was how to kill all the people on the list and not leave any of them.". Ye said.

Ding Changsheng looks at Ye Ruping's expression on her face, and is determined and cruel. He can't help but be shocked.

At this time, her mobile phone rang. She looked at it and quickly picked it up to answer. Ding Changsheng was closer, but she only heard some subtle sounds, but didn't hear what was said?

"OK, I see. Go on to the next one. Be careful. Be more secretive.". Then she hung up.

With these words, she put her mobile phone on the tea table, looked at Ding Changsheng, and said: "one has been solved, it's very simple. When chejiahe notices this, his death will come.".

Ding Changsheng was stunned, looked at her and asked, "what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. You should go, or you'll stay for the night?" Ye Ruping asked.

Ding Changsheng sighed and said: "you have said that the election matters are important. I'd better go to work on important things first. I'm not used to staying overnight. I'm not used to being recruited by women. If you really want to cooperate with me, you should learn how to be an obedient woman, not a woman used to ordering men.".

Ding Changsheng doesn't want to be used by others, but he has always been used by others, especially by women. Therefore, this sentence is a warning to Ye Ruping and also to himself, but he just can't change this problem.

Ding Changsheng got on the car and called Zhonghua directly. He was still in the office, so he went back to the office to report his work.

Hearing Ding Changsheng's report, Zhonghua was also shocked and inexplicable. He said, "the tree wants to be quiet, but the wind is not strong. Do you think so?"

"It is calm on the surface, but it is turbulent and undercurrent below. I don't think he Jiasheng is leading this matter. He may not know anything about it. Do we overestimate he Jiasheng's control over Beiyuan?" Ding Changsheng seemed to talk to himself, and he seemed to ask Zhonghua again.

"What time is it?" Zhonghua has his own watch and mobile phone, but asks Ding Changsheng what time it is.

Ding Changsheng took a look at him and realized that he was also very nervous. After all, a great war is coming. If we can't pass this barrier, we can't talk about the later things. Therefore, how to pass this level is the most important thing.

"If I can't pass this stage, it will be a big joke. I think their biggest hope is to make me pass this test very difficult. It's a threat to us and a shame to me. If they can completely manipulate the votes, I can pass the test with the advantage of several votes and dozens of votes. Although it is passed, it is extremely ugly, right?" Zhonghua asked.

"These people can do everything for their own interests, so we can't take it lightly. Therefore, I think we should talk to secretary he. We know about the matter, report it, and take no measures. That's his business. We try our best. If we don't report this, we will regret it in the future.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, well, I'll go to see he Jiasheng tonight. How about you? From the outside, find out how much area is involved in this matter and who is controlling it. Give me the result tomorrow morning.". Zhonghua said.

Ding Changsheng nodded and said, "OK, I'll do it right away.".

After Ding Changsheng left, Zhonghua slowly sat down and felt cold on his buttocks. Only then did he know that at that moment, the cold sweat on his back soaked his back and ran into the buttock groove.

"Zhonghua, why are you here, rare guest? Come in and come in.". He Jiasheng was very polite to Zhonghua, especially when he came to Beiyuan for the first time. Although his residence was only a few buildings away from Zhonghua's, Zhonghua had not come until now. He was still quite critical.

But no matter what, Zhonghua is still here. This is a kind of psychological satisfaction. If you have the backstage again, in Beiyuan, you still want to go to my door instead of me.

"Secretary he, I wanted to come over for a long time, but I was so busy with the daily affairs that I came back very late for fear of disturbing secretary he's rest, so I only came here now.".

"Ha ha, I'm joking. You might as well sit down and eat?" He Jiasheng asked."Eat, just finished eating, think of some things need to report to secretary he, then stroll over.". Zhonghua said.

"Zhonghua, it's hard for you to come here. Let's not talk about work. Let's talk about something else.". He Jiasheng said.

Zhonghua laughed and said, "secretary he, I have to talk about this work, otherwise it will be too late. If this matter is not so urgent, I will wait until I go to the office to report.".

He Jiasheng smelled the speech, looked a Lin, and asked, "what's the matter?"

"It's about the election. I got a few news. It was a series of people. The result of the series was to let these people vote against the election of the governor. I don't know how many of these people are. But it's a dangerous signal. I don't know who is manipulating this matter. I'm afraid that when something really happens, everyone will be in trouble.". Zhonghua said slowly.

He had already passed his initial shock, and his mood had already been adjusted, so it seemed as if it had nothing to do with him.

However, he Jiasheng was not like this. He and Zhonghua had the same expression when he first heard the news. In addition to being shocked, he was shocked. In Zhonghua's eyes, his heart sank. It seems that he Jiasheng didn't know about this, which would be troublesome.

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