Astonished, chejiahe seems to understand the reason why Ding Changsheng brought him here to meet Lin Yidao. But how to explain the matter? The contradiction between Lin Yidao and he Jiasheng was well known, but no one has verified it. But chejiahe knows it. So when Ding Changsheng said this, chejiahe knew that he had been used and was gradually pulled forward It's a sleeve.

"Zhonghua asked you to do this?" Chejiahe asked in disbelief.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "Zhonghua is my old leader, but he doesn't know a lot of things I have done, just like this one now. As long as the final result is beneficial to him, the subordinates don't have to report them one by one, and the boss doesn't need to know so much about it. Is secretary Che satisfied with my explanation? ”

Che Jiahe looked at Ding Changsheng and asked, "sometimes I'm really envious of Zhonghua's subordinates like you. On the contrary, those people under me are so fucked up.".

"No, they still have the ability, just like the soldiers on Monday. Those people under your command have the means and ability. The biggest problem is that they are not clean. Just like you, this is their biggest regret. It is easy to be taken as the most favorable handle to attack them. Just like the Monday soldier, a small deputy leader has also raised a woman Is it the most fatal thing to have a son and get mixed up with a group of underworld people who support women for him? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"I'm curious. How do you know that?" Chejiahe asked.

Ding Changsheng said with a smile, "these are facts. As long as you use a little snack, you can find out some of my problems. It's a pity that you can't implement them. I'm such a person. When you're in trouble with others, you should wipe your buttocks first. Otherwise, you'll come and go. What's the matter Do you want to play? "

Che Jiahe was speechless by Ding Changsheng's words, and finally said: "you give me some time, I want to think about this matter. Now I only want you to bring my daughter back, and the rest will be discussed later.".

Ding Changsheng nodded and got on the bus and drove. Wan Changle was still silent. He only reported that the Jiangdu Municipal Committee Office had called and asked for instructions. Wan Changle stopped talking.

"Come on, it's OK. Director Ding is not an outsider.". Chejiahe said, this is also an attitude.

"When the municipal Party committee office got the news, the president of Yuan's real estate went to Yuan Huansheng, the chairman of the board of directors. They discussed in the hospital to petition. How to deal with this matter?" Wan Changle asked.

Hearing this, Ding Changsheng thought that ye Luping was really careless. How could he talk to Yuan Huansheng about such an important matter in the hospital? Besides, Yuan Huansheng is too busy now, and talking to him about these things is useless. Isn't he trying to find trouble for himself?

"Petition? Where to petition? " Chejiahe asked with a frown.

"Beijing, it is said, is already preparing petition materials. What should I do about this matter? If she comes to Beijing, it will be troublesome.". Wan Changle asked.

Chejiahe's first reaction to hear the speech was to arrest people. However, he thought that the matter was not in his own charge. Therefore, there was no need to say anything more about this matter at this time, and Ding Changsheng was not happy. It was Ding Changsheng who wanted to offend Ding Ding Changsheng. It was Ding Changsheng who wanted to leave people from himself. If he was arrested again at this time, Ding Changsheng would certainly not like to.

"Director Ding, what do you think of this matter?" Chejiahe asked.

Ding Changsheng smile, mouth up, said: "this little thing, if I say, I don't know, a woman can turn up what waves, no significance, besides, you block her for a while, can you block her for a lifetime, and also, Secretary Che, this matter has anything to do with you?"

Chejiahe was stunned for a moment, looked at Wan Changle in front of him and said, "do as director Ding said. Don't report to me any news about Yuan's real estate in the future. I'm no longer responsible for the handling of Yuan's real estate.".

"Yes, boss, I see.". Wan Changle finished and looked at Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng laughed at him. Wan Changle was frightened.

Ding Changsheng sent them to Beiyuan Hotel, but he didn't go up. He said, "Secretary Che, I'll go first. If it's OK, I'll bring cheruier back as soon as possible. Don't worry. With me, no one can do anything to her.".

Chejiahe nodded his head with a livid face and entered the hotel without looking back. Wan Changle always followed. Ding Changsheng drove away from Beiyuan Hotel and immediately called Chen Liu.

"Hello, where are you?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Miyun reservoir, there is a resort. Here we are. We are outside. Let me give you a location. When will you come?" Chen asked.

"OK, send me a position. I'm going there now.". Ding Changsheng said.

Che Ruier wears a swimsuit and cuts waves in the hot spring swimming pool of the resort. Several bodyguards stand around the pool, two men and two women. It seems that they are all practitioners. They are black clothes, black leather boots, back hands and sunglasses. They are watching cheruier swimming in the pool."Little brother, come down and swim with me for a while. It's too boring to swim alone. Come down and have fun.". Che Ruier lies on the edge of the pool, reaches out to lift up some water, and then pours it on the bodyguard standing at the swimming pool.

She is now aware of the seriousness of the problem. These people serve her well, but they just can't talk to her. Not only that, but also their personal freedom is restricted. Therefore, she can't go out at all, and she can only toss about in this holiday villa.

The bodyguard looked at her and saw the gully squeezed by her swimsuit. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously in her throat, but even so, she was discovered by cheruier. She was very good at taking advantage of her own advantages. Now no one came to save her, so she had to save herself.

"Little sister, come down and swim for a while. You just watch me swim like this. I'm sorry. It's boring to go on like this. Come down and swim around. Is it OK?" Cheryl asked.

"We are here to protect your safety, not to play with you, you play by yourself.". The female bodyguard can also say a word, which has made cheruier happy.

"Hello, my father is a rich man. You call him. How much do you want? You must give it to you. If you hold me like this, you don't need money. What do you want? It won't make me sell myself?" Cheruier exclaimed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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