"I don't believe in your gentle country. Your so-called gentle town is a fatal trap for me.". Liang Keyi said.

People are coming and going here, and Ding Changsheng can't say anything too much to her. So they arrive at the fixed position one after another. It's really a very good position. It's close to the glass window. The warm sunshine in winter makes people feel comfortable. The whole Jiangdu City has a panoramic view.

"I've only been away for a few months, and I've just opened such an interesting restaurant here. It's really unexpected.". Ding Changsheng said.

"It's only been open for a few days. I visited here with Liang Bing last week and thought it was not bad. I came to eat a few meals before closing the door. When it closed down a few days later, there would be no chance. The food here is pretty good.". Liang Keyi said.

"This is not very good, just opened to close down, you are cursing people?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"It's not that I curse him. It's because the owner of this hotel is an Italian who doesn't understand the Chinese rules. Of course, they are mainly aimed at foreign guests. There must be a box for Chinese meals. You see, this is a high-class hotel, and there are no boxes. If these seats in the hall are full, they are not like the food market. You have been abroad You know, no matter how high-level restaurants in foreign countries do not have a box, but Chinese people are different. We like to talk loudly when we eat. We are tired of other people's annoyance, so we want to find a box and wrap ourselves up... " Liang Keyi stopped before he finished.

Ding Changsheng is stunned and looks at the past with her eyes

"Who is it?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"It seems that many people in Jiangdu are willing to come here to taste the rare. Chen Huanshan, the Secretary of Jiangdu municipal Party committee, also comes to eat here. It's really strange. Shouldn't people like them hide and eat?" Liang Keyi asked.

When Ding Changsheng heard the speech, he took a closer look at the man. It was indeed Chen Huanshan. Although he had not dealt with him very much, people still knew him, but he did not know who the woman he was with.

"Who is that woman, his wife?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Because Ding Changsheng is sitting with his back to Chen Huanshan, and coincidentally, Chen Huanshan is also sitting with his back to Ding Changsheng. Although it is not close to each other, it is not far away.

"No, I remember seeing his wife. She doesn't look like this, but she won't come here. Who is this woman?" Liang Keyi asked with a frown.

Ding Changsheng handed her the mobile phone and said, "check it out. You can take a picture of this woman for me. I'll see who it is.".

Liang Keyi took over the mobile phone, then secretly took a picture of the woman and handed the mobile phone to Ding Changsheng.

"Are we too gossipy? If Chen Huanshan can't find a woman, the Discipline Inspection Commission is in charge of it. We're here to guess what's wrong and delay our time.". Liang Keyi said.

"I have been paying close attention to Chen Huanshan. There is an Rushan on this man, Chen huanqiang in the business community, and his son is still on trial in North Central Province, and there is no result yet. Therefore, I am very interested in this man. By the way, is he honest in Central and southern province?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"It's OK. It's very low-key. There's no action. Even in Jiangdu, it's also cautious. What are you worried about?" Liang Keyi asked.

"I'm worried that he will interfere with Huzhou and Baishan in the future. Now Sinan's life is not easy, and there is no explanation in the province?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Not yet. The provincial government has withstood the pressure. If other people are investigated like this and have not been determined, at least it is time to adjust their posts. Besides, Sinan Xia is getting old. It's not that there is no provincial leader's suggestion that he should be transferred to the province. That would be more conducive to the investigation, but it was rejected by my father Yes, if something is found out, we will act in accordance with the law. If we can't find out anything, we can't ruin the future of a cadre by foolishness. ". Liang Keyi said.

"Is this proposal put forward by Chen Huanshan?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"How do you know?" Liang Keyi picked up the tea and sipped it.

"This is very normal. Sinan Xia was investigated. Xu Yijian and Chen huanqiang were at work behind him. It would be strange if Chen Huanshan didn't stir up the flames.". Ding Changsheng said.

Then Ding Changsheng sent the photo to Liu Zhendong and sent a sentence: "help me find out who this person is, and the details.".

A few minutes later, Ding Changsheng received a message on his wechat. When Ding opened it, his expression on his face suddenly enriched.

"What's the matter? What's so exciting? Is there a woman who sent you nude photos?" Liang Keyi asked jokingly.

Ding Changsheng said with a smile, "you said how your thoughts have become so complicated now. Look at what this is, but I didn't expect to meet acquaintances here. It's really a coincidence.".

Liang Keyi took over his mobile phone and saw that three screenshots were displayed on the mobile phone. At one glance, they were personal data for the public security internal system to find out.

But what makes people feel strange is that these three screenshots are all photos of a woman, but their identity information is different, even the date of birth, ID card number and address are different.

"What does that mean?" Liang Keyi asked."This woman's name is Weng Lanyi. Only one of these three identities is real, and the others are untrue. However, it's very hard for her to have three identities. She is the wife of Kebei, executive vice governor of central North Province, and the daughter of the old governor of North Central Province. How could she show up here and have dinner with Chen Huanshan? It's really strange.". Ding Changsheng said.

"What does this woman do?" Liang Keyi asked.

"In business, her husband is the vice governor, and she is in business, isn't she a good match?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Chen Huanshan is also an official. Is Weng Lanyi going to do business in central and southern China?" Liang Keyi asked.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "I don't know, but no matter what they are doing, I can't make them comfortable. I'll offer a glass of wine to make them uneasy about the meal.".

Maybe Chen Huanshan didn't notice Liang Keyi just now. As a member of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party committee, he lived in the courtyard of the provincial Party committee. It's impossible that Chen Huanshan didn't know Liang Keyi. Therefore, Ding Changsheng also wanted to use Liang Keyi's identity to do some articles. At the same time, he also wanted to frighten Weng Lanyi. This is a good thing to do. Ding Changsheng will not give up such an opportunity.

"You are so bad. You just said that Chen Hanqiu was on trial in central and northern provinces. There must be some transaction between them. It would be strange if there was no such deal. I think Weng Lanyi must come to ask for benefits. Otherwise, there is no reason to appear in Jiangdu. You can go back and inquire about it. Chen Hanqiu's case is about to be sentenced.". Liang Keyi said.

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