"Why do you need to fight with such people? I don't think it's a bad thing for you to be so high-profile. I heard that Secretary Chen was very anxious and went to Beiyuan several times in secret. You don't know it.". Wan Heping asked.

"Is it? Why didn't I hear that? " Ding Changsheng was stunned and asked.

"I also heard from others. It seems that I found your executive vice governor, Ke Bei, who you must know. I don't know what kind of deal to make. However, Kebei's wife has been to Jiangdu several times, and I have met once.". Wan Heping said.

"It's really strange. I've met it once. It seems that Ke Bei got involved in Chen Hanqiu's case. This is a good opportunity.". Ding Changsheng said.

"So, you don't need to go to Chen Huanshan again. These people will report more details than you talked with him. There is no need for you to do more.". Wan Heping said.

Ding Changsheng nodded and put down the idea of looking for Chen Huanshan. Wan Heping then said, "you should go back to Beiyuan as soon as possible. For you, there is no battlefield in Jiangdu. Your battlefield is in Beiyuan, which is the real place for confrontation. If Liang Wenxiang leaves, the situation in the Province will face reshuffle again. As for the situation after reshuffle, what will happen after reshuffle, It's not what you and I can guess.

Thank you. Ding Changsheng raised his glass to greet Wan Heping.

In the afternoon, Ding Changsheng left Jiangdu by plane and flew directly to Beiyuan.

Originally, Ding Changsheng left Jiangdu and went back to Beiyuan, but when he got out of the airport, he found that Che Ruier was waiting for her at the exit. He thought she was coming to pick up others. He pulled the collar and tried to muddle through. But after a few steps, he was taken by Che Ruier and said, "do you want to muddle through? Do you know how long I've been waiting for you here? "

"I'll go back by myself. Did you come to pick me up?"

"If I don't pick you up, you don't think about it. Who has the face in Beiyuan and asked me to wait here for hours?" Car Rui son complacent asks a way.

After getting on the bus, Ding Changsheng asked, "no one told me about my return. How did you know I got on this plane? Who told you that? "

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I'll be glad to receive you. Are you busy now? Come with me if you're busy? " Car Ruier asked, without the previous overbearing, more respect for Ding Changsheng, more discussion tone.

"I'm ok, but there's nothing special about me. What do you want from me?" Cheryl asked.

"Well, there's something I want to show you? I found a place. It's a great place. You must like it. Said Cheryl.

"What do you do?" Ding Changsheng asked with a frown.

"What you want to do is up to you.". Car Ruier said, saying this thing, but also unconsciously licked his lips, see Ding Changsheng heart tremble, do not know what this woman is doing?

But Ding Changsheng found that the place where Che Ruier brought him was not another place, but the headquarters of Juxin company. Ding Changsheng asked, "do you want to visit your company? Not to mention, I haven't really visited your company. Juxin company is famous in Beiyuan.

"Do you want to say that the officials and businessmen of my company collude?" Cheryl asked.

"I know you're still asking. Let's go. It's in there.". Said Cheryl.

Entering the building, Ding Changsheng didn't find anything special. At most, the people who met them respectfully called the general manager of the car. There was nothing else. They were all busy.

When he got into the elevator, Ding Changsheng thought it was going to go up, but he didn't expect that the car Ruier pressed down, or the third floor. Ding Changsheng raised his vigilance. After he came back, he didn't see anyone, and he was received here without contacting anyone. Moreover, Ding Changsheng took out his mobile phone and looked at it without any signal.

With the door of the elevator opened, here is a large space, but are reinforced concrete color, no decoration traces.

"It used to be a garage, but the company didn't have so many cars, so I sealed the entrance position on the second basement floor. Only this elevator and emergency staircase can get in and out of here. No one knows what to do here. Do you like it here?" Cheryl asked.

Ding Changsheng looked at her and asked, "I don't understand what you mean?"

"Really don't understand?" Che Ruier asked with a smile, still holding his arm.

Ding Changsheng shook his head. Che Ruier said in his ear: "you pretend you don't understand. In fact, you know very well that this place is isolated from the world. You can do whatever you like here and do everything you want to do to me in the small wooden house in the mountain. Besides, you can have a look here.".

With that, she took Ding Changsheng forward and turned a corner. Ding Changsheng saw that there was still a room here. The so-called room was actually a container transformation, but the decoration inside was ok, and there was no one in it.

Dozens of computer screens display the monitoring situation in the company. Che Ruier presses him on his chair and says, "this is my secret base. It's open to you today, and it will be yours in the future. Look at these employees in my company, whether male or female, you can check it. If you like any woman, I'll call for you, and you probably don't like it Men, right? ""You really know how to play, but I don't like such dark games. I have something else to do. Let's go and talk about it another day.". Ding Changsheng was about to get up, but she held it down.

"Well, what about these, do you like them?" Car Ruier said, walked to the wall of the container, Shua, opened the curtain.

Behind is a glass room. There are four people in the room, two men and two women. But what they are doing makes Ding Changsheng very surprised, because they are making violent intercourse regardless of others nearby.

"It's very exciting. It's not a movie. It's live. But you can rest assured that you can see them, but they can't see us. Do you think about it now?" Car Ruier finish saying, hand stretched to the middle of Ding Changsheng's legs.

"Who are they?" Ding Changsheng suddenly thought of Li Tiegang's words, their investigators disappeared, living or dead.

"Several of my employees, I lock them here, they are two men and two women, and then I give them medicine to see how they look when they wake up from the illusion. Don't worry, they are all voluntary, and the people who want to challenge this limit are still queuing up, because whether they succeed or not, they have a huge income, which is at least 10 years old Wage income, so they flock to it. Said Cheryl.

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