Ding Changsheng said that Lin Tao didn't dare to leave. It's obvious. When he came back from his engagement, he lost his position in the general office of the provincial government. Not only did he lose his position. According to director Ding, he may not even have a job. Working in the general office of the provincial government has always been his capital to show off to the outside world. If he is transferred from here, his own status will be reduced It's a thousand feet.

"Director, what do you mean?" For the first time, Lin Tao felt delicate when he spoke in front of Ding Changsheng.

It doesn't mean much. Go ahead and wait until you come back. Ding Changsheng said again and looked down at the document.

Lin Tao stood there motionless. After a long time, Ding Changsheng raised his head to see her and asked, "eh, you haven't left yet?"

Lin Tao looked unhappy and said, "director Ding, do you have any opinion about my engagement to Lang Jun?"

"Me? What can I say? "


"Well, since you've asked about this, I'd like to say that this is the case. I think so. Lang Junzhi works in the Beiyuan municipal government, right? But he knows everything about the general office of the provincial government. What does it mean to me, do you know? I am the director of the general office, which means shame to me. What does it mean? It means that I have a spy here. Up to now, this spy has not been found. If you are engaged to him, you will be a family. Lin Tao, with a word of conscience, you can guarantee that when your husband asks you something about the general office of the provincial government, you will never mention it. He will ask you or beg you Tell him? Can you do it? " Ding Changsheng asked.

When asking this, Ding Changsheng's eyes are staring at Lin Tao. He wants to make her answer himself in the shortest possible time in this form of forcing questions.

Lin Tao was flustered, so he delayed for a few seconds and said, "I won't say it, absolutely not.".

"You see, you still hesitated for a moment. What does it mean that you are weighing the pros and cons, and you will not say it to me at this time. But when you are in front of the husband, or if you say too much, when you and your husband are in love with my wife, it is hard to guarantee that you will not tell the secrets of the provincial government, especially the things you come into contact with as my secretary Xidian, if you can't keep it a secret, then I'll be stripped. Ding Changsheng said.

Although Ding Changsheng said something unpleasant, there was no doubt that he was right. At this time, even Lin Tao himself began to waver, because Ding Changsheng's words convinced her.

"What about that?" Lin Tao asked.

Ding Changsheng said with a smile, "you go back first. Don't worry about this matter. I'll figure out a good way. When you come back from your engagement, I'll tell you what to do. If you're willing to work here, you can continue to work here. If you don't want to work here, you can choose any unit in the province. I'll coordinate with you and make sure you'll be happy if you transfer“ Love is the most important thing.

Ding Changsheng talks about this, Lin Tao can no longer say anything else, can only go back first.

After Lin Tao left, Ding Changsheng lay on the bench thinking about things and what to do with the following things. Zhong Hua came back. Although the Spring Festival is around the corner, this Spring Festival is also a battlefield, especially for the people in Beiyuan city. Since ancient times, the Spring Festival has been a good way for relatives, relatives and friends to move around. A spring festival can complete countless transactions After that, all things recovered, and the transactions reached during the spring festival began to be formally implemented. Therefore, during this period before the Spring Festival, everyone was not in the mood to work. They were all in the communication of giving gifts.

After a while, Ding Changsheng fell asleep, but just as he was sleeping soundly, his mobile phone vibrated violently on the table. Ding Changsheng reached out to see that it was Chen Liu calling.

"What's the matter?"

"Mr. Ding, something happened, and ye was always gone. When I got the news, the people from the central and Northern provincial petition office had already taken her out of the capital. It seemed that she was back in the central and northern provinces. She didn't take a plane or a train. She was picked up by car.". Chen Liu said that ye was always ye Ruping.

"Didn't I ask you to send someone to look at her

"She thought it might be OK, so she went out shopping and said that she wanted to buy something for her family. My people followed me. But now it is before the Spring Festival, there are people everywhere, and four people have not watched. Later, my people saw that she was pulled into the car by several people, and only wrote down the license plate number. I just checked through the relationship, this car is out of the boundary of the capital city and is going to the north central province Advance ". Chen said.

Ding Changsheng looked up at the ceiling and said, "tell me the license plate number, and I'll send someone to pick it up.".

Chen Liu was also very worried. After all, Ding Changsheng left the matter to himself, but he failed. Although Ding Changsheng didn't say anything, Chen Liu was very angry in his heart. He hung up the phone and ordered his men to stop the car before it entered the central and northern provinces to get the people back.

But it's not easy to talk about it. All of them drive cars. And it took several hours for the petition Office of the central and northern provinces to get out of the traffic jam. Besides, it's not sure whether they will change trains in the middle of the way. But what Ding Changsheng can't understand is who, at this critical point, still dares to commit crimes against the wind. The Zong Discipline Inspection Commission has investigated the case Who dares to do that?Du shankui can't use it any more. This is a matter on the surface. He can only ask for someone by himself, but who can he ask for? Petition bureau? Do they have the courage to arrest people in the street? Even if they have the courage, it is still unknown who is in charge.

Ding Changsheng drove to the courtyard of the provincial Party committee and sat in the car for a long time. Then he got out of the car and went to the office of the Secretary General Tong Jiagang. He didn't know whether Tong Jiagang knew about it or he was in charge of it, because the case of Yuan's real estate is now in his hands. It can be said that ye Ruping was arrested again. It is likely that he was directing.

What Ding Changsheng didn't expect was that in his office, he met wenanjia. The little star, seeing Ding Changsheng's arrival, wenanjia was stunned at first, then laughed and said to Tong Jiagang: "secretary general, I'm leaving first. I need to contact you by phone.".

Tong Jiagang had been chatting with her happily, but he didn't expect that the Secretary Tang Shangming didn't stop Ding Changsheng. Tong Jiagang glared at his secretary fiercely, and looked at Ding Changsheng calmly. He asked, "director Ding, this is something, in a hurry?"

"Yes, something has happened. If I don't come, the Secretary General will have to carry the pot again.". Ding Changsheng said.

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