"My question?" Gentle good put down the glass, puzzled asked.

"Yes, after the accident of General Manager Ye, her company is facing a series of difficulties, and the drama you shoot will also fall into dystocia. Therefore, it is very difficult for the company to fulfill its promise to you.". Ding Changsheng said.

Gentle good also aware of this problem, so asked: "what happened to Ye Zong?"

Instead of answering this question, Ding Changsheng asked, "do you know about Yuan's real estate in Beiyuan?"? I also know that Mr. Ye's film and television company is a company under yuan's real estate, right? "

She nodded her head gently and said, "I know, General Manager Ye told me at that time.".

"That's easy. Now some people want to destroy yuan's real estate. So once yuan's real estate is hung up, your TV and movie dreams will be put on hold for the time being. You can't continue to sail until you find a new owner. Am I right?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Gentle good looking at Ding Changsheng, Leng for a long time to understand, Ding Changsheng to find himself is not just to tell himself this news is so simple, if so simple, he can not tell himself these things, waiting for himself to know these things from other channels, isn't it better?

"Director Ding, do you have something to say to me?" Asked gentleness.

Ding Changsheng nodded and said, "yes, now maybe only you can help Mr. Ye and Yuan's real estate tide over the difficulties. Of course, your return will be astronomical, and Yuan's real estate agrees to pay half of it first. What do you think?"

Gentle Jia looks at Ding Changsheng in surprise, then smiles bitterly and asks, "director Ding, I don't know what I'm going to do. How can I help them tide over their difficulties? I'm just a little actor. OK, I don't have that big ability.".

"You have, because the person handling yuan's real estate is Tong Jiagang, the secretary general you visited today.".

With her eyes wide open and her mouth open, she can see that she really doesn't know something about it. Otherwise, she won't be so shocked. She may also think of the causes and consequences of this incident and the process of her acquaintance with Tong Jiagang. All these are acting and playing games.

"No, this, what's the matter with you, how am I, how confused?" She stammered.

Ding Changsheng took a sip of beer and said, "in fact, it's very simple. It depends on what you think. This is the sincerity of Yuan's real estate. You can have a look first. If you think you can help, this is half. After the success, there will be the other half. Besides, you can choose five houses, villas or ordinary houses It's OK, or shops. ".

With that, Ding Changsheng took out his wallet from his arms, took out a check from his wallet, put it on the table, and pushed it to gentleness.

Gentle good looked down, did not look carefully, but saw the first is a two, behind several zeros, as for a few, she did not mean to stare at.

"I see. Do you want me to offer a pillow to Tong Jiagang?" Gentle good face some not good-looking, but still endure, still very polite.

"I don't know how many plays you take in order to make this money. Oh, by the way, Mr. Ye said that these are extra compensation in addition to filming. What should be filmed still needs to be filmed. Her determination to boost your popularity has not changed, but now the company has encountered this obstacle and has to put these things in order first.". Ding Changsheng said.

"I put the check here. Let's go first. If you think you can't make it, you can call me. If you think you can't do it, we'll find someone else, Miss Wen. It's a rare opportunity. What's more, no one knows what you've done, including your family. In the end, you can live in China or settle down abroad.". Ding Changsheng said.

With that, Ding Changsheng got up and went down the stairs, until the sound of the door closing downstairs sounded, she was awakened.

Holding out Qianqian jade finger, he picked up the check on the table and looked at it. Only then did he see that the check was 20 million yuan. They were really willing to pay.

What Ding Changsheng didn't know was that he went to see tongjiagang, not himself, but called her to let her go.

Wenanjia took the check and went home. She locked herself in the room and looked at the check on the table. She was very clear about the weight of the check. If she agreed, it meant that she would become the plaything of the old man. However, she could get 20 million yuan and countless fame and fortune. She thought that she could have fun with her beauty and acting skills I didn't expect that it would be the same in the end. If you choose to refuse, of course, you can. Then you can continue to work in various production groups as a minor supporting role in the 18th line. I have to endure all kinds of freebies from directors and producers.

Ding Changsheng has reached the top when he can make this step. If gentle and good refuses, he can only make other plans. There are still several candidates to be selected in Wancai film and television companies, which may be easier. However, it takes a lot of thought to get into tongjiagang's eyes. This is also a problem. After all, time is running out.

"Secretary, what can I do for you?" When Tong Jiagang entered the office, he asked carefully.On the way to here, Zhen Cunjian has told him that he Jiasheng is very angry. The reason for his anger is that ye Ruping has been robbed halfway.

"Sit down, do you know all about it?" He Jiasheng asked.

"Well, Xiaozhen just told me, who did it? What do they want to do with such courage?" Tongjiagang said indignantly.

When the leader is angry, you should be more angry than the leader. When the leader is sad, you should be more sad than the leader. This is the basic quality of a secretary. What's more, Tong Jiagang is also the Secretary General. He knows these things well.

"I also wonder who did this. Yuan's real estate was handled too slowly, and the chejiahe was useless. I gave him such a long time that he knew how to play with women. Up to now, I still haven't got a clear idea. It could have been realized by introducing foreign funds, but it was made this situation by his son of a bitch girl. It's really damned.". He Jia Sheng hate's gnashing teeth.

Tong Jiagang didn't dare to say anything because he knew that he had met him today. It's not a good thing to get angry with he Jiasheng. At this time, the best way to deal with it is to keep silent and let him vent his anger. When he has finished venting, he can find a quarrel. This is his ability to be a subordinate. Of course, Tong Jiagang is one of the people who knows he Jiasheng's temperament best.

"The chejiahe River can't be used any more. Jiagang, we don't have much time left. You have to bear the burden, and you can't make any more baskets.". He Jiasheng said.

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