"I don't think they have the guts." Ding Changsheng asked.

Li Tiegang is also worried about the safety of the inspection group. The inspection group is the inspection group of Zong Discipline Inspection Commission. It is not like the four investigators who disappeared in Juxin company. It is dark, but the inspection group is on the surface.

Zhonghua shook his head and said, "it's not true. You'd better be careful, think of the worst, prepare for the worst, and strive for the best.".

Ding Changsheng leaves Zhonghua's office and returns to his office. Lin Tao brings a cup of coffee and a cup of tea.

"Isn't it a waste?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"I don't know what the leaders want to drink, so I have prepared a cup. I can't help it. Who let me spread such a difficult leader?". Lin Tao finished, blushing and leaving his office.

Since she and Ding Changsheng had such a bit of ambiguity, she became more and more daring. Even the tone of talking with Ding Changsheng changed. Of course, this is in the case of no outsider. If there is an outsider, she is as honest as her secretary and acts like a secretary.

Ding Changsheng opened wechat and found that there was no information about her, so he asked, "what's your sincerity today?"?

Then they began to think about how to see the inspection group. Since Li Tiegang said this, the members of the inspection group must meet with themselves, so it's better to think about how to deal with it. They don't know what they are going to ask. But obviously, they see that they really want to ask something and ask other people, which is basically useless. Beiyuan City dares to tell the truth about the current situation There are not many people who speak.

In Ding Changsheng's stupefied Kung Fu, Ding Changsheng's mobile phone vibrated for a moment. When he opened the wechat, it was actually the wechat sent by Lin Tao. He kept his promise. Although he didn't show his face, there were more and more things revealed, and he was more and more bold.

Ding Changsheng wants to know what she thinks when she takes these photos. There are three in all. But when he sees the last one, he doesn't care at first, but the more he looks at it, the more wrong it is. Because this photo is from the perspective of overlooking, Ding Changsheng also doesn't find any shadow of the self timer pole. Is it that P is lost?

But Ding Changsheng looked back carefully. It was not dropped by P. it was clear that someone was shooting with her mobile phone. Who would it be? And this photo is quite charming, obviously not very special relationship, Lin Tao will not let people take such photos.

The photographer's technique is very good, the shooting is very good. Ding Changsheng replied.

"Want to know who took it?" Lin Tao asked.

People are like this. Sometimes her face is very thick, sometimes it is very thin. Just like now, her face is across a wall. There is Lin Tao on the other side and Ding Changsheng on this side.

Ding Changsheng didn't reply. He threw his mobile phone to one side and didn't need to reply. He knew who the photographer was. Of course, it was Lang Junzhi. They should have lived together. But what was Lang Junzhi's intention to take such a picture? He thought it was taken by Lin Tao. Unexpectedly, she had already found a photographer.

Ding Changsheng didn't reply until he went out, which made Lin Tao a little flustered. This is not Ding Changsheng's character. Is it because of this photo that he is angry? Yes, it was filmed by Lang Junzhi and forwarded to himself from his mobile phone. He was engaged to him, so he lived together. All of them were young people. Of course, this kind of thing can't be stopped. It's burning. Who can resist it?

In he Jiasheng's office, there are chejiahe, Kebei and tongjiagang. These people are the core of he Jiasheng, and they are also the participants who have done a lot of things with him. Therefore, when things come to an end, we must discuss a countermeasure, otherwise, we will finish together.

"Secretary, I don't think it's a big problem. I got information that central and southern provinces and several other provinces have sent inspection teams. It's estimated that this is a form of accepting the masses' letters and visits, but I think the form is greater than the content.". Kebei first spoke.

"Do you think it's just for fun, just a formality?" He Jiasheng asked.

Chejiahe looked at he Jiasheng, hesitated for a moment, and said: "secretary, don't be careless. Most of the time, carelessness will kill people. No matter what form they want to take, we should be careful to accompany them to the end, and do things without leakage. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome. Once this kind of thing is torn open, it is a breach of the levee for thousands of miles, and it can't be blocked, and the cover of Shanxi Province will be blocked Being uncovered is because a thief stole things from the leader's house. After being caught, he confessed so many things. Therefore, once the lid is uncovered, no one can cover it. I don't think we should be careless. ".

"I agree with Secretary Che that the rain is coming.". Tong Jiagang sighed.

"What? Talk about it. He Jiasheng lit a cigarette and said.

"Good food, good drink and serve. For the people they meet, they need to keep up with them. Those who can solve the problems will be solved immediately, and the problems that can't be solved must also be solved. Of course, we must do a good job in the work of petitioners. If we get the benefits, we should not show them around. If we hold down this end, the rest will be simple. In addition, we should block the retired old people But how to block it is a problem. He said.Just as Ding Changsheng said, although Beiyuan was managed by he Jiasheng and his family, it is not a place without breakthrough. First of all, even if these people in the province try hard, they will share the spoils unevenly. Some people will be dissatisfied and some will complain. These people are not ordinary people. They are cadres. What happened in their time is different from what they are now Well, at that time, their wages were hundreds of yuan. Although their pension was very high, they were very jealous when they looked at those officials in the province. Their relatives were even laid off. So they kept putting forward opinions and writing letters, which were sent to the Zong Discipline Inspection Commission. This is one of the reasons why the inspection group came down, and the important object to be investigated during the inspection It is these veteran cadres who dare to speak, want to speak and can speak.

"Secretary general, I think you'd better go to see them and see which ones are more active and what problems need to be solved. First, help them solve all the problems. After the inspection team leaves, these old things will not be respected by the old, and then they will be cleaned up slowly.". He Jiasheng said with some exasperation.

Of course, he knows the energy of these veteran cadres. Compared with ordinary people, these veteran cadres are big killers and time bombs, because they are also members of the system. They know more about what family he is winning over them. Facts have proved that after the inspection team talks with the veteran cadres, there are always big fish in the net.

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